Artifacts ORPG is a theme-park ORPG designed to challenge players (1-22) to complete in quests, world PvP, and dungeons. Game takes a lot of inspiration from classic WoW. It is designed to take players weeks to complete on regular play sessions (1-2 hours daily play session expected). Alpha and beta testers encouraged.
Quick points.
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How to get involved?
Quick points.
- Level cap is 60.
- Leveling takes time.
- Dungeon per 20 level for each alliance, 6 dungeons in total.
- Incredibly rare loot drops at all 6 dungeons, encouraging players to farm.
- 4 Races: Undead, Orc, Human, Night Elf
- 2 Alliances: Horde and Alliance
- 4 professions: armorer, miner, gatherer, herbalist.
- Game balancing and single player enabled.
- Save system.
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How to get involved?
- Subscribe to this thread.
- Discord.
- Follow commit log.
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