• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
  • ✅ The POLL for Hive's Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Vote for the TOP 3 SKINS! 🔗Click here to cast your vote!


This is a common, axe, made as a request i scaled it to fit the peasent and the villager, and remember kids... I'm only going to axe you this once!

Anyhoo, have fun with the model, aslong as i get some sort of credits i'm happy.

Edit: oops, i uploaded wrong screenshot, here's the real one! =)
Edit: Recalculated normals, like py asked, (I persoanlly liked it better -.-)

Medieval, axe, weapon, hatchet, deadly, sharp, cheap, blade, iron, waraxe, war axe

Axe (Model)

17:00, 7th Oct 2009 Pyritie: Recalculate the normals. 16th Oct 2009 Pyritie: You haven't recalculated them correctly! D: DonDustin: the textures are quite ugly , but that's just my personal taste




17:00, 7th Oct 2009
Pyritie: Recalculate the normals.

16th Oct 2009
Pyritie: You haven't recalculated them correctly! D:

DonDustin: the textures are quite ugly , but that's just my personal taste
not sure, bandit does like more, "irony" and i didn't want to waste filesize on another geoset for handle, so i just used bandit for that too
And the blade is supposed to be like that, its not all supposed to be metal, some of it should look like:
Which is what i based it off of, but the bandit texture didn't have that type of curve so i had to substitute the pointy part with all metal instead of just thin line.

Its practically unnoticable ingame though
Level 3
Mar 2, 2009
Hive needs moar axes/blunt objects other than mauls. That, and spears. Seriously, swords suck. No one in the middle ages actually used them that often. They used spears. Now people are all 'hurp durp Imma swing my pointy piece of sheet metal cutout around'
Now with an axe though... "*Swing*"and they cleave their armor in half.
Level 8
Mar 28, 2008
Wow, thats modelled pretty well. Thanks kill. I can already see you becoming as great, or possibly even surpass Kitabatake.
Level 6
Feb 18, 2010
i got the axe on the same hero set as right hand but its on his right foot. How i fix it?

NvM Fixed It