[Arena] Bromancer Alpha (with playable demo)

Level 4
Apr 28, 2009
I was inspiried by the current very popular map "Tower Survivor" and tried to make my own map but instead of beeing a tower you are a hero with auto weapons and try to survive in a small arena for 20 waves.

-13 different weapons each with 3 addtional auto upgrade (just buy the same weapon second time)
for weapons I did use dummys instead of phoenix fire (like battle tanks did) to add effects like cold to weapons

Only weapons take up inventory slots

playable demo map attached to post

Hoping for critics and oppinion

EDIT 14.05.2024 - fixed item shop, fixed evasion, hp and armour bought in shop and increased hp of creeps


  • Bromancer v.8 Alpha.w3x
    1.9 MB · Views: 22
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