Sin'dorei300: Commented.
18:30, 23rd Sep 2014
Sin'dorei300: First of all it's a good idea, coz there aren't too many icons of flags here.
The colorful background is a nice touch.
I appreciate that u're trying to improve this icon. But, as i said, the flag should stand out more, to be detached more from the background.
In its present state, it can't be seen quite clearly in the small icon.
Also, the blood and the flag's emblem are almost the same color and is confusing.
The blood isn't really necessary, you can add, for example, some folds, to look more natural.
The white light (coming from the upper right corner) doesn't help too much the flag to stand out, coz the flag is also white. I suggest u to choose a color that might help the flag to stand out.
Make the details more visible, they almost get lost in the small icon.
16:41, 16th Oct 2014
Sin'dorei300: Well, i see u toned up the colors a bit, but the flag still doesn't stands out enough.
20:14, 2nd Sep 2015
Sin'dorei300: My comment still applies, but i approve this coz it can be useful for someone.