<Aura request>

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Level 3
Jan 13, 2010
Hi all! :grin:

I need decent aura which i can not make by my self duo to lack of my knowledge in triggering and such. So if someone could help me i would appreciate it much!

Well basicly:
1.) Aura has 3 levels!
2.) It effects allies around the hero who's having aura as well as the hero himself.
3.) ---> Aura has alot of effects for units inside the radius:
a) It raises Str/Agi/Int for heroes (3 on 1st lvl, 6 on 2nd lvl, etc.)
b) it gives additional damage as [Command Aura] or such
c) it gives attack rate and movement speed as [Endurance Aura]
d) it gives health regen as [Unholy Aura]
e) it gives mana regen as [Brilliance Aura]
f) it gives defense bonus as [Devotion Aura]
g) it gives damage shield as [Thorns Aura]

As you can see my Aura is combined with most of the auras from W3.
I hope i explained it well and i hope it can be done.

Of course +rep point for all that help me get it!


Level 3
Jan 13, 2010
Ok thank you very much.

Can you please inform me when you have done it.

Or if you can add that first part can anyone help Scythy Dervish?
Level 3
Jan 13, 2010
Hmmm aura seems to have some bugs.

1st --> when there's more heroes with same aura, effects stack (damage is added)

2nd --> if second hero on the map learns the same ability he does not gain it but it effects the first hero that learned it.

Can you fix this?

Can it be done for example just by adding effect of another aura to [dummy aura]?
are the two heros from the same player?
for different players it should work, but for one player I must fix it and that take much time :(

other aura effects you just need to add to the dummyunit

and the damage stack... I don't know how this can stack because buffs usualy dont stack

or did you mean the delay when the hero moves away, that is normal ^^
Level 3
Jan 13, 2010
Yup i test it on same player.

Yeah i understand i can add additional auras to dummy unit, but was wondering if there's a way to just add another aura to already existing effect with triggering? As this would be another way to make aura.

The stacking happens only when 2n or 3rd hero of the same player learns the aura, then all the effects go to the first hero that learned the [dummy aura].
So i quess if the player problem is fixed this will fix too.

Thank you for responding!
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