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Various Bugs (Profiles and Avatars)

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Level 16
Oct 18, 2008
I don't know if this has been reported yet, anyways, here's what happen.

I customized my profile, I see it customized and everything's fine. Though, when I look at other people's profile, they all have the standard looking profile, even though they did customize it. They view it customized, but I see them all standard.

The other bug is an avatar bug. It seems my avatar is a rep gem? and it's supposed to be a scream avatar (that's what I put and what I see). Maybe another bug.

So yeah, maybe trying to fix it? Ask me if you have questions.
Level 35
Oct 9, 2006
EDIT: Now Hubcool's avatar is back to normal, and same with the small gems. Only Hubcool's avatar in my award icon and the wrong picture for album remains. Hinting it might be a real bug, as I never before seen picture bugs stay after a lockdown

You sure? RED BARON said my avatar was a rep gem.

Yea, but I also said that it seemed to be something going haywire with hive pics... Many things is wrong with the pictures at rather random places when I look at hive.

Hubcool have wrong display of people's profiles (which I have no trouble seeing) EDIT: Hubcool have you made sure you, that you haven't checked Hide User Customizations It works for all profiles once checked you see

I have switched around pictures (which I doubt others have).. Dunno if others have similar troubles.

Link to pic of some of the wierd places pictures: First Second And I could post a third, because one of my albums pictures, have been replaced by screen shot of one of my old models (meaning to screen shot uploaded to hive for that model).

Lastly all people with the small gems, have a loading symbol thingy instead.. Picture

btw: Using firefox.

btw btw btw: The wierdest part seems to be, that I only have trouble viewing my own pictures and then of course Hubcool's avatar :bored: And as far as I can see the only consistent wierdness is the one with my award picture (the second) and then the loading symbol thingy instead of the small gems (see picture).

btw btw btw btw: Did try a cache cleaning for firefox...

btw btw btw btw btw: No trouble viewing it with internet explore... So I assume the bug will be gone tomorrow, else I'l tell :smile:
Last edited:
Level 16
Oct 18, 2008

I had the Hide User Customization on for some reason, I don't recall having clicked it though, I liked to see user's custom profiles :p

Ok, so, no more problems on my side, I think RED BARON's bugs with my avatar and crap are gone (because of Firefox?)

Anyways, in my case, it's solved.
Level 35
Oct 9, 2006

Don't listen to RED BARON

Something has been wrong with his computer for years now. All weird quirks and bugs happen on his computers which you have never heard of.

No offence :p

No offence taken... I must have a weird influence though. Happens on all computers I am using :thumbs_up:

btw: My award icon is still the wrong picture. :wink: Else everything else is back to normal

I had the Hide User Customization on for some reason, I don't recall having clicked it though, I liked to see user's custom profiles :p

Nice :smile: Happy that I solved your "bug"
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