• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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Just a spell icon, I originally meant it to be some kind of "Blessing" ability, but you do watcha want with it. Please give me credit.

Update: Here it is. Redid the icon completely, because I decided hands were too cliche.

Update: Fixed what was requested by moderation.

Bracer, Power, Blessing, Fortitude, Strength, Holy

BTNFortitude (Icon)

08:57, 23rd Aug 2009 zombie2279: Needs more contrast on the outlines, the hand's coloring needs another tone, since it blends in with the background too much at the moment. Some further shading on it is also necessary and try some highlights on the...




08:57, 23rd Aug 2009
zombie2279: Needs more contrast on the outlines, the hand's coloring needs another tone, since it blends in with the background too much at the moment. Some further shading on it is also necessary and try some highlights on the golden handcuff thing.

8:40, 28th Aug 2009
zombie2279: Changes made, resource approved.
Level 35
Dec 10, 2007
Interesting conceptual change, but the quality still needs altering. I still recommend the addition of a few better outlines, so the highlights won't make it blend into the background that much. Afterwards, try to redo the shading, it makes the whole thing look a bit too cartoonish. Try using light yellow as highlights and use white only at a very small part, it makes the thing loose its purpose. About the shading, put some more emphasis on it (or preferably remove some from the highlights), the highlight is stronger than the shading at the moment, which is not good. Also, try adding some details, it looks a bit simple.