This is a version of the battle of minas tirith from the lord of the rings, the return of the king for those of you who dont know. I know what most of you are thinking, oh great, another minas tirith map where you start with hundreds of units and attack until the lag goes away. Or its a game where you create units that are free and spam (click wildly on the create a unit button and set the waypoint to the enemy) until you win.
Well its not, in this game you actually need to choose what units you make and where you defend the city wisely. Gondor is very limited on what units they make. But the orcs are limited only on trolls and catapults. It is a very fun and strategic game that is not as laggy as you would think.
So please dowload, comment, and rate this map. The terrain has been fairly well done and most details have not been overlooked.
Version 1.2
-Fixed hero limit bug.
-Fixed unit hording at wall.
Minas tirith, Lotr, Lord of the Rings, Siege, Defense, Cazeoj,