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Auto-casting Animate Dead. help.

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Level 2
May 5, 2013
Unit - Animator 0002 <gen> starts the effect of an ability

Animate Dead Equal to Raise Dead (Animate Dead Dummy)

Unit - Order Animator 0002 <gen> to Undead Necromancer - Raise Dead (Last created unit)

Where did I go wrong? :< if someone can post a trigger pic I'd be greatful.
Level 20
Apr 14, 2012
Unit - Animator 0002 <gen> starts the effect of an ability

Animate Dead Equal to Raise Dead (Animate Dead Dummy)

Unit - Order Animator 0002 <gen> to Undead Necromancer - Raise Dead (Last created unit)

Where did I go wrong? :< if someone can post a trigger pic I'd be greatful.

One, please use the
  • tag.
  • Two, no one would post a trigger picture. They would post the trigger using the [TRIGGER] tag.
  • Three, it won't work because your (Last Created Unit) isn't determined yet.
  • Four, your condition is wrong. It should be: (Ability Being Cast) equal to (Animate Dead)
  • Five, you should order the Animator002 to cast Animate Dead
Level 30
Nov 29, 2012
SO you want to command a unit to cast the Animate Dead? If yes, I suggest when a unit that belongs to the Animator's control or maybe belongs on the same player, order it to Animate Dead.

Change event to:
  • Unit - A unit owned by *Player that the Animator belongs to* dies
and maybe in condition, try finding that the dying unit is just in range of the Animator so the Animator will not cast the Animate dead if the dieing unit is far from the Animator.

Your Action trigger is right somehow.
Level 2
May 5, 2013
One, please use the
  • tag.
  • Two, no one would post a trigger picture. They would post the trigger using the [TRIGGER] tag.
  • Three, it won't work because your (Last Created Unit) isn't determined yet.
  • Four, your condition is wrong. It should be: (Ability Being Cast) equal to (Animate Dead)
  • Five, you should order the Animator002 to cast Animate Dead[/QUOTE]
  • Sorry, I'll remember to put a Trigger tag in the topic heading next time.
  • What I'm trying to do is get a minor modified version of the vanilla spell animate dead to auto-cast (like searing arrow or raise dead). I've read tutorials that help with this but their 'event' triggers all start with 'on attack' which is part of the problem with those tutorials, since corpses don't attack.
  • Taking your suggestions I've updated the following.
  • Event:
  • Unit - Animator 0002 <gen> Starts the effect of an ability (should I change this to something else? 'starts chanelling an ability perhaps)
  • Condition:
  • (Ability being cast) Equal to Animate Dead
  • Actions:
  • Unit - Order Animator 0002 <gen> to Undead Necromancer - Raise Dead([I]Note: Did not find animate dead as suggested, I probably missed something[/I]) (Decaying Unit)
  • I'm quite noob with triggers but really want to get good at it.
Level 20
Apr 14, 2012
Sorry, I'll remember to put a Trigger tag in the topic heading next time.

What I'm trying to do is get a minor modified version of the vanilla spell animate dead to auto-cast. I've read tutorials that help with this but their 'event' triggers all start with 'on attack' which is part of the problem with those tutorials, since corpses don't attack.

Taking your suggestions I've updated the following.

Unit - Animator 0002 <gen> Starts the effect of an ability (should I change this to something else? 'starts chanelling an ability perhaps)

(Ability being cast) Equal to Animate Dead

Unit - Order Animator 0002 <gen> to Undead Necromancer - Raise Dead(Note: Did not find animate dead as suggested, I probably missed something) (Decaying Unit)

I'm quite noob with triggers but really want to get good at it.

Lol dude just use the edit button and add the
  • tag immediately to your first post.
  • Here's a trigger that might help you:
  • Animate Dead
    • Events
      • Unit - A unit Starts the effect of an ability
    • Conditions
      • (Ability being cast) Equal to Animate Dead
    • Actions
      • For each (Integer A) from 1 to 10, do (Actions)
        • Loop - Actions
          • Unit - Order (Triggering unit) to Undead Death Knight - Animate Dead
Level 30
Nov 29, 2012
Lol dude just use the edit button and add the
  • tag immediately to your first post.
  • Here's a trigger that might help you:
  • Animate Dead
    • Events
      • Unit - A unit Starts the effect of an ability
    • Conditions
      • (Ability being cast) Equal to Animate Dead
    • Actions
      • For each (Integer A) from 1 to 10, do (Actions)
        • Loop - Actions
          • Unit - Order (Triggering unit) to Undead Death Knight - Animate Dead

Actualy, not to offend anyone but the the trigger is somehow wrong because: the event is that a unit starts the effect of an ability so a unit should cast it first so that means you are gonna order it to cast it again. I think the Event and Condition is wrong somehow maybe it should be related in dying units.
Level 20
Apr 14, 2012
@Skipper Do you mean that the animated dead can be autocast like raise dead ?

Skipper let me take this one: yes, I think that's what he meant.

Anyways skipper for better luck you should reset the ability cooldown for the triggering unit when Animate Dead is cast:

Like so:

  • Animate Dead
    • Events
      • Unit - A unit Starts the effect of an ability
    • Conditions
      • (Ability being cast) Equal to Animate Dead
    • Actions
      • For each (Integer A) from 1 to 10, do (Actions)
        • Loop - Actions
          • Unit - Order (Triggering unit) to Undead Death Knight - Animate Dead
          • Unit - Reset ability cooldowns for (Triggering unit)
Level 2
May 5, 2013
@Skipper Do you mean that the animated dead can be autocast like raise dead ?

Ya, how I wouldn't need to "babysit". The ability itself would be automated without me overseeing the actual activation of the ability.

The unit would "detect" a corpse, then activate the ability without my intrusion. Whereas, what we have now is that a human player needs to activate the ability themselves. I don't want that.
Level 23
Oct 20, 2012
Ya, how I wouldn't need to "babysit". The ability itself would be automated without me overseeing the actual activation of the ability.

The unit would "detect" a corpse, then activate the ability without my intrusion. Whereas, what we have now is that a human player needs to activate the ability themselves. I don't want that.

I based the ability to raised dead and detected it through the trigger..

  • Autocast Animated Dead
    • Events
      • Unit - A unit Starts the effect of an ability
    • Conditions
      • (Ability being cast) Equal to Raise Dead
    • Actions
      • Set point = (Position of (Triggering unit))
      • Unit - Create 1 Dummy Unit for (Owner of (Triggering unit)) at point facing Default building facing degrees
      • Unit - Add a 2.00 second Generic expiration timer to (Last created unit)
      • Unit - Order (Last created unit) to Undead Death Knight - Animate Dead
      • Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_point)
I don't know why but one of the summoned animated dead dies.. :V


  • Autocast.w3x
    21.6 KB · Views: 53
Level 2
May 5, 2013
Times like these I wish there was a checkbox that said "auto-cast? Yes? No?"

Thanks Juno, appreciated.. I'll give it a look see
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