1) Description - The description of the cinematic are the worst, it only have 1 single sentences that barely explain the background of the story.
2) Camera - The camera movement was choppy, static and contain lot's of bad angle. It run through Arthas body and terrain such as hill.
Just look at the beginning of the camera, the camera was facing the chest rather than the unit itself.
3) Terrain & Fog - The terrain was at it's worst at most of the point, many specific area lack of tiles variation and destructible/doodad usage. Infact, I notice Arthas was standing on top of the scale 1 blizzard cliff at where the battle scenery took place. A small cliff on top of the hill that are specially for him?
Also, there is a edge of the map that are clearly visible. It look like the sea have finally reach the end of the world.
To top up with, there is no fog effect and weather effect being used. This make the entire sky being dark all the time.
4) Music & Sound - The sound effect was alright for specific point, but the music was definitely negative. I could heard 2 different music at the beginning of the movies till a Green Day song was being play where it was laugh enough to drown the other music.
Also, the music doesn't fit the theme of the map at all.
5) Animation & Special Effect - The special effect was hardly being used, thus there is no sfx abuse occur. But, the animation was poorly done as it was never reset upon being used.
6) Scripting/Triggering - The scripting/triggering was poor, it lack of all basic cinematic setup and the excessive spam of unit along with memory leak cause this cinematic to be lagging for those with poor computer performance.
Also, it was bad when you make the fade filter fade immediately since it isn't necessary to make it fade right away for most of the scene.
7) Replayability - The replayability was none, it full of typo errors and have a poor performance at most of the part ranging from triggering and storyline.
The battle scene show plenty of flaw, it was just a battle scene where a massive amount of unit being spam and slash one another like a dummy without any interesting action. To top up with, those unit appear all of the sudden at a terrain that have absolutely nothing.
This make the battle scene a complete snore and uninteresting at all.
The crediting does not have any crediting for the imported music either. To make it up, the music isn't suit and it have been used several times at arthas theme cinematic map. I have seen a lot of arthas theme cinematic map that used this music, this cinematic was probably the 9th cinematic that used the same music.
Also, it lack of originality as it was the same story all over again. You could have make it more interesting and more original instead of the same story of where Arthas betray his people and everybody shall see his wraith.
Overall, this map quality was nearly near any approval stage. It is recommend to go to forums to read more tutorial on how to make a cinematic.
As for now, 1/5 (Unacceptable) and vote for rejected.