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Auteur : Ahna

Date : 25/07/03

Type de model : Equipement

MDL : Absent

Commentaire : Une aura de héro ajoutable à pratiquement toutes les unités

. : : http://www.metalplanet.org : : .


Créer un spécial effect sur l'unité voulu au point d'attache "Origin"

>>Special Effect. Create a special effect attached to Origin of (NOM DE LA CIBLE) using Aura.mdx

et appliquer lui la couleur pour éviter qu'elle reste rouge

>>"change color of -triggering unit- "

aura, spell

Aura (Model)

Level 7
Dec 3, 2006
:roll: :?: Does this aura give off hero glow or what i am confused on exactly what this aura looks like in game or anywhere... :?: :roll:
Level 6
Feb 17, 2004
It is a hero aura.
It should be attached to the point of fastener origin and to change
the color if not that to him remains with the red. It may be that
there are some problems because of new the patches because I do not
use it and I it board makes the 24/07/03. And according to what I saw
the new WEU integrates of will have. But that can always be useful for
those which do not make use of it.

Sorry for my English, I'm French.
~All the answers to your heroglow questions~
If You're slow on Triggers:
To attach this, to any unit, make a custom spell(For the Sphere spell, Human, unit). Changes the "Art - Missle" catagories to 0, None, False, 0. Change "Art - Target" to the model file of the hero glow, then change the "Art - Target Attachment Point 1" to "origin", and clear the other two strings. Change the number of attachments ("Art - Target Attachments") to 1. Name your spell to something such as "Hero Aura" and then add it to your unit.
(Note: Make a trigger that so if a unit of this type is built or summoned, its coloring is changed to the color of the player. that will make the hero glow stay the same according to players.)

For Talented Map Makers that just dont get it:
The trigger will look like this:
Hero Aura
Unit - A unit Finishes training a unit
Unit - A unit Spawns a summoned unit
((Unit-type of (Summoned unit)) Equal to Type of Your unit) or ((Unit-type of (Trained unit)) Equal to Type of Your unit)
Special Effect - Create a special effect attached to the origin of (Summoned unit) using Your Model
Special Effect - Create a special effect attached to the origin of (Trained unit) using Your Model

Note: Make a copy of the condition for every unit with the hero aura.

Hope that helps. Hope someone reads it. Hope i can get to sleep tonight thinking about the butterfly effect which i watched last night because i am still thinking about the course of my life and what would happen if i could change it.
To attach this, to any unit, make a custom spell(For the Sphere spell, Human, unit). Changes the "Art - Missle" catagories to 0, None, False, 0. Change "Art - Target" to the model file of the hero glow, then change the "Art - Target Attachment Point 1" to "origin", and clear the other two strings. Change the number of attachments ("Art - Target Attachments") to 1. Name your spell to something such as "Hero Aura" and then add it to your unit.
(Note: Make a trigger that so if a unit of this type is built or summoned, its coloring is changed to the color of the player. that will make the hero glow stay the same according to players.)
Wrong. Both of those methods do not work because they result in red.

What you really should do is use the Life Regeration Aura ability (that the Fountain of Life has) and set the health regenerated, area of effect, etc fields to 0 so it doesn't actually do anything. Then do the above method and add the ability.
Level 3
Dec 3, 2007
The tutorial by Pyrite worked on all of my guys except blue and teal, for them no color is coming up at all even though they have the ability, what gives?

EDIT: Never mind, its working. =D
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Level 7
Feb 9, 2008
What you really should do is use the Life Regeration Aura ability (that the Fountain of Life has) and set the health regenerated, area of effect, etc fields to 0 so it doesn't actually do anything.
The sphere ability is good too for attachments and such.
Level 1
Nov 4, 2009
How do you attach stuff? Is there any instructions anywhere? I sucks at this :|
Level 3
Sep 23, 2014
How to fix Hero Glow

As mentioned before, here's how u change the color using the undead hero Death Knight as an example.


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