Base Armor Increase Ability

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Level 3
Jan 13, 2011
Okay, this should be simple. I'd like to create a passive ability that increases your armor. Kinda like devotion aura, but on a single unit. Problem is, I don't want the armor to be bonus. I want the extra armor to be given to the unit's base armor. Which means, if the ability gives 2 armor and the unit has 4 armor, in it's armor display I want it to say Armor: 6 and not Armor: 4+2. I think's it's possible since I've seen it at DotA as well (Dragon Knight's Dragon Blood). Thanks in advance. Oh by the way, I know this could somehow work using upgrades but I don't want the unit's armor to be upgradable (I don't want the icon that says 0, 1, 2 etc on the armor icon which says how many times the armor's been upgraded).
Level 3
Jan 13, 2011
Okay what I did was:
unit learns ability, ability equal to X, create dummy that has can research Y, order it to research it.
Is there a better way to do it? It might sound stupid, but it annoys me that the minimum research time can be 0 but actually takes one second... as a result a second has to pass after learning the ability for the bonus to be applied... as for the "research complete" message and sound, I can just remove that through game interface right?
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