Black Arrow Skill Acting Like Passive

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Level 6
May 1, 2009
A bizarre bug I'm having - my hero has a melee-range black arrow skill, but when it's not on autocast, it's still effecting units. I can't tell if it's adding bonus damage and it's not draining mana, but the effect for spawned skeletons is still present. How is this possible?

This is occurring when my hero targets friendlies or hostiles with his normal autoattack - which is even stranger, since this skill is only targetable for hostiles. If I toggle autocast, it does nothing, if I turn autocast on, the skill works as it should.

I really don't have the slightest idea what's causing this.

Here's my map. The hero that has the skill that's currently an issue is the death knight.

If anyone has the time, I'd appreciate the help.
Level 8
Mar 12, 2008
There is a itemw hich have a passive black arrow effect-but i think its bugged. Maybe you test it(its called black orb or something sry i only know the german name cause its a quite rare used item)

That's not what he wanted. He wanted to know why an active is acting like a passive. The name is "Item Attack Black Arrow Bonus", by the way.
Level 6
May 1, 2009
Well its not a good idea to have a Black Arrow spells with a melee range. What effects you want? You could create it from another spell and then trigger the effects.

Why isn't it good? If you set the cast range to 100 and remove the projectile art, shouldn't it function just fine? Adding damage to a melee attack and giving it an effect - there isn't anything that should break because of that, it's not like the game should care wether a spell's range is 50 or 600. I've done this before with searing arrows and cold arrows and I can't recall ever having trouble with those spells becoming melee attacks.

My intent is to have a simple Death Knight hero, and because death pact is a little boring, I decided to replace it with a skill that's easily recognizable. I mean, I could give him another skill, but giving him a black arrow look-alike is what I hope to do, if there's something really wrong with it though I'll just think of something else.

The skill is simply supposed to create skeletons if the target dies while under the effects of the ability, adding bonus damage at a cost of mana. The reason why I don't want this skill to fire when it's not on autocast is because the DK's ultimate needs corpses, and if the player wants to preserve them, he'll want the ability to not raise skeletons. It's also a little silly that the effect is taking place at no cost of mana, which is a little imbalanced.

And I'm not using an item ability... I'm using a the dark ranger's hero ability Black Arrow as a base.
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