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Blood Elven Arcane Huntress, High Elven Mage Huntress, Dark Elven Blademistress


This pack contains three similar models of Elven warrior-women wielding two daggers (or swords). Originally made around 2009 for a contest on Warcraft 3 Campaigns (wc3c.net), I've since created two alternative versions and tweaked the models here and there. Hopefully they will prove useful to you!

UPDATE (30/03/24): Thanks to a message from the helpful user @Lahey, I found and resolved a nasty issue with the High Elf and Dark Elf version's portraits. Along the way, I also resolved the vast majority of the Sanity Test issues (the few remaining are left by choice), improved the animations somewhat (Spell and Death in particular), improved the selectability of the models, altered the scale of the model, fixed some holes in the mesh during some of the animations, improved some of the wrap and made many other small changes - along with adding unit versions (no hero glow and a proper corpse) for all three models!
There is also a bonus model ("Looter") - the standard High Elf Mage Huntress unit version, but with yellowish-green orbs on her daggers instead of the blue-and-team-colour ones. You can see an example in the above banner screenshot, she is the one with green team colour.
This model is made for @Bawbz's Spellbringers project, and could be used as a more nature-oriented Wood Elf or similar unit.

High Elven Mage Huntress:

Made for Hero Contest #3 over on WC3C.

Model based on Sylvanas Windrunner, and heavily modified.

Credits for the idea and name goes to Linaze.

Special and big thanks to Dionesiist.

Please give me and Linaze credits for my work (and for Linaze's ideas) if you use it in your map. You may edit this model for any of your own personal purposes.

Blood Elven Arcane Huntress:

I decided to make a blood-elf version of my mage huntress... Well, here it is.

"After the Sunwell was corrupted by the Scourge, the mage huntresses of Quel'thalas started to feel the thirst for magic. Their "talent" was most useful now - the mage huntresses, after slaying the magi they hunt, could tap the magic from the dead bodies to use for themselves. Thirsting for mana, the mage huntresses are now more dangerous than ever..."

Special thanks to my Frankster, who's blood-elf models were a huge inspiration for me.

Mr.Goblin made an incredible icon for this model. Feel free to use it in conjunction with it:

Dark Elven Blademistress:

Originally made for someone's request, this version is supposed to represent a type of Drow or Dark Elf, but it could just as easily work as an undead Elf, similar to Sylvanas and other Dark Rangers. She wields two swords rather than daggers, unlike the other two versions.

Assassin, Killer, Stalker, Rogue, Mage Hunter, Arcane, Anti Mage, Anti-Mage, Anti Magic, Daggers, Orbs, Spell Breaker, Mana, Energy, Elf, Drow, Dark, Evil, Forsaken, Undead, Ranger, Sylvanas, Valeera, Hero, Long Ears, Female.

Blood Elf Arcane Huntress (Hero) (Model)

Blood Elf Arcane Huntress (Unit) (Model)

Blood Elf Arcane Huntress Icons (Icon)

Blood Elf Arcane Huntress Portrait (Hero) (Model)

Blood Elf Arcane Huntress Portrait (Unit) (Model)

Dark Elf Blademistress (Hero) (Model)

Dark Elf Blademistress (Unit) (Model)

Dark Elf Blademistress Alt. Icons (Icon)

Dark Elf Blademistress Icons (Icon)

Dark Elf Blademistress Portrait (Hero) (Model)

Dark Elf Blademistress Portrait (Unit) (Model)

Elf Looter (Mage Huntress /w Green Orbs) (Unit) (Model)

Elf Looter Portrait (Unit) (Model)

High Elf Mage Huntress (Hero) (Model)

High Elf Mage Huntress (Unit) (Model)

High Elf Mage Huntress Icons (Icon)

High Elf Mage Huntress Portrait (Hero) (Model)

High Elf Mage Huntress Portrait (Unit) (Model)

16:51, 2nd Sep 2009 Pyritie: Looks good and works ingame. The normals aren't perfect but they aren't very noticeable either.




16:51, 2nd Sep 2009
Pyritie: Looks good and works ingame. The normals aren't perfect but they aren't very noticeable either.
Level 1
Dec 10, 2009
Somehow, I cant find the portrait file anywhere.
Am I missing or screwing up something ?
EDIT: found it!

Anyway, wonderfull model ! The only thing I dont like is the icon - ah well, I hope you dont mind if I ask a friend to photoshop something up ? Oh and agreed about the odd hair.

5/5 :)
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Level 1
Sep 30, 2010
Yop,perfect hero,and i have a small question to you. Can you/someone make this model but a male ? Please ;)
Level 1
Sep 30, 2010
Know,and i have that model already,but i like this,soo can you made one ? I have already much female..too much ;p
Level 13
Jun 23, 2009
Woot, it has a fancy new icon now :O *makes a mental note for later*

Been using it for years now and I'm still loving how it looks, easily 5/5

Aaanyway, the weapon attachment is kinda off, like, if you use an orb it floats in front of the weapon instead of circling around it. Could you please fix that? :)

(That should also be a problem with the High Elf version, but... who even uses High Elves, amirite? xD)
(Funny that I noticed that, like, after 8 whole years)
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Level 49
Apr 18, 2008
Woot, it has a fancy new icon now :O *makes a mental note for later*

Been using it for years now and I'm still loving how it looks, easily 5/5

Aaanyway, the weapon attachment is kinda off, like, if you use an orb it floats in front of the weapon instead of circling around it. Could you please fix that? :)

(That should also be a problem with the High Elf version, but... who even uses High Elves, amirite? xD)
(Funny that I noticed that, like, after 8 whole years)

Well... I haven't touched my model editing software in... Probably 3-5 years. But since it's you Peppers, I decided to give it a shot, and fix a few other issues, too. :wink:

-Turned this into a pack with the High Elf version, as well as a Dark Elf \ Undead version I had laying around.
-Fixed the Weapon attachment point (works similarly to the in-game Demon Hunter's now, it's not perfect but it's much better than it was).
-Fixed the death and dissipate animations (she now falls down to the ground properly, rather than float a few inches above it).
-Fixed the model's extents. The selection radius for this model used to be gigantic, it's now much more appropriately sized.
-Scaled her up a bit, 40% or so. She used to be absolutely tiny, now she's about as large as a Demon Hunter.
-Fixed a shading issue affecting the weapons (the side of the blades facing outside was dark, and the side facing the ground was brightly lit).
-Scaled the hero glow down a bit, it was oversized.

Deleted member 238589


Deleted member 238589

The knife is clipping through the body during the spell animation.
Level 49
Apr 18, 2008
Ok, the main question: Deolrin is back? 🤔

I've been hoping to make new stuff for a while now! One of my plans involves...

Damn, this is what I call a complete work 5/5 👏. Any Wood Elf variant?.

...An actual version of this. :) It'll be a drastically different model from the old ones in this post though.

We'll see if I actually manage to come back and make new stuff though!