Argent Dawn Rider

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
Well This is An Argent Dawn mounted warrior as you can see, for people who doesn't know what argent dawn is - This unit uses an skin made by peacegetter so credit for that goes for him, link for direct page

I hope you like this Very Simple model of Argent Dawn
please tell if there are any issues with model

Argent Dawn, Argent Crusade, Scarlet Crusade, Mounted, Captain, Knight

Argent Dawn Rider (Model)

Argent Dawn Rider (Model)

15:05, 22nd Jan 2015 Misha: skin is not approved and still needs a good update.. and the model feels kinda simple.. work on it a bit more and retry with updated skin?




15:05, 22nd Jan 2015
Misha: skin is not approved and still needs a good update.. and the model feels kinda simple.. work on it a bit more and retry with updated skin?