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Any terrainers...

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Level 9
Aug 11, 2007
Game On is a forum, much like ACC here, but most say it is better, why? Well here are some reasons...

1. You get a bigger signature, with pictures :eek:
2. Their is a shoutbox!
3. Their is a reputation system
4. A More generalized forum, Nintendo, gaming, it's all good.
5. Cool people lolz
6. Ability to select different skins.
7. Many friendly users who have came from sites all around!
8. RANKS! Anywhere from being a Mod, to being an elite member!
9. A Mushroom Kingdom Role Play Game
10. An Official "Game On Survival"! If you don't know what that is, your missing out.

If anyone is willing to join, check out this link,


Earlier today, the member count was at 50, now its at 59.
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Level 9
Apr 4, 2004
First of all, wrong forum.
Second, way too many sections.
Third, are we allowed to do topics like these?
Level 9
Aug 11, 2007
yes ive been doing some trimming, butthis site has lots of forums? w/e, theirs a chat at the bottom so if u need to talk, im angry_sun
Level 9
Aug 11, 2007
#1. it was never liek that, my forum had lots of members and stuff, enough to sustane itself, but then i gave one of my friends admin, and they deleted the site. =/

#2. Why not give it a chance, all im asking is for some members to come and post stuff about their work.

#3. you can be part of more than 1 forum.
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
Meh, if it's not active, why join? I am going to stick to the Hive, thanks.

Entirely wrong forum by the way.
Level 6
Apr 29, 2007
If you gave someone admin and they deleted your site, then I wouldn't cosider them a friend, and it wouldn't seem logical to trust them with admin in the first place.

Anyways, how would Warcraft Terraining "spice" things up on your forums anyways? You said it was for other games correct? The reason there is a terraining forum on the Hive is to give and recieve help with terraining a map.

It still doesn't seem to make sense why you posted this thread here of all places.
Level 24
Nov 9, 2006
The difference between Hive and your site:
-Hive is more professional
-Hive Mods and Admins are professional
-Hives design rock!
-Link to site is well uhh... #
-Dont use invisionfree...
Design for ur site said:
Antite BBS created by Heretic of the IF Skin Zone.
-Adds that doesnt pay you!
-A live chat box as header, oh god plz no!
-Many members my ass: 60
-Advertising on hive isnt allowed!
-To many forums for such few people
-To general forums, nothing special really...
-Plus more i didnt even bothered writing down because i hope you understand the points above now
Level 9
Aug 11, 2007
Chat is temp, im still fixzing stuff up, and i was thinking about buying a forum. If you dont like it, dont talk crap about it, every forum has to start somewhere.
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Level 7
Feb 25, 2007
Quoted by Hivework shop rules
Do not advertise things that are not related to Warcraft III on this site. Especially do not advertise products that you wish other people to buy, or pornographic sites. This will result in a ban.
Advertising a site for promotion only will result in infractions and link removal.
Whether or not it is for promotion only is the staff's decision.
You are however allowed to promote sites through your signature file if the sites are not offending.

Yeah avertising is not allowed on the site.. Avertise in you signature I think is only thing you can do.
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
Main reason I wouldn't go: It just makes another site to check every day. I have enough.

Also, why take members away from a good site? Support the Hive.
Level 9
Aug 11, 2007
well then u stay here, just saying, im starting an all aroudn forum advertising on many sites, not just this one, and this one has enough, just saying, so yea.
Level 9
Jun 27, 2007
I really wish you'd just stop posting this. On the forums themself they seem pretty plain and will probally soon become desolate as people see no reason to return. A forum has a community because people want to come back to read new things but your forum is so broad and is nothing more than a message board so there's no pull. If the Hive didn't have a download section and wasn't using w3search's old files it probally wouldn't be very popular either.

In reguards to the Hive, creating threads to advertise your forums is against the rules. I don't understand why this wasn't deleted/locked.
Level 9
Aug 11, 2007
I really wish you'd just stop posting this. On the forums themself they seem pretty plain and will probally soon become desolate as people see no reason to return. A forum has a community because people want to come back to read new things but your forum is so broad and is nothing more than a message board so there's no pull. If the Hive didn't have a download section and wasn't using w3search's old files it probally wouldn't be very popular either.

In reguards to the Hive, creating threads to advertise your forums is against the rules. I don't understand why this wasn't deleted/locked.

neither do i, but im not posting it all over, its just one thread, so calm down.
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
Craka isn't very active. I guess other than DSG no other Gobal mod/admin saw this.
Level 9
Aug 11, 2007
Well, leave it be, some people joined and like it, maybe you dont.

So just dont post then seriously, i know im violating the rules and all, thats my fault tho lol.
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
Apparently you do not like following the rules. You post in the wrong forum, you posted advertising another site, and you have double posted.

Also we are going to give our opinions. If you do not like them that's too bad.
Level 9
Aug 11, 2007
Well fine then, but don't lie about it, your saying it sucks and shit, no it doesn't. Its just not to your liking.
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
We are not lying. First, I never said it "sucks and shit", second when someone says your site is not all that great, suck it up. People come to the hive and say the same thing. Ralle doesn't whine about it.
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