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Best Class for This Trio?

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Level 1
Apr 5, 2013
Hey guys,

So I know this kind of question is pretty much one of those "DERP DERP any class is pwnage depending on the player and level of cooperation" type of questions, but I just wanted to get some actual feedback on it.

After all, this decision will obviously effect my life. Forever. :cgrin:

Anyway, I'm currently playing the game with 2 other people (so we are in a group of 3). We're very early in the game.

Player 1 -- Thief
Player 2 -- Hunter
Player 3 -- Me

What starter class (and then later advanced class) do you guys feel would best suit this trio?

Note that I am currently a low leveled Cleric. I'm pretty bad at healing. I'll also be soloing a lot of the time since I can't always connect with the other 2.

Cheers & thanks.

P.S: Gaias Retaliation rocks. Ty Zwiebelchen for keeping up with this project. I had played this ages ago, got molested by a crab monster, then stopped. I am now back and ready to molest the crab that molested me. Would it be ironic if I gave that crab, crabs? I guess I'll leave that up to the crab boss once I'm destroying it.
Level 13
Oct 9, 2011
Well yeah any class is good but there are certain necessities in order to make it through the game, a Tank, a Healer and, well, a DPS. This isn't TEVE.

You won't get very far with two dps classes, then again, later on a Ranger has the ability to become a fairly reasonable healer, a Druid.

I would suggest your Ranger friend (I'm assuming he's still a Ranger, not a Hunter) puts as many points as he can into INT, or restats once reaching level 25. You'll be able to get through most of the content as you are with mercenaries but later on, you'll need the healing ability a Bishop or Druid can offer. Preferably a Bishop.

So, in this situation, all things accounted for, I'd recommend you pick a Squire, then work it towards a Berserker. In the current metagame, berserkers have a massive control over tanking and DPS, so you'll manage. Crusaders are a reasonable choice too but they may have difficulty holding agro without the spell Guardian Angel, at least against a reasonable dps.

Keep in mind, armor is your friend, prioritise it over DPS. You can't DPS if you're dead. I've seen so many stupid people wear foolish gear in order to maximise their damage output as opposed to their combat durability.

Good luck and feel free to ask any further questions the lovely gentlemen around here are bound to help you guys out ingame if you're able to get on to Battlenetr, Garena or some other place that I forget the name of ^_^
Level 13
Oct 9, 2011
Oh, for the sake of it, if neither of your friends pick a healer or tank, you will probably get no further than D2, the second dungeon in the game.

Lastly, the decision of the Thief is optional (provided your Ranger friend goes Druid), Bards and Assassins are both viable classes. Assassins are really pure DPS and can make good temporary maintanks in certain situations, whereas Bards can generally support the team with Buffs/Auras/Disables. The same disables are available to Assassins but a Bard can probably find more use for them if used correctly. Also, Bards have a skill called inspire which is sort of a ticking recovery for mana, fairly handy. As I said, both classes good, but, you won't get far without a player controlled Tank and a player controlled Healer.
Btw, just to make sure you understood Vestra right: There's no neccessity to have a cleric just because it's the only viable healer before rangers hit level 25.
The content in this map is designed so that the real challenges come after level 25. You can make it through all outdoor bosses and both dungeons before level 25 with a shaman mercenary. The warrior mercenary has offtanking capabilities and can be used when your main tank got trouble with keeping aggro on multiple enemies at the same time. Also, a ranger can use her pet to offtank or control single enemies of larger mob groups.

I recommend having at least a squire, as it makes life a lot easier. A ranger or a cleric should definitely be in your group, but only needs to be healer at like level 25.

Another hint is to cycle the ownership of the mercenaries so that all three players get roughly the same amount of gold. Remember that mercenaries take 50% of the kill gold income from the owner of the mercenary, so if someone in your group desperately needs money, it's a good idea to hand the merc over to an other player.
Level 14
Jun 27, 2008
I recommend choosing assassin over bard since bard requires a large team to maximize his efficiency (buffs, auras etc.). In a 3 man team you will need all the dps you can get, especially for the first few D3 attempts.

Before you try to run D3 you should farm the ogre boss for 2 MCs (so Berserker can buy Eternal Embrace) and maybe a demon heart (for FireResistance Helmet, its nice +armor).

Anyway, in my opinion having 2 leather in a 3-man team isnt the best choice, not least because you need the same items (only in lategame items for druid and assa/hunter/bard differ) and all cloth drops will be useless. (Bishop + Berserker/Crusader + Hunter) or (Druid + Berserker/Crusader + Sorc/Necro) dont have this problem.
Level 1
Apr 6, 2013
Well, i would say Squire>>>Berzerker, the Thief would be better as Assassin and the Ranger MUST go for Druid. Also the Squire can solo easily with a mercenary.
Level 1
Apr 5, 2013
Thanks for the input, guys!

I'm hoping to that my friend will go the Druid route. If he doesn't, it sounds like we'll be pretty boned!
Level 6
Nov 3, 2011
Well the point of druid is to heal so yea if hes not druid you are done for wont go much far without a healer and healer mercenary isnt enough for future
Level 1
Sep 14, 2011
I couldn't agree with you more Vestra

Well yeah any class is good but there are certain necessities in order to make it through the game, a Tank, a Healer and, well, a DPS. This isn't TEVE.

You won't get very far with two dps classes, then again, later on a Ranger has the ability to become a fairly reasonable healer, a Druid.

I would suggest your Ranger friend (I'm assuming he's still a Ranger, not a Hunter) puts as many points as he can into INT, or restats once reaching level 25. You'll be able to get through most of the content as you are with mercenaries but later on, you'll need the healing ability a Bishop or Druid can offer. Preferably a Bishop.

So, in this situation, all things accounted for, I'd recommend you pick a Squire, then work it towards a Berserker. In the current metagame, berserkers have a massive control over tanking and DPS, so you'll manage. Crusaders are a reasonable choice too but they may have difficulty holding agro without the spell Guardian Angel, at least against a reasonable dps.

As I was reading he question I too thought the best choice in this case would be to pick a zerk.

Keep in mind, armor is your friend, prioritise it over DPS. You can't DPS if you're dead. I've seen so many stupid people wear foolish gear in order to their damage output as opposed to their combat durability.

Exactly! I never understood why everyone with a zerk went for hauberk even if they had eternal embrace (?) I think (I haven't played in 6 months, gimme some slack). Anyways I always preferred EE over hauberk.
Level 14
Jun 27, 2008
I disagree, hauberk is such a nice dps boost (+8 dmg, crit, attackspeed, with BR even more than +8 dmg) and when you are full const you absolutely can afford to lose some armor (when ur not tanking). However, i dont get it why ppl play hunters with 300 hp just to get few more arp.
Level 13
Oct 9, 2011
That's the thing though muzzel, when is a berserker NOT tanking these days lol.

Hauberk is a fantastic item, it just doesn't fit with the current endgame, zerkers still being the best tank and all.
Level 13
Oct 9, 2011
Heroic isn't needed for fully geared berserker to maintank. I keep agro just fine, and have the ability to lose it if required.

All that's needed, is Hunters NOT casting aoes before the berserker has agro. Remember that demo is currently bugged, so people have to wait for me to gather, which means no fucking fire arrows and shit, and then leap, and then they can aoe. Heroic wouldn't change some of those ridiculous pulls I've seen of late.
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