Like any capitalist society, these business' in need of bailing out should have to fix their own mess. Why should the government use our money to bail out privately owned businesses, even if the economy is going to fall when the common business can hardly get a loan these days?
Its simply not fair that someone who owns/owned billions of dollars worth of business assets, and then on top of that has millions of dollars in savings and private assets, should be bailed out by the government using the money of the populace, when the common business owner hardly receives any help when his business is on the verge of collapse, when he is on the verge of losing everything he owns, and his family is about to experience a tough time where they can barely make ends meet, let alone remain a stable and functioning economically sound unit.
It will lead to a dramatic economic downturn or even a collapse entirely...but at least its as close to a fair fall as it is.
That is why the bill was turned down.
If the government wants to use 700 billion dollars worth of tax payer money...they need to make bloody sure that the money is used with heavy oversight, and for the right damn things, and not used in a way that makes sure Sir. Edward Richchild III, can have keep his 5 houses, and keep his pockets lined.
700 billion dollars will not be given for a "non reviewable by any court of law" purpose for saving the assets of Wall Street, if the people have anything to say about it.
And yes...I'm rather miffed about the current economic status, and I am not pleased with the higher income bracket getting all the help while the middle class can barely keep its feet on the ground.