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"Become One" with target allied Hero

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Level 8
Oct 2, 2013
For those of you who have played HoN, you are probably familiar with the ultimate ability that of the hero called Empath, where you "become one" with a target allied Hero.

This ability allows you to "vanish" into someone, but you still remain able to cast abilities from the united Hero. I've had many ideas on how to make this in Warcraft 3, but I'm more curious to hear how others might approach this.

Thanks in advance for your interest :)
I would be adding 100% transparency, remove Attack and Move (I recall they can be removed by some scripts, maybe?), make a period check for position (0.03 kinda fast, I don't know a good value in mind yet) to update hero location, and when casting spell just let things like normal. When hero died, reset hero back to normal/kill him (don't know what happened with Empath when the target allied hero killed).
Level 33
Mar 27, 2008
I think it doesn't trouble you to explain better what do you meant by "Becoming One with eh Target Allied Hero" ?
It will be more trouble for us who don't play HoN.

Judging from the sentence, I would say, your Hero vanish into thin air aaand "enter" the target unit allied Hero and "stay" there for a time being.

The rest, I need better explanations.
Level 8
Oct 2, 2013
Thank you all for your interest and ideas! I'm sorry if my explanation was lacking.

My own idea was to "Hide" the unit and make a dummy in replacement that would continuesly be relocated like Daffa The Maga suggested. This dummy will obviously have the same abilities as the caster, but that would leave a problem with cooldowns when the duration is over.

I'll be happy to recieve further comments on this subject. Everything is valid!

Thanks again for your contribution :)
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