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Attack Animation Speed

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Level 4
May 14, 2013
I am having a bit of difficulty handling units attack speed animations. In order to balance my map I am ending up with some units having 300% attack speed bonus possibly 400%. The problem is it looks just terrible. At around 150% it looks fine and at 200% it might look like crazy haste or something but anywhere in the 250-400% range looks ridiculous.

Is it possible to adjust the attack animation speed? I feel like I remember a way to do this years ago but I cant seem to figure it out.

I found this in the Object editor
Combat - Attack 1 - Animation Damage Point
Combat - Attack 1 - Animation Damage Backswing point
Both of these don't appear to be doing anything except change the timing that the SFX is played.

Art - Animation - Cast point
Art - Animation - Cast backswing
Oddly this seems to work perfectly fine for spells animation speed. What am I missing shouldn't this work the same way for attack speed animations?

I am not completely against using a trigger but applying it to every unit might be somewhat difficult and impractical. I would like to find a solution in the object editor.




Why do you say they look ridiculous? What model are you using? Blizzard made models should perform totally fine at high attack speeds. It's typical for speeds to get into the 300-400% range in lots of maps.
Level 4
May 14, 2013
Why do you say they look ridiculous? What model are you using? Blizzard made models should perform totally fine at high attack speeds. It's typical for speeds to get into the 300-400% range in lots of maps.

Using both Blizzard and various user made. I guess its a matter of preference but for my map I dont think it looks right. So much so I re-balanced the whole thing last night. Maybe I am exaggerating in saying ridiculous but it just doesn't look good to me.
Level 4
May 14, 2013
you only have TimeScale to playaround. Cast points arent' affected by ur attack speed bonuses. Animation being scaled to fit attack. Damage point is the base delay before damage dealing/projectile starting wtih 0 bonus attack speed.

So as far as you know it isn't possible to slow down animations? Aside from editing all the models animations, something that I dont have time for.

Also what do you mean by TimeScale?




Yes there is, there's an action to slow down animation speed. SetUnitAnimationTimeScale or something similar (but it exists in GUI too).

But it'll look even worse to have a super fast attack and slowed down animation.
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