its an awesome map! i guess you played ncd (u know what im saying~
) well, it got a good and creative way to get n combined items and nice event though, but it still lack a lot. the terrain looks kinda dull, trees doesnt look so random, seems like you just put the trees there just to add some 'forest-like' view but doesnt seems to be much more beautiful-well-decided forest like view with those big gaps trees (not so random), i suggest you to put some more efforts in that, make it much more like trees in ncd~. About the ground, yep, its dull, put some more decoration onto it. The positioning of the bosses, it can be improved better along with the terrains. There's much more spaces in the map for you to add something, maybe training room or a place?for example the place where ichigo trained with zengetsu. Add some new bosses, new place to train n gain gold n exp. Another thing is that about the items, you can add somemore new items to put some variety of 'taste' n 'impacts' on the game to make it much more fun so that the game won't get too boring, ive played until the 20th wave++ with head captain's full set n the game without any other thing to do besides of killing bosses n creeps gets more n more boring
, items!do remember that! about heroes, well you could please add somemore!the heroes are just nice but couldn't beat other maps with bleach characters because the spells are kinda not cool, hehe, its true n i know you do feels the same as i do. So im suggesting that you should make it much cooler while at the same time make it balance (don't like imba spells
) n ouh, i found a bug with ichigo, his skills after you get bankai, his final skill (sory forgot its name) when i cast it it doesnt gives out any damage, please look through it. and about the red dragon, its kinda lame because heroes couldn't hit it because land unit cannot attack air unit =.= wt*, do fix that! well, that's about it, from ncd lover to this new map i loved! please continue on making this map better n take your time (please don't be so long) n improve the map! LIKE your map dude!