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[General] Blizzard Original Frames Not Hiding.

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Level 7
Nov 6, 2019
Hey Cant seem to get Bliz Original Flames To Hide, Any Help? so this one part of UI and the info when u click on a unit wont hide i have, All of these set up., on my original ui test back int he day i never figured out, that has no issue, And i copied the hide triggers from that and still not working.

Not Trying to move the frames or anything, just hide them as using complete custom ui

call BlzHideOriginFrames(true)
call BlzFrameSetSize(BlzGetFrameByName("ConsoleUIBackdrop",0), 0, 0.0001)
call BlzFrameSetVisible(BlzGetOriginFrame(ORIGIN_FRAME_HERO_BAR,0), false)
call BlzFrameSetVisible(BlzGetOriginFrame(ORIGIN_FRAME_MINIMAP,0), false)
call BlzFrameSetVisible(BlzGetFrameByName("ResourceBarFrame",0), false)
call BlzFrameSetVisible(BlzGetFrameByName("UpperButtonBarFrame",0), false)
call BlzFrameSetVisible(BlzGetOriginFrame(ORIGIN_FRAME_PORTRAIT, 0), false)
call BlzFrameSetVisible(BlzGetOriginFrame(ORIGIN_FRAME_CHAT_MSG, 0), false)
call BlzFrameSetVisible(BlzGetFrameByName("SimpleInfoPanelIconHeroText", 6), false)
call BlzFrameSetSize(BlzGetFrameByName("InfoPanelIconHeroIcon", 6), 0.00001, 0.00001)


So anyone know how to get rid of the random ui frame when hero isnt selected, and the info panel and skill panel when hero is selected? and the inventory text
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Level 20
Mar 16, 2008
idk anything about UI editing but maybe try using negative values to move them off the screen? total guess. wish i could help you.

edit: this post says to use this one:
call UIUtils.FullScreenMode(true, false)
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Level 7
Nov 6, 2019
ok i think i sorted it, made the other ones small and offscreen, aint sure if that was the best way to do it though.

// Unused Command Buttons

 call BlzFrameSetAbsPoint(BlzGetFrameByName("CommandButton_0", 0), FRAMEPOINT_TOPLEFT, -1, -1)
 call BlzFrameSetAbsPoint(BlzGetFrameByName("CommandButton_0", 0), FRAMEPOINT_BOTTOMRIGHT, -1, -1)
 call BlzFrameSetSize(BlzGetFrameByName("CommandButton_0", 0), 0.001, 0.001)

 call BlzFrameSetAbsPoint(BlzGetFrameByName("CommandButton_1", 0), FRAMEPOINT_TOPLEFT, 0.251350, 0.0557222)
 call BlzFrameSetAbsPoint(BlzGetFrameByName("CommandButton_1", 0), FRAMEPOINT_BOTTOMRIGHT, -1, -1)
 call BlzFrameSetSize(BlzGetFrameByName("CommandButton_1", 0), 0.001, 0.001)
 call BlzFrameSetAbsPoint(BlzGetFrameByName("CommandButton_2", 0), FRAMEPOINT_TOPLEFT, -1, -1)
 call BlzFrameSetAbsPoint(BlzGetFrameByName("CommandButton_2", 0), FRAMEPOINT_BOTTOMRIGHT, -1, -1)
 call BlzFrameSetSize(BlzGetFrameByName("CommandButton_2", 0), 0.001, 0.001)
 call BlzFrameSetAbsPoint(BlzGetFrameByName("CommandButton_3", 0), FRAMEPOINT_TOPLEFT, -1, -1)
 call BlzFrameSetAbsPoint(BlzGetFrameByName("CommandButton_3", 0), FRAMEPOINT_BOTTOMRIGHT, -1, -1)
 call BlzFrameSetSize(BlzGetFrameByName("CommandButton_3", 0), 0.001, 0.001)
 call BlzFrameSetAbsPoint(BlzGetFrameByName("CommandButton_4", 0), FRAMEPOINT_TOPLEFT, -1, -1)
 call BlzFrameSetAbsPoint(BlzGetFrameByName("CommandButton_4", 0), FRAMEPOINT_BOTTOMRIGHT, -1, -1)
 call BlzFrameSetSize(BlzGetFrameByName("CommandButton_4", 0), 0.001, 0.001)
 call BlzFrameSetAbsPoint(BlzGetFrameByName("CommandButton_5", 0), FRAMEPOINT_TOPLEFT, -1, -1)
 call BlzFrameSetAbsPoint(BlzGetFrameByName("CommandButton_5", 0), FRAMEPOINT_BOTTOMRIGHT, -1, -1)
 call BlzFrameSetSize(BlzGetFrameByName("CommandButton_5", 0), 0.001, 0.001)

 call BlzFrameSetAbsPoint(BlzGetFrameByName("CommandButton_6", 0), FRAMEPOINT_TOPLEFT, -1, -1)
 call BlzFrameSetAbsPoint(BlzGetFrameByName("CommandButton_6", 0), FRAMEPOINT_BOTTOMRIGHT, -1, -1)
 call BlzFrameSetSize(BlzGetFrameByName("CommandButton_6", 0), 0.001, 0.001)

Now to figure out the inventory ui and the healh and mana things to change as ur hero takes damage or heals (StatusBar) i think

Also When i use UIUtils v1.05 it doesnt save or work, says fullscreen is not apart of UIUtils

however when i use v1.0 it doesnt have that issue, is odd as you would expect later versions to be same as older but more features or something

now anyone know how to set up inventory slots, int he 6 spots to the right
and of cos how to set up Health, Mana and EXP Bars with Sliders with FDF

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Level 7
Nov 6, 2019
You can access the original item buttons via BlzGetOriginFrame(ORIGIN_FRAME_ITEM_BUTTON, slotnumber), in which slotnumber can be 0 to 5.

Then you can move the origin frames to your custom frames with BlzFrameSetAllPoints(origin_frame, custom_frame).
Ty but already sorted out inventory just not the size it doesn’t go smaller.

This do t work on inventory, not even sure if you can make inv smaller

call BlzFrameSetSize(BlzGetFrameByName("InventoryButton_0", 0), 0.025127, 0.025127)

Now I use UIUtils I think it maybe possible I dunno, but don’t know how
Level 19
Oct 17, 2012
If setting the size directly does not work, you can try wrapping the item button frame around another frame via setting all points.

I see that you can getting the frame by name. You could try getting the frame via BlzGetOriginFrame function instead and see if that works.

Beware tho that resizing the item button frame does not readjust the size of the ability cooldown indicator. You will need a custom model for the cooldown indicator of items. Perhaps, the cooldown indicator is a frame of type Sprite whose size can be manipulated.
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Level 7
Nov 6, 2019
If setting the size directly does not work, you can try wrapping the item button frame around another frame via setting all points.

I see that you can getting the frame by name. You could try getting the frame via BlzGetOriginFrame function instead and see if that works.

Beware tho that resizing the item button frame does not readjust the size of the ability cooldown indicator. You will need a custom model for the cooldown indicator of items. Perhaps, the cooldown indicator is a frame of type Sprite whose size can be manipulated.

ah so basically saying make the ui about 30 pixels bigger be best option, i also thought resize doesnt work on inventory buttons, but thought maybe with UIUTils it was possible maybe.
Level 7
Nov 6, 2019
Ah back to issues with inven
If setting the size directly does not work, you can try wrapping the item button frame around another frame via setting all points.

I see that you can getting the frame by name. You could try getting the frame via BlzGetOriginFrame function instead and see if that works.

Beware tho that resizing the item button frame does not readjust the size of the ability cooldown indicator. You will need a custom model for the cooldown indicator of items. Perhaps, the cooldown indicator is a frame of type Sprite whose size can be manipulated.

ah back to issues with inventory

for some reason the inventory wont show up again

// Inventory

 call BlzFrameSetAbsPoint(BlzGetFrameByName("InventoryButton_1", 0), FRAMEPOINT_TOPLEFT, 0.212170, 0.156260)
 call BlzFrameSetAbsPoint(BlzGetFrameByName("InventoryButton_1", 0), FRAMEPOINT_BOTTOMRIGHT, 0.247595, 0.120840)

 call BlzFrameSetAbsPoint(BlzGetFrameByName("InventoryButton_1", 0), FRAMEPOINT_TOPLEFT, 0.252960, 0.156260)
 call BlzFrameSetAbsPoint(BlzGetFrameByName("InventoryButton_1", 0), FRAMEPOINT_BOTTOMRIGHT, 0.288385, 0.120840)

 call BlzFrameSetAbsPoint(BlzGetFrameByName("InventoryButton_2", 0), FRAMEPOINT_TOPLEFT, 0.293750, 0.155730)
 call BlzFrameSetAbsPoint(BlzGetFrameByName("InventoryButton_2", 0), FRAMEPOINT_BOTTOMRIGHT, 0.329175, 0.120310)

 call BlzFrameSetAbsPoint(BlzGetFrameByName("InventoryButton_3", 0), FRAMEPOINT_TOPLEFT, 0.467650, 0.155190)
 call BlzFrameSetAbsPoint(BlzGetFrameByName("InventoryButton_3", 0), FRAMEPOINT_BOTTOMRIGHT, 0.503075, 0.119770)

 call BlzFrameSetAbsPoint(BlzGetFrameByName("InventoryButton_4", 0), FRAMEPOINT_TOPLEFT, 0.507910, 0.155730)
 call BlzFrameSetAbsPoint(BlzGetFrameByName("InventoryButton_4", 0), FRAMEPOINT_BOTTOMRIGHT, 0.543335, 0.120310)

 call BlzFrameSetAbsPoint(BlzGetFrameByName("InventoryButton_5", 0), FRAMEPOINT_TOPLEFT, 0.549240, 0.156260)
 call BlzFrameSetAbsPoint(BlzGetFrameByName("InventoryButton_5", 0), FRAMEPOINT_BOTTOMRIGHT, 0.584665, 0.120840)

is there like aheight limit u can move the inventory slots up to, as if u leave them down low to the right, and ur ui looks bad, it shows, but if u wanna put into specific spot up and more centre of the ui, it doesn't show

wanted inv up top like so


As yous ee top the items in inv do not show.

and below image if i use other ui with the inv bottom right it works.


Note: i moved the inventory on new ui to the right but again it isnt showing ingame

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