first of all you must be more specific becouse i will give you trigger but i am not sure is that for what u looking for so here you go
- Untitled Trigger 001
- Events
- Unit - A unit Dies
- Conditions
- (Owner of (Dying unit)) Equal to Neutral Hostile
- (Unit-type of (Dying unit)) Equal to Your Boss
- Actions
- Wait 180.00 seconds
- Unit - Create 1 Your Boss for Neutral Hostile at (Center of (Your region)) facing Default building facing degrees
Make an Integer variable with an array for each player's hero. Make a trigger that sets the variable to 1 when it's revived, and make a trigger that sets it to 0 when it's dead.
So if LivingHero[3] = 1, then that means that hero of player 3 is alive.
Then make a trigger with Event 'A unit dies', and Conditions 'LivingHero[1] is equal to 0', 'Livinghero[2] is equal to 0', etc. for all LivingHero arrays. Then you make the Replace <CURRENT BOSS> with <SAME BOSS>, using max life and mana.
Good luck
Uhh, I wouldn't use integer variables for checking if the heros are alive, I would use the same set up but with Boolean.
You have to use the point variable "BossPos" so that it doesn't leak a location.
- BossReset
- Events
- Unit - A unit Dies
- Conditions
- (Unit-type of (Triggering unit)) Equal to Boss
- (All units of HerosGroup are dead) Equal to True
- Actions
- Set BossPos = (Position of (Triggering unit))
- Unit - Create 1 Boss for (Owner of (Triggering unit)) at BossPos facing Default building facing (270.0) degrees
You need to set the variable "HerosGroup" before this trigger can be activated, so you should probably do it at map initialization.
The condition "(All units of HerosGroup are dead) Equal to True" can be found in [Boolean Comparison > Unit Group > (All units of [Group] are dead) Equal to True)].
tell exaclty what trigger u need and i will do it for you becouse i am tired no one can help me with my trigger based on slide and i will try to search some one at warcraft who is good at map making
None of them need to be array, and HerosGroup is a unit group variable.
By the way are you using World Editor or World Editor Unlimited? Because I'm not sure that condition I gave you is in World Editor.
you must make alot of cheking triggers or try this my idea. Make trigger that detect when your boss is attacked and every time your boss take damage to reset a timer but if the timer run out to activate trigger that set life of the boss to 100%, i think i can do it but i am lazy and i think it's simple so try to do it by yourself
heres the boss reset trigger it works
Unit - Anoxius The Corrupter[Elite] 0028 <gen> Is attacked
(All units of Herosgroup are in Region 012 <gen>) Equal to True
Countdown Timer - Start Boss_Reset as a One-shot timer that will expire in 60.00 seconds
Wait until ((All units of Herosgroup are dead) Equal to True), checking every 1.00 seconds
Unit - Set life of Anoxius The Corrupter[Elite] 0028 <gen> to 100.00%
You need to set the variable "HerosGroup" before this trigger can be activated, so you should probably do it at map initialization.
- BossReset
- Events
- Unit - A unit Dies
- Conditions
- (Unit-type of (Triggering unit)) Equal to Boss
- (All units of HerosGroup are dead) Equal to True
- Actions
- Unit - Set (Triggering unit) life to max life of (triggering unit)
The condition "(All units of HerosGroup are dead) Equal to True" can be found in [Boolean Comparison > Unit Group > (All units of [Group] are dead) Equal to True)].