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AoS project recruitment.

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Level 5
Oct 18, 2007
Hello, my name is Rvsoldier. You can call me Rv. I'm looking for a person or two to help out with a project I have. Preferably people well versed in GUI, but we can talk. In a week or so I'm planning a 3 day gamejam masswork session-thing for this aos, and I'd like some help. You can work free or for a small chunk of cash (I am poor.). We'll discuss details over skype.

The job'll mostly include creating character kits and game systems, although if anyone is darn good with terrain I can find work for you. Thanks a ton guys, hoping to hear back from some of you! (P.S Please send help, I'm way in over my head.)
Level 5
Oct 18, 2007
Not sure if you want a list of things I'd like to do different or 12 things specifically but:

Doing away with lanes entirely, and making the game heavily objective and jungle base. I've played War3 maps for years, and I'd also really love to bring back this old Mission system I had a lot of fun with from an old AoS. Reasonably, I'd like to take the best qualities from every moba and mash them into one, along with the stuff we think of.

We have a vision where we want to remove a lot of the annoying and hard to get into portions of mobas. That includes traditional last hitting, laning, etc. We have two layers to the project. You can play the moba, and really get into the game; or you can read the lore and get immersed in the world. Hopefully people will do both, if even one person ends up liking what we make, I'll be happy.

No one uses flat mana, everyone has their own resources, although some people share them. At launch, we want 20 heroes with mostly different ones. Things include Sharpness of your weapon, that dulls or sharpens based on how you use your abilities, and effects your abilities offensively and defensively. Momentum, that builds up as you move, and rapidly degens, giving you more speed and having your abilities have additional movespeed to damage scaling, etc.

We have a full storyline going on, and have artists and voice actors as well. Its been about two years worth of theorycrafting and building between my group, and we're finally at a place where we're happy enough with how everything is to make it. But I cannot create this alone, and no one else in my group knows how to use World Editor.

I can always give more information here, in pms, or through skype. And that goes for anyone interested. Preferably, I'd like at least one person to help us out. Two would be beautiful. In the coming weeks, we want to do a three day weekend game-jam kinda thing, where we knock it out.
Level 14
Sep 28, 2011
Did you through to Make a loot system based on the damage you deal (with an dds).
You would have through probably for balance reasons to make multipliers in function of the unit and make something based on the percentage of the life dealt in damage to an unit because else by hitting 12 times an heavy tank with your damage dealer you would gain too much money.(I have not seen yet this system in an aos)
I can do basic GUI scripting(like get local player and cleaning half of the leaks) and maybe find one or one and an half idea.
Your aos looks interesting there is some features I have not seen in all aos.
I hope you will not do the usual three creeps and make instead an dozen of different creeps with synergies between them.
Also did you through to dynamically changing lanes as there will be essentially jungle having creeps who choose new roads would be good as the players would encounter new neutral creeps and quests while staying near of their army
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Level 14
Sep 28, 2011
Why not add an squad system:in each wave of creep there is one squad leader when the squad leader try to attack an particular target all the creeps of his squad focus their attacks on one enemy unit but when the quad leader die they stop having this behavior so this way without increasing the total firepower of creeps you increase their ability to hurt the players as they will focus all his attacks on him if the player does not kill the squad leader. So this add an increased interest in single target spells against creeps as when you kill the squad leader of an group of creeps they become less dangerous and weaker than others groups of creeps(focus fire for killing individual targets is more efficient than the usual attack a little all creeps).
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