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Avatar stealers...

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Level 6
Mar 25, 2004
I have noticed some people copying other people's avatar, and uploading it as their own. I think this behaviour is childish and very confusing, since i often only look at the posters avatar when he writes something.

Here's one example:
Hmm... who's avatar is that?
(note that he might've changed his avatar by the time you read this, but that was the avatar he had)

You moderators should do something about this behaviour, just like you act against porn and other stuff.
Level 6
Mar 25, 2004
Though the ones using darky's isn't really that bad, i think it can easily be found on battle.net. (the battle.net <25 wins with undead> icon if i'm not mistaking, don't really know since the profiles on battle.net seems down at the moment)
Sopho's avatar is creative and it says moderator on it which makes it very misleading if someone else's using it.
Level 13
Aug 20, 2004
i picked my avatar first, and then made my name. this way, tho only name that would fit my avatar really is Queen of Blades ^^
Level 13
Aug 20, 2004
hehe. the girl i sent my pic to (the one on my sig) posted it on yahoo, so im going to post a pic of her on yahoo also because shes starting to piss me off now.
Level 13
Aug 20, 2004
@skaterjcp - when you host pics on yahoo, there isnt a link...
but thats waayyyyyyyyy off topic, and thats not focused on avatars. so, anyone else have avatar stealing problems?
Level 13
Aug 20, 2004
Sir yes Sir! Sir I will report any of such theivery (or as my drawing teacher says "gangsterize") immediatly, Sir!
Level 13
Aug 20, 2004
yea, hes a little, odd. and i dont agree with his technique on drawing. he says that you shouldnt look at what your drawing...
i wish i could do this so that if anyone steals it, i can just sue them! :p

if you didnt see it, its the little tm thing, id put a copyright thingy, but i dont know how to type it.
anyways, i think that ppl should be banned for usong someone els's avatar, or at least warned, unless of couse its something everyone can get off the internet, like kerrigan's avatar.
Level 10
Jul 10, 2004
:shock: dont look at what your drawing?

wait a sec, theres an art section!??! :shock:

i didnt know that!!! I WANNA PUT UP ONE OF MY DRAWINGS!!!!

wait a sec, why should i, wormskull would just hell and flame and say it sux and its a waste of everyones time to look at it and try to remove it and yell at me and say why did you submit s*** like this!!!done bother submitting s*** like this!!! get better!!! dont even submit s*** when you think your better!!!
You f***in suck!!

i bet he would say something like that, so i dont know if i am going to submit anything :( besides, a do sux at drawing, but i try and try, :(

oh well! thats life
Level 13
Aug 20, 2004
heh. you got warned for inappropriate language...
i dont care if people steal my art as long as i get credit. maybe thats not stealing then...
Level 12
Mar 11, 2004
Sopho said:
Dude I totally agree with you. I've been abit annoyed by avatar stealers. A feature I want is to reject a avatar being uploaded if it is already on someone.

It is not as simple, it would have to loop on every uploaded avatar and compare the images to see if they are the same? , a guy could just decreas the quality or something like that to avoid that, and it would take too long to change your avatar
Level 5
Jun 9, 2004
I think someone who's so lame to steal someones avatar would not be so smart do decrease the quality to make the avatar checker to let him in. I think an easier method could be used: when u upload an avatar, then it stores it with the original name, and the checker would only need to check the size and the name.
And to prevent noobs who stole avatars to rename their stolen work to make it go past the protection, just make it as if it had uploaded the avatar, but in fact the avatar won't be displayed, and a log will be sent to the moderators. (dunno if it's hard or not - i never programmed web pages)
But i think the effects will be the following on the noobie: first, he'll think that he is smart and has stolen an avatar. Then, when he looks at one of his comment, he notices that avatar isn't displayed. Then he will upload it again, and again, giving the moderators enough time to notice that he wants to steal an avatar, and give the bugger a warning - or a ban...
Level 11
Aug 4, 2004
Hhhmmm...earlier I noticed two people with the same avatar, featuring characters from the anime "Case Closed". I remember that one of them was aznplayaboi, or however he spelled his name. I don't remember the other person though. But if I remember correctly aznplayaboi had it first. Perhaps worth looking into? And also I believe someone tried to steal my avatar...but I'm not sure if they did or not...*runs off to check*...

...I need to pay closer attention to these things...anyway they didn't...mostly 'cause I threatened them earlier when I first heard about it.
Level 12
Jul 2, 2004
I'm surprised some of you actually knew about this all along. I do find it annoying to see people steal avatars. That's pretty immorale and just ruins the identity. Don't steal my avatar unless I find another one.
Level 6
Mar 25, 2004
Uh, this guy has 166 posts, an avatar that said moderator, and noone (or so i believe) noticed. And i wouldn't put my name on my avatar, i'd have to re-download and re-install my Anim Shop demo, put my name on all images, and then put all the pieces together. And all for the sake of the lamers. Orka!

Or maybe there is an easier way to do this? Then i'd like to know.
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