Bladestorm without Magic Immunity

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Level 12
May 9, 2009
Hello, simple question here, what to use to make a bladestrom spell that doesn't give magic immunity to the hero while spinning? I don't just want magic attackers to be able to shoot him I want all spells to be able to target him. No magic immunity allowed in my map >.<

I thought of immolation at first but that doesn't work...

Also is it possible to make the mountain king avatar spell with no magic immunity?
Level 16
Mar 27, 2011
1.) You need to trigger it. Give the unit a "dummy" ability (an active ability with no effect). When the unit casts the ability, a trigger runs. Give the unit permenant immolation, disable his attack via the "silence" ability and create a bladestorm special effect on top of the unit.

2.) No. You'll need to trigger that as well. Give the unit a dummy ability and create a trigger to make the unit larger, have more damage, HP, etc.
Level 12
May 9, 2009
Ah thanks for the metamorphosis idea. I can also make bladestrom with it by setting required animation names to 'attack walk stand spin' and adding a permanent immolation ability to the unit and setting its attacks to none.

Trigger would work too I guess but I prefer never to use triggers if I don't have to ^.^
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