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This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
I was in need of somekind of arcane corpse explosion.
It's an alternative model of the exisiting version for another use.
If this effect is too simple, i'll instantly remove it.
Taking into account that i definitely have a use for it, i uploaded it here as well.

//22 May 09
Updated, more "arcane explosion-like".

Magic, Spell, Arcane, Blue, Explosion, Corpse, Mystic, Caster, Effect, Special, Bubble,

ArcaneCorpseExplosion (Model)

16:52, 21st May 2009 shamanyouranus: A great idea, and looks cool, but at the moment it is a bit too simple. Try to change the particles a bit more to make it more Arcane Explodey, instead of just blue blood. 28th May 2009 Pyritie: Lower the...




16:52, 21st May 2009
shamanyouranus: A great idea, and looks cool, but at the moment it is a bit too simple. Try to change the particles a bit more to make it more Arcane Explodey, instead of just blue blood.

28th May 2009
Pyritie: Lower the particle count to about 90-100 or so.
Level 6
Apr 8, 2009
Yea. It would be better if you made an alternate version without blood and meat.

Depends a bit. If you would like to use this on some pure magical being then youre right. But if you wanna use it for some magical empowered being then this is good enough i think.
Level 6
Mar 2, 2009
In other words, a corpse is involved, meaning blood and meat. Damn useful for other arcane spells that involves blowing up that dead piece of shit you just murdered.
Paladon, now you surprise me again. I didn't know you did models (I'm being slow and idiotic again). Since it fits in perfectly with a spell I was making, 5/5 and rep XD.