Battle for Olympia!

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Level 36
Jul 1, 2007
AMAGAD the end of the world is near!!!

War scourges the lands of mortal men, and the gods of Olympus themselves are in turmoil. The lands of the dead have split open and hideous shades pour out into the sunlight, only to slowly fade away. Powerful Titans, from the deepest, darkest recesses of Tartarus, rise to challenge the New Gods in this time of chaos. This is total war!

Factions you can play as:

Olympians: You choose a minor god, which commands an army of mortal men.
Special Abilities:
- Has a special god unit that is very strong and can regenerate your Heroes if they die. God units do not ever die because they are immortal, instead they are wounded and are taken out of battle for a certain amount of time.
- Mortal units are moderately cheap and fast to train, but are only powerful in numbers.
- Each god has a different strategy associated with them.
- Mortal units are very versatile, and there is a lot of variety, for example you can train anything from horsemen to archers and ballistae, but some gods make different units stronger than others.
- Ability to turn any soldier into a Hero, for extra cost, which have special powers on the battlefield.
- Ability to summon Legends, such as Achilles or Theseus, which are also immortal like the god units.


3 Major Gods: Major Gods have 3 different types of units they can train, mortals (just like minor gods can), Mythic Beasts, and Immortals. Immortals do not die, but instead are taken out of battle for a short amount of time. Mythic beasts have spells they can cast and other special abilities.

Hades: King of the Dead, Hades commands a massive army of shades that fade in the sunlight, but keep coming back!
- Hades' units have timed life, but they are all semi-immortal, and respawn after 5 minutes.
- Units killed by Hades' forces in battle come back 5 minutes later as shades.
- Hades' immortals have the ability to instantly kill lesser units.
- Hades does not train immortals, instead he can "Immortalize" a shade, so it doesn't fade.
- Hades' mythic beasts are only one kind, but they can take the form of enemies' Mythic Beasts.

Zeus: Lord of the Sky, Zeus commands a small army of dedicated warriors that are extremely powerful and his strategy relies mainly on keeping enough energy to shoot thunderbolts while his powerful warriors hack up his enemies or take them out from above.
- Zeus' units are costly and take a long time to train but they are very strong and do a lot of damage.
- Zeus can participate in battle without actually being there by shooting thunderbolts and sending storm clouds.
- Zeus' Mythic Beasts can transfer energy from the enemies they attack and kill straight to Zeus.
- Zeus has many Flying mythic beasts.
- Zeus' Immortals have many spells and auras that make nearby units really strong and nearby enemies really weak.

Poseidon: Lord of the Sea and Keeper of Horses, Poseidon commands an army of mythic creatures only (because no mortal can live underwater...). Poseidon's forces are mainly based on naval assault and quick land hit and run.
- Poseidon can summon water elementals but they die if they go out of water for too long.
- Poseidon's Mythic Beasts can be mounted by his Immortals.
- Poseidon's Immortals are one of two main types, Sirens, which take control of enemy units, and Naiads, which can heal units that are in water or create fountains on land.


The Titans faction is based on having one gigantic Titan unit that is EXTREMELY powerful and strong, but if it dies you are basically screwed. Their main strategy is training many units whose goals are to keep the Titan alive and provide cover damage that really stacks up while the Titan tanks.
- Titans' units have a lot of healing spells and armor bonuses.
- Some titans' units have attack speed buffs and damage buffs.
- Titans' units have low health and high damage or high damage spells, and are mostly ranged.
- Each different Titan you can choose from has one insanely powerful ability that defines its role. For example, Chronus (or Kronos) instantly kills any mortal he strikes, and Gaia can create forces from her surroundings.


The goal of the game I have yet to decide. What are your thoughts so far?
Level 6
Sep 13, 2008
Great Idea. Bravo. This will be very hard to make and very time consuming.
Balancing will take almost as long as making the game.

A few questions:
1. Do teams have specific items? Are there Items in the map?
2. What size and how many players will it be(I know its just speculation at this point)?
3. Are units summoned with magic or are they trained with gold from a building?
4. Will there be neutral creeps etc?
5. For Khronuses instant kill ability, are heroes considered mortal or are the half-gods or protected by god or something.
Level 36
Jul 1, 2007
Just to clarify something, when I say Heroes I don't mean like heroes in WC3. Everything is a unit. Gods and Immortals are immortal, along with anything controlled by Hades and minor gods' Legends. Mythic beasts are also immortal unless killed with special abilities.

There are no items in this game (I may add them later, but I don't like the idea of having items). There might be spellbooks or something.

As for players, there will probably be like 3v3v3 or something, where one team is lesser gods, one team is major gods, one team is titans. I don't want to clog up the map too much though, so I might make it 2v2v2. Or it could be ffa. There could be different game modes.

Units are trained, but different factions have different ways of doing so. Mortals use raw materials to build shit and training units is food. Poseidon and Zeus use Energy which is gained by killing enemies and other things as well that I will decide on later. Hades' units spawn in waves at the underworld gate, and you can add units per wave just like in a tower war. Titans summon units, which cost mana to make.

Neutral creeps, no. There might be some heroic mythic beasts or something where once you kill their leader you can summon that type of beast.

Cronus' instant kill ability won't be too imbalanced. He is a titan, after all, and most units die instantly to titans. Most titans will have some kind of AoE attack, but Cronus doesn't, so he gets an instant kill ability. And instant kill only works on mortals, for mythic beasts it will kill them but they will come back, and for gods and heroes they will just take damage.
Level 7
Jul 6, 2008
Sounds awesome.


I feel that this map would work best FFA, and maybe you could try the King of the Hill concept, where one faction has to control the peak of Olympus for a certain amount of time. It would be very long, so there wouldn't be any fluke victories.

I don't see the instant kill being a problem if he has no splash and a slow attack.

I like the idea of killing a Heroic mythic beast and getting to spawn his minions.

"Hades' immortals have the ability to instantly kill lesser units." That seems a bit imbalanced, but it depends on how often immortals come up in the game.

Well, those are my thoughts on the matter, good luck if you make this game.
Level 10
Oct 2, 2005
Sounds really good but I see a little problem:
It Poseidon's forces mainly take control of other mythic beasts, and Hades take their form, only Zeus can summon several actual mythic beasts. If no one chooses Zeus, there will be a serious lack of units to take control, or take form. Therefore, Zeus is acting someway as a necessary loser so the other forces can play better with an enemy like him. So it will be underchosen. This will create a balancing problem. Zeus should have a serious advantage against the other two forces.
Level 4
Jun 16, 2007
No, minor gods are not demigods. Demigods are heroes such as Achilles, that are born to a mortal and a god. Minor gods are the grandchildren of the Titans, and major gods are the primary children of the Titans.
well me and my 1 high school unit of Greek Mythology stand corrected and embarrassed.
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