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Artificial Intelligence - KI [Contest]

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Level 5
Jun 5, 2009
Hello Hive-Users,

I spend much time to cogitate about Artificial Intelligence and how to implement it in a map, i want to create the perfect Broodmother.

Here the intellectual abilities waht i am working on it righ now:

1. - egg laying on strategic optimal places
2. - safe the Spidereggs with killing in the area where the eggs laid
3. - identification of too dangerous situations (see how much dmg/per second she get and calculate it with her dmg and see if she can win or not -> if not run and hide or kill weak creeps to get stronger(not triggerable? need script?)
4. - carry items where help her or her spiderbabys if the items not good for the spider destroy the item

Thats the main targets i have, i hope you guys can see now waht i understand under Artificial Intelligence and i hope too that some people get a good idea for something else kind of Artificial Intelligence and create now some high-tech-computer-all-killing-destroying-machines (not in terms of machines more like high intelligent monsters) and will post it here i think we can get much funny and awesome things here :grin:

now guys, waht you waiting for? go and work on your own KI! :pal:
Level 5
Jun 5, 2009
I suggest you actually make the brood mother in the object editor / any triggered abilities, make a small map with it in, then upload the map here so anyone who wants to try making the AI script can use this map.

i am working now on my Drobots (http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/...ificial-intelligence-my-first-project-139863/) at first AI, that with the broodmother... i mean you can create every AI waht u want, the broodmother was just a example of me^^ try a look on my drobots, i like these drobots :D
Level 7
Dec 19, 2008
they very basic and you can't program all situations

There tons of people trying to make something powerfull AI like human-brain but they can't do nothing really.

I guess cyborgs will rox over world (human brains with machine-body) xD
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