[Cinematic] Beyond the Grave

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Tutorial Reviewer
Level 40
Jun 9, 2011



Beyond the Grave is a cinematic project developed by me, Chaosy.
The cinematic will lean heavily on the story telling side, rather than a battle focused cinematic.
With that said, for those of you who've watched the rather infamous Sect of the Holy Mother series should know what I am talking about.
I am not saying there wont be fights and battles, but story and character development takes priority.


* Alternate storyline based on real Warcraft events.

* Color Variation - The dialog text is colored depending on the owner of the unit who talks. So if a Forsaken unit talks the dialog text will be purple.

* Realistic Game Messanges - Game messages don't appear instantly, the characters are typed out one by one, making it more interesting and better looking.



The story takes place between the Cataclysm and Mists of Pandaria. Sylvanas and her newly recruited Val'kyr developed an advanced version of the resurrection technique formerly used by the Lich King. Which was to call huge numbers of dead back to life as mindless ghouls and as servants of the Undead Scourge. However, this time around, the ones brought back from the dead had their own will, with other words, Forsaken.

Her discovery was the salvation for her people, since Forsaken can't procreate, they're a dying breed. She called for Garrosh Hellscream as a witness of the event in action. However, Garrosh did not take it lightly and claimed that there were no difference between Sylvanas and the Lich King if they ever used that method. And by saying so, he forbade them from using it.

With both the plague and the power to mass recruit from dead bodies, Sylvanas hold two forbidden weapons in her hands. With those, the Forsaken now steps out of the shadows to challenge the world.



Sylvanas Wildrunner

Ruler of the Forsaken, the self proclaimed Banshee Queen. Sylvanas will be one of the four main characters in the Forsaken faction. With the emotion of long hold back anger towards the other races of Azzeroth she now leads her Faction and its Trinity towards a new goal.




One of infamous Val'kyrs' who one served the Lich King. Now acting as the spokeswoman for her sisters while serving Sylvanas. She's the first member who joined Sylvanas' Trinity, also being the one who first successfully perfected the resurrection technique.



Sylvanas' name become widely known among the demons for bringing down multiple Dreadlords during her breakout from the Lich King's command. Once Sylvanas' former servant, the Dreadlord Varimathras was killed for betrayal and taking over Undercity in Sylvanas' absence, Nerothos saw his chance and once proven seemly loyal he became the second member of the Trinity. However Sylvanas' grudge may yet remain.



Sergon, likely being the most mysterious character within the Trinity. It's not a matter of how much is unknown about him, it's easier to count the things you actually know about him. With that said, Sergon appeared infront of Sylvanas just after Deathwing had remade the worldshape, he infiltrated Undercity and managed to speak privately with Sylvanas. He left with around one dozen soldiers and came back a few weeks later. Since then, he has served as the third member of the Trinity, leading most of the Forsaken's underground operations.




Note: watch in 1080p or it looks pretty shitty.


One phase, is like a chapter in a campaign. Basically each time you change location there's a new chapter/phase. I don't know how many phases it will end up to be, but this is the only way I can think of to show how far I've come in my cinematic, if I show actual progress it will only spoil stuff story wise.

Phase 1 - "The situation" (complete)
Phase 2 - "Breakout" (complete)
Phase 3 - "The Trinity" (complete)
Phase 4 - "On the war-front" (complete)

~ End of part I ~
Download - http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/maps-564/beyond-grave-i-262240/

phase 5 - "The plague" (pending (0%))
SIG - credits to Mythic for assisting me with it:

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Tutorial Reviewer
Level 40
Jun 9, 2011
Thank you very much, in fact I look quite a lot of inspiration of one of your layouts if I recall correctly it was Tides of War. But I didn't copy anything :p But thanks for the inspiration source!

I've not decided the name yet, I thought of using Agatha since she was one of the Val'yrs' who showed the method for Garrosh in WoW. But then I thought that it would be a bit lamee.. maybe.. so I just put her as unknown for the moment being. I am open for suggestions on the topic.

I will make sure to do so! Maybe those banners you made for my old project would come in handy? Don't feel forced to though :p




Level 6
Apr 1, 2014
Nice, I love the decription *Subscribing*. Looking forward to this.

Good Luck.


Tutorial Reviewer
Level 40
Jun 9, 2011
I dunno, was expecting usage of cliffs in abundance.
no. Just no, while I got no experience with terraining, I've read a few of the basic terraining tutorials :p

Thanks everyone, I forgot to say thanks earlier when I posted so I do it now. I will show a screenshot or two soon enough.. depends a little. In the next few days at the very least.

- Forsaken was kind enough to improve my thread even more, new banner images has been added. I will likely resize them to have the same size later on, but live with it for now x)

- Added a progress tab in the thread.


Tutorial Reviewer
Level 40
Jun 9, 2011
@above posts
Thanks a lot guys x)

For better or worse, here is a screenshot. You may point out various mistakes, but don't bother unless it's very basic, because even if you find a issue, I doubt I will be able to fix it.

And I know that people will complain about the mix of WoW rips and normal models, but I am failing to find WoW rips for everything.



Tutorial Reviewer
Level 40
Jun 9, 2011
Thanks! I actually got a chunk of motivation today (somehow!) so I'll upload a little preview from phase 4. Mostly because I want opinions if should add more content like the one I will upload. (no spoilers yet!)

I will likely be done with the triggering part rather soon. So expect it today. However you're not allowed to complain on the terrain since I've spent 10 mins on it x)


Tutorial Reviewer
Level 40
Jun 9, 2011
Thanks, mate. I am glad you liked it, I was kinda unsure about adding some 'humor' into it. Since the rest (so far) is dead serious.

It doesn't surprise me that you think that. I am by no means a terrainer. I got a half-assured deal that might save me later on though. Either way, I am happy that you decided to support the project!

I only know one way to make that.. and yeah it could clearly add a more spooky mood to the location. I will look into doing it.. maybe even today if I still got the motivation.

Thanks! Do you think I should create a few more 'humorous' scenes? since you've seen the first 3 phases your opinion should be pretty solid :p

Tbh I am fine with either, it just felt like a good start of the day to make something fun.


Tutorial Reviewer
Level 40
Jun 9, 2011
Now, now


If I work the whole day.. I might release it today/tomorrow though :p, part 1 that is. Not the whole thing.. because that will be way longer than 10 mins.

edit: ok phase 4 is pretty much finished. I got some camera work to add, and after that I need to improve terrain on a few parts. After that I can upload part 1 to the map section which will hopefully be tomorrow.

Released it! part 1 contains phase 1-4, it can now be found in the map section. The map is rather big (50 mb), mostly due imported music and wow rips. I will very likely upload the whole cinematic to youtube so you can watch it there. However I don't want to do it during daytime since uploading makes me unable to play games. So in 12 hours or so I will start to upload it. So if you want to skip the download you will have to wait until tomorrow.

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