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Attack Speed % Increase

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Level 11
Aug 25, 2006
Say I wanted a 4 second attack to reduce to 3 seconds. What % speed bonus would I add to accomplish this. I can't seem to figure out a relationship between % and actual speed increase in seconds.

I need the equation relating attack speed % bonus and actual cooldown second reduction.
Level 11
Aug 25, 2006
If only it were that simple. According to my physical tests, a 75% increase makes it go from 4 to 2.87.

Yes I know, completely illogical, but thats the way it works!
Level 11
Aug 25, 2006
I don't want trial & error. I want a predictable equation.

Funny enough, your correct. 100% does give it a 2 second attack. So perhaps 100% = half attack speed! Unfortunately I don't have time to look at it right this moment. So this problem will probably have to wait until tomorrow.
Level 11
Aug 25, 2006
It would need to be a negative speed value.

Since 100% = base speed. +100% = double the package. +300% = triple the package.

So -100% would make it twice the speed. To achieve a 3 second speed from 4 seconds, you would need a 50% speed reduction.
Have you ever seen blood lust? It says speed increase not reduction and the unit speeds up.

It doesn't say cooldown increase. It says attack speed increase.

A cooldown increase is an attackspeed decrease and vice a versa.
Level 12
Mar 16, 2006
I read incorrectly.

From my experience, the speed in the editor generally needs to be reflected as twice the speed you wish to attain. If you want to reduce somethings speed by 10%, you need to reduce it by 20% in the editor. It's just how it works.

When you get to higher percentages, it factors down considerably- since it can never be 0. I don't know what the curve is, unfortunately, but Razorbrain put it most accurately.
Level 11
Aug 25, 2006
I read incorrectly.

From my experience, the speed in the editor generally needs to be reflected as twice the speed you wish to attain. If you want to reduce somethings speed by 10%, you need to reduce it by 20% in the editor. It's just how it works.

When you get to higher percentages, it factors down considerably- since it can never be 0. I don't know what the curve is, unfortunately, but Razorbrain put it most accurately.
Its ok, I've also read things wrong before.

I think I figured it out, and I'm going to go try it.
Level 12
Mar 16, 2006
Its ok, I've also read things wrong before.

I think I figured it out, and I'm going to go try it.

If you wanted something definitive, all you would need to do is have 2 units and a building.

One buffer with each rank of speed buff, one attacker with the attack speed, and a building with ridiculous HP and regen rate.

Just trigger it to display the time between attacks as a real, and you're golden. That's what I would do.
Level 11
Aug 25, 2006
Ok try to make sense of this.
With a six second attack cooldown.
25% speed increase results in a 4.915 cooldown.
50% speed increase results in a 4 cooldown.
75% speed increase results in a 3.4 cooldown
100% speed increase results in a 3 cooldown.
125% speed increase results in a 2.668 cooldown
150% speed increase results in a 2.42 cooldown.
Level 12
Mar 16, 2006
Ok try to make sense of this.
With a six second attack cooldown.
25% speed increase results in a 4.915 cooldown.
50% speed increase results in a 4 cooldown.
75% speed increase results in a 3.4 cooldown
100% speed increase results in a 3 cooldown.
125% speed increase results in a 2.668 cooldown
150% speed increase results in a 2.42 cooldown.

When you multiply the speed increase * the new cooldown, they all end up around 6 seconds.

1.25 * 4.915
1.50 * 4.0

They all end up 6 ± .1
Reverse it, do some math, and you reach a BASIC outline for speed reduction/boosts.

So if you end up with a speed of 2 seconds, by a boost of 75%, then you're starting from 3.5 seconds give or take. Understand?
Level 11
Aug 25, 2006
Thanks a lot for finding what I couldn't. I did search on google, but I didn't find anything. Thanks, I checked it out. It appears to work great.
Level 12
Aug 18, 2006
i just wondering how the hell you get 1.7 divided by 4 to be 3.75

and i believe its the other way around(atleast that is what i found on google)

BAC / (1 + IAS)

IAS = 100%

4 / 2 = 2

a 100% attack speed increase would(in common sense) increase the amount of attacks during a certain period by 100%, right?
Level 2
Apr 17, 2008
i got 33% for 4 sec cooldown to become 3 sec cooldown
.33*3+3=3.99 (close to 4)
but not sure it is work like this in game......way too simple?
Level 11
Aug 25, 2006
Ok try to make sense of this.
With a six second attack cooldown.
25% speed increase results in a 4.915 cooldown.
50% speed increase results in a 4 cooldown.
75% speed increase results in a 3.4 cooldown
100% speed increase results in a 3 cooldown.
125% speed increase results in a 2.668 cooldown
150% speed increase results in a 2.42 cooldown.

This is my previous post. This was determined through triggers, I had no idea of any equation. Technically emporer_d3st's equation is correct for finding the attacks per second. To find the cooldown time, we must reverse it.

6/(1 + .25) = 4.8 ----So my time measure thing wasn't perfect
6/(1 + .5) = 4 --Exactly correct
6/(1 + .75) = 3.42 --Also exact
6/(1 + 1) = 3 --Exact
6/(1 + 1.25) = 2.66 --Very close
6/(1 + 1.5) = 2.40 --Very close

So, yea it works.
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