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BladeMaster Wars v6.3

BladeMasters want know witch team will win in fight...

Two teams, every hero is BladeMaster, but Human team (Left side) haves Human BladeMasters and Orc team (Right side) haves normal BladeMasters...

This map requirements:
WarCraft III The Frozen Throne (Expansion Set)
Lastest patch

Creator: Ikx_1

Programs used:
World Editor
WarCraft III TFT (Testing)

Protected Map

Version: 6.03

Human BladeMaster:
README.txt file from model:

Mace Windu
By olofmoleman

Made by Olof Moleman, based on the Hellscream model

Give credit if you use this in your map!

Please do not distribute or modify this resource without permission.


Please give me credit for my work
Do not redistribute this model without consent!

Model was uploaded 1969, December 31
Model was last updated 2005, April 14

Visit http://www.hiveworkshop.com for more downloads

Thank you for model, olofmoleman!

Ikx_1 GamePlayer BladeMaster Blade Master Wars WarCraft III RoC Reigin of Chaos TFT The Frozen Throne War3 WC3 BM KoFT KK Kill Killing Lightning

BladeMaster Wars v6.3 (Map)

14:21, 14th Aug 2008 Septimus: Could be better.. http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/781621-post3.html Please do not delete approve resources and re-upload it. THIS IS A RULES VIOLATION, DOING IT AGAIN AND YOU WOULD BE PUNISH.




14:21, 14th Aug 2008

Could be better..


Please do not delete approve resources and re-upload it. THIS IS A RULES VIOLATION, DOING IT AGAIN AND YOU WOULD BE PUNISH.
Level 8
Dec 8, 2007
Good fight 4/5
+ Nice changes in interface
+ Can be played with computer who is even using items

? It doesn't make sense for one side to be Alliance. Maybe you could find some human blademaster model or make it Orcs vs Chaos orcs.

- I think critical strike is too powerful. Maybe you could increase damage multiplier by 0.5 instead of 1.
Level 31
May 3, 2008
Notice & Contact
This map had been examined by Alexis Septimus.
If you think this map review is not accurate or require another review, feel free to contact Alexis Septimus. But, map would only be review again for second time and also for the last time unless under certain circumstances. It would be selfish to request constantly a mod/admin to keep review your map as there is many other maps waiting for approval as well.

However, if you still insist of another review after it had been review for second time. Feel free to contact other admin.

To contact Alexis Septimus, please click this
Visitor Message.
Map Review
1) Terrain - Bad (2)
2) Ingenuity - Bad (2)
3) Minor Error - Bad (2)
4) Replay Value - Horrible (1)
5) Fun factor/gameplay - Bad (2)
6) Use of imported material - Bad (2)
7) Single player - Excellent (5)
8) AI support - Average (3)
9) Camera - Excellent (5)
10) Originality - Average (3)
11) File Size - Excellent (5)
12) Balancing - Average (3)
13) Packaging - Good (4)
14) Credits - Horrible (1)
15) Storyline - Average (3)
16) Theme - Average (3)
17) Protection - Good (4)
18) Quality - Average (3)
19) Description/Information - Excellent (5)
20) Hiveworkshop rules & regulation - Excellent (5)

Total Accumulation Point : 63/100 * 100 = 63 + (-7) (Review) = 56

[+] -
[!] - Recommend you to set the battle between Chaos Orc and Orc instead of Human and Orc
[-] - Seems like there is a few grammar error, but I won't said anything regarding about it cause I might have mistaken as well.
[-] - Missing Icon detected (Green Icon)
[-] - Hotkey clash Boot Of Speed and Scroll Of Speed hotkey "S" clash with one another.
[-] - Some item have hotkey while some doesn't have it, recommend you to either set all those item with hotkey or doesn't set it with hotkey at all.
[-] - Typo error found at Killing Lightning item, it seems like you mistype "cannot" as "canno't"

Review : This map look rather decent to me, it have AI that enable users to play this map through Single Player mode and practice their skill.

But, the downside of this map is there is a few item that either have hotkey or doesn't had any hotkey at all. Even though those item have hotkey, some of it clash with one another.

And I am not sure about it, but if Killing Lightning instantly kill any enemy hero. This could prove to be unbalance, try to fix that.

Finally, I notice this map trigger have a few minor leak. Try to fix it cause it won't be good if this map been play at full house through multiplayer (LAN/Internet)

Another -7 points for this map.

Rating & Miscellaneous information
Score - 56/100
Rating - 3/5
Condition - Average
Status - Approve
Review - 1
The map might not be fully tested, if any user of the map found bug/error or anything else.
Feel free to contact Alexis Septimus by clicking this
Visitor Message.
Level 8
Apr 6, 2008
some buggs i found: - Minutes elapsed always stays 0
- if you create as player red soldiers they begin to attack
against your will when the units of the main building spawn

Things you could change/add: -maybe a scoreboard of the kills/deaths
- get gold for herokills
- make the mainbuilding able to see invisible units
(of course within small radius)
Overall i would rate it... 3.25/5
Edit: oh, and maybe change that the AI players run away when they need only one more hit, because then
its too late for them



Level 22
Aug 27, 2005
'Please do not delete approve resources and re-upload it. THIS IS A RULES VIOLATION, DOING IT AGAIN AND YOU WOULD BE PUNISH.' - Calm down, there's no need to caps spam the crap out of people, it's not like we take anymore notice, and it just makes you look immature.
'[!] - Recommend you to set the battle between Chaos Orc and Orc instead of Human and Orc' - No, this isn't part of a review, you're asking him to drastically change his map to suit your idea of perfect, that's a big no-no when criticising. You should say something more along the lines of this; 'it is my opinion that Orc blademasters Vsing Humans is not apt enough, you should try and think of a better match up'. However, that statement itself is still quite bad.
'Another -7 points for this map.' - Try and explain this area more, I've seen it on loads of your reviews, and it's just not clear as to what it actually is.