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Artificial Rally Point?

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Level 6
Jul 29, 2011
Hello again. You guys have been tremendously helpful thus far. Let's see if you can help me tackle my final hurdle in my current custom army/ies project.

What I'd like to know is if there's some kind of way to put a "set rally point" ability onto a structure that doesn't train any units. Now, before anyone goes and mentions how incredibly pointless that seems, my current custom army does not train its units in the traditional fashion, and so a manual rally-move is required via triggers. I'm not even sure if "move to rally point of structureX" would work or not, but I've never had any luck in getting a "move to rally point of unit" command to work when I have it target a non-structure unit, so maybe it would work with the structure? Perhaps you guys could answer that, too. But the main thing is whether or not I can put the "set rally point" ability onto a structure with no units to train.

Thanks again for your time, everyone.
You can make a Rally Point ability from Channel. Point Target.
Save the point in a variable and perhaps make a rally point flag that is invisible, has locust and is invulnerable. Save this unit in a variable as well.

Everytime the custom rally point ability is used. Remove the current point and unit and set the variable to the new point and unit.
Level 6
Jul 29, 2011
You can make a Rally Point ability from Channel. Point Target.
Save the point in a variable and perhaps make a rally point flag that is invisible, has locust and is invulnerable. Save this unit in a variable as well.
Everytime the custom rally point ability is used. Remove the current point and unit and set the variable to the new point and unit.

Okay, that sounds do-able enough. Although I've looked at it in the editor now, and I've gotta' ask: what does Channel actually *do*? It would be easier for me to put this together if I understood why I was doing it this way. Also, when you say "Locust", do you mean "Locust Swarm"? Because that's the only ability that has Locust in its name. Why on Earth would it need to have Locust Swarm? Also, once I do make this invisible, Locust-Swarm-having, invulnerable Rally Point unit, how is it supposed to actually be used? Why am I making this unit with nothing referencing its use? I feel like you've got the right suggestion here, but that you're lacking some essential data. Would you mind elaborating on this a little bit, please? Thanks. ^_^
Channel is simply a dummy ability you can tweak to (almost) all your needs.
You can define a lot of things within this ability. Fx. what kind of target is will affect, whether it should be a point target (on the ground), a unit target or an AoE (purely for visuals).
You can also use any Order-String which is perhaps where Channel proves to be the most useful spell in the game.

Locust is called Locust and is not Locust Swarm. I believe it is a unit ability NOT hero.
All this ability does is "hide" the unit from being selected, from showing HP bar, and it does not block for other units.

When you use the Channel ability you made you run a trigger.

Events - A unit starts the effect of an ability
Conditions - Ability being cast Equal to (the Channel ability you created)
Actions -
Remove Rally_Point_Point[Number of (owner of triggering unit)]
Kill Rally_Point_Unit[Number of (owner of triggering unit)]
Set Rally_Point_Point[Number of (owner of triggering unit)] = Target point of ability being cast
Create 1 Rally Unit for (Owner of triggering unit) at Rally_Point_Point[Number of (owner of triggering unit)] facing default degrees
Set Rally_Point_Unit[Number of (owner of triggering unit)] = Last created unit

Something like that.

For a more indepth explanation of Channel you can read this:
Level 6
Jul 29, 2011
Awesome, I think I got it. Thanks. Except there really is no ability called Locust. CTRL+F does not lie. =P But that's alright. I'm gonna' try setting the Channel ability to set target art in the form of the flag, so that'll bypass that issue anyway, supposing that it works. Thanks again. You've been a huge help. =)
Yes there is.

Level 6
Jul 29, 2011
Weird. When I go to the "Edit Unit Value - Ability List" field like in your screenshot, it certainly is there, but it's nowhere to be found in the actual Abilities tab of the Object Editor when I punch "locust" into the CTRL+F thingy. Well, thanks for showing me how to at least access its use, if not look at it or change it in any more depth than that. =P I shouldn't need to change it anyway, so it should be just fine. The third army of Clash of the Bigger Creeps is more or less complete now, thanks to you. ^_^
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