Amazingly awesome! Now, i am a person who looks at the overall look of the spell(s) in-game, i don't look at the code a lot.
FLY SPELL -> It is absolutely awesome, i really liked it! Nothing bad to say. Except that the flying height that the unit goes to is really high (when he attacks, his blade doesn't touch the attacked unit). But that is configurable, so it's OK!
STRIKE -> This is also really good. However, if i use it in my map, i would change the configurables a little bit (everyone has a different taste). The only bug i encountered is that sometimes, the unit's animation doesn't play (when he has to slam). You can try pausing the casting unit while he is performing his animation and unpause it after.
/// EDIT : You could add a configurable that defines if the spell has a minimum range in which it can be casted. Because some of it's users (War3 coders i mean) may not want their hero to cast Strike while in melee range (now you can). And if the user wants it to be like how it's now - he simply puts that minimum range to 0.
EMBER SLASHES -> No criticism here. The effects are a little bit disturbing (because there are too much particles) but it can be configured, so it's OK!
/// EDIT : A configurable can be added here too. One that defines how much times the caster can slash. Because when there are a lot of units in it's AoE, it is pretty OP. And you know, this configurable says if the caster can slash 3 units, less or more. If the user wants it to be like it's now, he could simply put this configurable to 999. Or perhaps you can create a second configurable that is a boolean and defines if the number of slashes should be checked AT ALL. So the user can change this variable to false, instead the other one to 999 (because in his map, the AoE might be 5000 and there could be more than 999 units in it with no prob.). Buuut the first configurable only should do the job. (the second one would make it look more PRO )
THUNDERSTORM -> All the things i don't like can be configured here as well. Only thing i can say is that you can play an animation while the unit is spinning. Because if you look at it, you see a Blademaster just chillin' there with his stand animation and doing damage...
/// EDIT : Another idea for configurable here too. One that defines if Thunderstorm can be aborted by the caster (a boolean). If it's true, then when the unit casts the spell, replace the Thunderstorm with a dummy spell (which has description and stuff). And when the dummy spell is casted while Thunderstorm's effect rages over the battlefield, the Thunderstorm ends and the abilities are reversed (removing the dummy ability and adding the real one).
------------------------------ EDIT ------------------------------
TIDAL CRUSH -> Noting bad to say here. Effects are awesome, same for the idea of the spell and the coding. However, two configurables can be added here too
. The first one could define if the caster can move trough trees and cliffs (now he can). And the second could define if enemies can move trough trees and cliffs (now they can when they are moved trough the shield pushing thingy).
DIMENSIONAL DISPLACEMENT -> As Tidal Crush, everything is awesome here too. However, i have an issue with the lightning effect between the glyph and the target - it starts at the bottom of the glyph instead of it's center but it's not a big deal (there was a Jass custom script for this... i think Pharaoh_ showed it to me, create a thread in the Triggers & Scripts section in the forum and i am sure that many people will tell you it). And also, there is something like a blue diamond above the target after the spell ends. What the hell is it?
I mean, it's not mentioned in the description and stuff and i am a little bit confused.
Overall, i like all the spells. When i downloaded the pack, i expected something not that good. Great job! I also think that the code is right too. You seem to clear a lot of leaks. You also made almost everything configurable in the spells which is just awesome.
Tremendous work! 5/5 and +rep
Rating not changed!
Remember that those are only suggestions. You are not forced to do as i say. You make the decision!
You may think i am an asshole for asking for more configurables, even when you have dozens of them...