Arthas Way

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
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This cinematic is about Arthas life befor turning the lich king ,and after - just watch it and i hope you will like it!

Arthas, lich king, jaina, uther, frostmourne,
icecrown, lichking,

Arthas Way (Map)

22:21, 26th Jun 2009, by Linaze Relatively bad terrain, rather stiff and bad camera work, bad spelling and grammer, bad presentation and uncredited custom resources (Green Day song), Rejected




22:21, 26th Jun 2009, by Linaze
Relatively bad terrain, rather stiff and bad camera work, bad spelling and grammer, bad presentation and uncredited custom resources (Green Day song), Rejected
Level 12
Mar 6, 2008
I personaly like your cinematic, but you have to fix grammar. There are mistakes somewhere in your cinematic, fix that and everything will be five. Until you fix grammar you have 3.7/5 from me :))
Level 28
Jan 26, 2007
I shall be honest: this isn't good.

The description isn't good.. at all, the camera isn't always moving good (sometimes it just isn't moving at all), the rocking arthas was just a random scene that has nothing to do with this cinematic, the music choice wasn't good: it's just a song you like...
It's actually not a new story, but some Blizzard Scenes + Random Scenes remade
The battles were spammed battles, create a few units and let them fight eachother.
You didn't remove the leaks, the cinematic will lag after a while because of the huge number of spawns.

You can also see the edge of the map when Arthas is on his throne, that is absolutely not good.
Your English needs some work, the grammar wasn't correct and there were a lot of typo's.
The terrain needs a lot of work, you've changed the tileset to a random combination of dirt, ice and snow with a random terrain height.
What about doodads? Or what about fitting tiles...
At the end, Arthas just stands there in a snowy area... there's nothing but snow.

1/5 rejected...
Level 24
Feb 28, 2007
Arthas Way is a cinematic about Arthas life as a human prince, as an undead Death Knight and finally as the Lich King, supreme leader of the Undead Scourge.

The terrain was near-decent, I think some areas could've used more doodads. For example the forests could've used some more environmental doodads such as plants, vines, flowers, grass and so on. Most of the tiles were snowy ones, but since the cinematic took place on Northrend, that makes sense. There was height variation, even though some smoothing here and there wouldn't hurt. The only scene that looked really plain was the credits scene as there were like no doodads in sight at all. Adding a forest or so in the background would make this scene look much better.

The camera work was rather stiff from time to time, and sometimes, the same camera was used for like 5, 6 seconds making it a bit boring to watch. Some of the camera angles could also have been a bit better. The camera also went trough Arthas shoulder once.

The music used seemed fitting at first, but suddenly a Green Day song started that didn't really fit at all and you didn't give the author(s) credits and I'm assuming you don't got permission to use their music in you your cinematic either. I suggest replacing this song with something else, could be something from the WE or some other free, downloadable music.

There weren't many special effects in this cinematic and the battle scenes were just masses of units attacking each other. Adding some special effect's often help make scenes "cooler". There was pretty much movement going on in the cinematic that made it feel less stiff, there was both Arthas moving around and two battle scenes.

The English used rather bad and most sentences had grammatical or spelling errors, or even a combination of both. Some things to keep in mind is that sentences begin with a capital letter, ends with a "." and I as in "I ate an apple" is always spelled with a capital "I".

The description here on the Hive is could be improved, and currently consists only of one single line of text that tells us a little bit about the story. The cinematic seems to follow all rules well with the exception of this one:
Map Rules said:
You may not submit maps that:
*Contain stolen, pirated or uncredited material,
I'm referring to the Green Day song.

To summarize, this map has decent enough terrain, even though it could use some minor improvements. The camera work was overall rather stiff and some cameras were used to long before you switched to another one. The cinematic lacked special effects but had quite a lot of animations that compensated the lack of special effects. The cinematic also suffered from rather bad English. This map also breaks one of the Hive submission rules as it uses uncredited music, and therefore this map cannot be approved until that music is replaced/removed. However, the quality of this map in it's current state isn't enough for approval even if it didn't break any rules.

2/5 (Lacking) and voted for disapproval.
Last edited:
Level 16
Oct 6, 2008
well first i know my english sucks so it kinda ruind the cinematic
second in the secnce when arthas stand alone with snow it's northrend lol ,snowy part with hills but about camera ,i don't think the camera didn't move more than 5 seconds.
the cinematic is based on rocking arthas ,why u think i added the song? the first part was just--description on arthas life befor he turned to the lich king. and who don't like green day ? comeon =D and maybe i spwned too many units on the battle sence cuz i wanted it will look like big battle. and why u care if you can see the edge of the throne? o_O
Level 28
Jan 26, 2007
well first i know my english sucks so it kinda ruind the cinematic
second in the secnce when arthas stand alone with snow it's northrend lol ,snowy part with hills but about camera ,i don't think the camera didn't move more than 5 seconds.
Hmm... the terrain at that part was indeed horrible, as I've said before.
The camera didn't move for at least 3 seconds, which is still a lot (nothing happens at those precious seconds)

the cinematic is based on rocking arthas ,why u think i added the song? the first part was just--description on arthas life befor he turned to the lich king.
Allright, so you add something that looks like a story, while the actual cinematic isn't even about that 'story'?
How can you actually base a map on Rocking Arthas? I mean... it's just arthas playing the guitar, nothing more.

and who don't like green day ? comeon =D
So you are saying nobody can possible hate Green Day?
I know Green Day a lot longer than you do (probably) and let me tell you this: it gets boring after hearing it everywhere!.
I've started listening to green day when they weren't really popular, but now I think they suck - they only make songs that sound the same and they don't sound very well.

And that's actually exactly my point: Choose a music that fits, not for the reason "who doesn't like them? :ugly:"

and maybe i spwned too many units on the battle sence cuz i wanted it will look like big battle.

Yeah, I get the point that you want a big battle, but I don't like the fact that you just "spawned units and let them do whatever they want to do".
And I don't complain about the number of units, but about the leaks (inefficient triggering that causes lag and can crash the game).

and why u care if you can see the edge of the throne? o_O
I can see the edge of the map at the scene with the throne -.-
And it isn't good because the edge of the map looks like cr*p, it's a black border with nothing... absolutely nothing!

Come on i'm just begginer be easy on me lol
I am going easy on you, you should've seen my list if you were a professional xD

Otherwise, go ask a ralle to add a "noob-maps"-forum, where all beginners can post their maps.
In this forum, we don't look at the creator, but at the map.
Level 3
Apr 5, 2009
Try Graduating from grade 8... if you can do that... you should have no problem with grammar or spelling. Anyway... The cinematic was a tad shoddy seeing the edge of the map, Greenday (Cold Shiver down spine) and the terrain wasn't exactly... well 1/5 and voted for disapproval
Level 5
Jul 6, 2008
Green day doesn't fit cinematic and you had massive grammar mistakes throughout the entire cinematic. The terrain was decent, but you could have added more to it. Camera angle needs to improved on in this cinematic. Also, you did not add Greenday to your credits which leaves to be 1/5 Rejected until fixed or improved.

List of things that to be fixed
-Fix Credits

the cinematic is based on rocking arthas ,why u think i added the song?

So what is the cinematic based on then? Rocking Arthas or a cinematic about Arthas life as a human prince, as an undead Death Knight and finally as the Lich King, supreme leader of the Undead Scourge.
Level 28
Jan 26, 2007
And by the way: cheer up, I've seen your recourses and this is the first map you've uploaded here (unless you got other, rejected maps).

Almost everyone's first map gets rejected at the hive, but - truth be told - I've seen someone who actually managed to get a 3.71/5 (7 votes, 3/5 from moderator) for his first map uploaded here.
That person would be me :cute: xD (yes, DoomRaiders ORPG is my first actual map uploaded on the hive...).

Most people who upload on the hive want to upload it too soon, then you get these types of maps (low-quality maps).

It's just normal for people to get their first map rejected at the hive, since we demand quality
Level 31
May 3, 2008
1) Description - The description of the cinematic are the worst, it only have 1 single sentences that barely explain the background of the story.

2) Camera - The camera movement was choppy, static and contain lot's of bad angle. It run through Arthas body and terrain such as hill.

Just look at the beginning of the camera, the camera was facing the chest rather than the unit itself.


3) Terrain & Fog - The terrain was at it's worst at most of the point, many specific area lack of tiles variation and destructible/doodad usage. Infact, I notice Arthas was standing on top of the scale 1 blizzard cliff at where the battle scenery took place. A small cliff on top of the hill that are specially for him?

Also, there is a edge of the map that are clearly visible. It look like the sea have finally reach the end of the world.


To top up with, there is no fog effect and weather effect being used. This make the entire sky being dark all the time.

4) Music & Sound - The sound effect was alright for specific point, but the music was definitely negative. I could heard 2 different music at the beginning of the movies till a Green Day song was being play where it was laugh enough to drown the other music.

Also, the music doesn't fit the theme of the map at all.

5) Animation & Special Effect - The special effect was hardly being used, thus there is no sfx abuse occur. But, the animation was poorly done as it was never reset upon being used.

6) Scripting/Triggering - The scripting/triggering was poor, it lack of all basic cinematic setup and the excessive spam of unit along with memory leak cause this cinematic to be lagging for those with poor computer performance.

Also, it was bad when you make the fade filter fade immediately since it isn't necessary to make it fade right away for most of the scene.

7) Replayability - The replayability was none, it full of typo errors and have a poor performance at most of the part ranging from triggering and storyline.

The battle scene show plenty of flaw, it was just a battle scene where a massive amount of unit being spam and slash one another like a dummy without any interesting action. To top up with, those unit appear all of the sudden at a terrain that have absolutely nothing.


This make the battle scene a complete snore and uninteresting at all.

The crediting does not have any crediting for the imported music either. To make it up, the music isn't suit and it have been used several times at arthas theme cinematic map. I have seen a lot of arthas theme cinematic map that used this music, this cinematic was probably the 9th cinematic that used the same music.

Also, it lack of originality as it was the same story all over again. You could have make it more interesting and more original instead of the same story of where Arthas betray his people and everybody shall see his wraith.

Overall, this map quality was nearly near any approval stage. It is recommend to go to forums to read more tutorial on how to make a cinematic.

As for now, 1/5 (Unacceptable) and vote for rejected.
Hmm, wasn't very good. You should really do some improvements.

1) in the first scenes, the camera cuts the half arthas
2) why did the villager, priest etc, in front of arthas sleep?
3) terrain was not the best, but at least you did something
4) some spelling/grammatical errors
5) please don't create 2x ~50 units at one point (scene with the battle undead against humans), it lags
6) the music was out of place, and I asked myself, what the hell does this music in an arthas cinematic?
7) some doodads/destructables are flying (standing off cliffs)
8) it was rather boring, there weren't any exciting/tragic/emotional scenes in this cinematic
9) the camera wasn't really good, there was almost no smooth camera, and the fading effects weren't well used

You should read some tutorials, so you can make a good camera.
Also you should first learn something about cinematics, and work a while with them, to get experience, and to do outstanding cinematics =D.