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Anti maphack Shield v1.0

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
Well I'm already sick of the maphackers, so this is my contribution, another anti maphack system:

* At the moment the system is not perfect.
* I hope you can test and let me know your suggestions.

The code:
library AntiMhShield uses TimerUtils
*   AntiMhShield
*   __________________
*   v1.0.1.1
*   by Thelordmarshall
*   Well, another anti maphack system...
*   It is 100% functional? Not at the moment because WE have to improve 
*   some functions and perfecting typical events of the "maphackers".
*   Pros:
*   _____
*       - Detect mh when clic a foged/masked unit.
*       - Detect mh when clic invisible units (without item detection, for 
*         example a gem).
*   Cons:
*   _____
*       - The system is not perfect.
*       - I have many ideas to perfecting the system but I have not been able 
*         to add all.
*   Credits:
*   ________
*       - Vexorian: TimerUtils.
*   Notes:
*   ______
*       - If you have mh test the system for me :).
*       - I waiting for your suggestions.
*   Copyright © 2015.
        private integer array invId
        private integer array revealId
        private real array revealAoE
        private constant integer MAX_ALERTS=3
        private constant integer MAX_FLAGS=20
        private constant real CHECK_PERIOD=0.3
        private constant real RADIUS=300.00
        private constant real FLAGS_DELAY=3.50
        private constant real VOTING_DELAY=60.00
        private constant integer END_GAME_DELAY=10
        private constant boolean DETECT_ONLY_HEROES=true
        private constant boolean DETECT_ONLY_USERS_PLAYERS=false
    private function ConfigInviAbilities takes nothing returns nothing
        set invId[1]='Aivs'
        set invId[2]='Abur'
        set invId[3]='Abu2'
        set invId[4]='Abu3'
        set invId[5]='Ashm'
        set invId[6]='Sshm'
        set invId[7]='Ahid'
        set invId[8]='Asb3'
        set invId[9]='Asb2'
        set invId[10]='Asb1'
        set invId[11]='Apiv'
        set invId[12]='BOwk'
        set invId[13]='Binv'
        set invId[14]='Bivs'
    private function ConfigRevealAbilities takes nothing returns nothing
        set revealId[1]='Adts'
        set revealAoE[1]=900.00
        set revealId[2]='Adt1'
        set revealAoE[2]=1100.00
        set revealId[3]='Atru'
        set revealAoE[3]=900.00
        set revealId[4]='Adtg'
        set revealAoE[4]=900.00
        set revealId[5]='ANtr'
        set revealAoE[5]=900.00
    private struct AntiMh
        static constant timer T=CreateTimer() //(!)
        static integer array flag[11]
        static integer array alert[11]
        static integer array endDur[11]
        static boolean array onAlert[11]
        static player p=null
        static unit u=null
        static unit f=null
        static method isTargetType takes unit o returns boolean
            static if DETECT_ONLY_HEROES then
                return IsUnitType(o,UNIT_TYPE_HERO)
                return true
            return false
        static method isPlayerControl takes player k returns boolean
            static if DETECT_ONLY_USERS_PLAYERS then
                return GetPlayerController(k)==MAP_CONTROL_USER
                return true
            return false
        static method groupFilter1 takes nothing returns boolean
            local integer i=1
            local integer c=0
            set f=GetFilterUnit()
                exitwhen revealId[i]==null
                if GetUnitAbilityLevel(f,revealId[i])>0 then
                    set c=c+1
                set i=i+1
            return IsUnitOwnedByPlayer(f,p) and c>0
        static method playerHasDetectItem takes unit mhTarget, player mhPlayer returns boolean
            set p=mhPlayer
            call GroupEnumUnitsInRange(bj_lastCreatedGroup,GetUnitX(mhTarget),GetUnitY(mhTarget),9999.,Filter(function thistype.groupFilter1))
            if FirstOfGroup(bj_lastCreatedGroup)!=null then
                return true
            return false
        static method effectiveDetect1 takes nothing returns boolean
            return IsUnitFogged(u,p) or IsUnitMasked(u,p)
        static method effectiveDetect2 takes nothing returns boolean
            return .effectiveDetect1() and IsUnitInvisible(u,p) and not .playerHasDetectItem(u,p)
        //Not perfect yet :(
        static method effectiveDetect3 takes nothing returns boolean
            return IsUnitInvisible(u,p) and not .playerHasDetectItem(u,p)
        static method endDelay takes nothing returns nothing
            local timer t=GetExpiredTimer()
            local integer i=GetTimerData(t)
            local player l=GetLocalPlayer()
            local player h=Player(i)
            local string s="|c00FF0000[AntiMapHack]|r: "+GetPlayerName(h)+" is using map hack, left in "+"|c0080FF00"+I2S(endDur[i]-1)+"|r"
            set endDur[i]=endDur[i]-1
            call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(l,0.,0.,60.,s)
            if endDur[i]<=0. then
                if l==h then
                    call EndGame(true)
                call ReleaseTimer(t)
            set t=null
        static method endGame takes nothing returns nothing
            local integer i=GetPlayerId(p)
            set endDur[i]=END_GAME_DELAY
            call TimerStart(NewTimerEx(i),1.,true,function thistype.endDelay)
        static method removeMhAlert takes nothing returns nothing
            local timer t=GetExpiredTimer()
            local integer i=GetTimerData(t)
            set onAlert[i]=false
            call ReleaseTimer(t)
            set t=null
        static method alertMh takes string msg, real d returns nothing
            call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(),0.,0.,60.,msg)
            if d>0. then
                call TimerStart(NewTimerEx(GetPlayerId(p)),d,false,function thistype.removeMhAlert)
        static method decreaseFlags takes nothing returns nothing
            local timer t=GetExpiredTimer()
            local integer i=GetTimerData(t)
            set flag[i]=flag[i]-1
            call ReleaseTimer(t)
            set t=null
        static method groupFilter2 takes nothing returns boolean
            set f=GetFilterUnit()
            return IsUnitEnemy(f,p) and .isTargetType(f) and .isPlayerControl(GetOwningPlayer(f))
        //Not work yet. I finish for the next version :)
        static method automaticDetect takes nothing returns nothing
            local real x=GetCameraEyePositionX()
            local real y=GetCameraEyePositionY()+(GetCameraField(CAMERA_FIELD_TARGET_DISTANCE)/2)
            local integer i=0
            local string s
                exitwhen i==bj_MAX_PLAYERS
                set p=Player(i)
                if GetPlayerSlotState(p)==PLAYER_SLOT_STATE_PLAYING then
                    call GroupEnumUnitsInRange(bj_lastCreatedGroup,x,y,RADIUS,Filter(function thistype.groupFilter2))
                    if FirstOfGroup(bj_lastCreatedGroup)!=null then
                        set flag[i]=flag[i]+1
                        call TimerStart(NewTimerEx(GetPlayerId(p)),FLAGS_DELAY,false,function thistype.decreaseFlags)
                        if flag[i]>=MAX_FLAGS then
                            set alert[i]=alert[i]+1
                            set flag[i]=0
                            if alert[i]>=MAX_ALERTS and not onAlert[i] then
                                set s=GetPlayerName(p)
                                call .alertMh("|c00FF0000[MH Alert]|r: Player "+s+" has reached the flags limits warnings, it is possible this using MH.",VOTING_DELAY)
                                call .alertMh("|c00FF0000[MH Alert]|r: The voting to kick the player "+s+" has started.",0.)
                                set onAlert[i]=true
                set i=i+1
        static method manualDetect takes nothing returns boolean
            set u=GetTriggerUnit()
            set p=GetTriggerPlayer()
            if GetTriggerEventId()==EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_ISSUED_TARGET_ORDER then
                set u=GetOrderTargetUnit()
            if not IsUnitOwnedByPlayer(u,p) then
                if .effectiveDetect1() then
                    call .endGame() //100%
                elseif .effectiveDetect2() then
                    call .endGame() //100%
                elseif .effectiveDetect3() then
                    call .endGame() //100% (!)
            return false

        static method onInit takes nothing returns nothing
            local trigger t=CreateTrigger()
            local integer i=0
            local player k
            call ConfigRevealAbilities()
            call ConfigInviAbilities()
                exitwhen i==bj_MAX_PLAYERS
                set k=Player(i)
                call TriggerRegisterPlayerUnitEvent(t,k,EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SELECTED,null)
                call TriggerRegisterPlayerUnitEvent(t,k,EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_ISSUED_TARGET_ORDER,null)
                set flag[i]=0
                set i=i+1
            call TriggerAddCondition(t,function thistype.manualDetect)
            //call TimerStart(T,CHECK_PERIOD,true,function thistype.automaticDetect)

wc3, maphack, anti maphack, system, vjass, mh, anti mh.

AntiMhShield v1.0 (Map)

12th Dec 2015 IcemanBo: For long time as NeedsFix. Rejected. 12:15, 5th Jan 2015 IcemanBo: No guarantee to work at current state. Read comments in thread.




12th Dec 2015
IcemanBo: For long time as NeedsFix. Rejected.

12:15, 5th Jan 2015
No guarantee to work at current state. Read comments in thread.
  • Your struct doesn't have any methods. There is no need of allocate/deallocate. extends array would get rid of these not needed generated code.
    But actually I do not see any sense of using structs for you. Everything is static. :/
  • if FirstOfGroup(bj_lastCreatedGroup)!=null then
    ^This doesn't make sense. Why do you use bj_lastCreatedGroup in here?
  • Also groupFilter1 doesn't seem to be flawless. You filter units in range of 9999 for the reveal ability? And also what is about allied players? They might share the same sight as the checked player.
  • In static method manualDetect you don't recycle the HandleId of u. (Also the initialization of u could be optimized)
  • There exists a lack of description in your configuration part. User can't see how to modify the system to his needs.
  • Your "pros" are not really pros, because there is only explained the functionality.
  • Your "cons" only informs that your system is not perfect, but not why.
  • No need to kick the MH player or print messages. Your system should only detect it for the user.
  • Remove not used code in your upload. You can keep your test functions localy on your desktop, but user does not need it.
  • No need to null recycling timers. :)

Well, enough for now. Frankly said it looks more like an approach, not ready for the section yet.
It only might detect a player's MH, if he clicks or targets a fogged player. So it is limited to these certain events. (but still no guarantee...)
Level 23
Apr 16, 2012
the problem is that wc3 actually stores all the data on all machines(e.g. positions of all units), so you can actually see anything on the map and for instance IsVisibleToPlayer will still return false, because the game itself doesnt see them, you can for instance use program that will draw over wc3's window the stuff according to the data.

As said, only real way to say if someone is maphacking is to use corrupted wc3 model that will crash your game when you try to render it and even that is overcomeable, if you have inteligent enough program to make it only render the stuff when you want it(a possible counter for this is having hidden or invisible unit to all players at all times[beware of dust of appearance tho] which would be forcefully moved to your screen all the time)
Level 17
Jul 17, 2011
I like it :D

i know rite its kool :D :O XD:pXDS

This only affects the lesser intelligent mh'ers. A invisible corrupt model is the only way to prevent maphack. WC3 can't do it any other way.

Still nice try.

where is this model it seems like an urband legend what part of it must be corrupt? how do you know the game wont crash when it generated it on map init?

Cool System YEAH!!!!

Level 23
Apr 16, 2012
it wont crash when the map is initializing because its how it is. Corrupted models will only crash the game when you try to render them(the game does not render models that are in fog or are invisible to the player, or are hidden)
you are right... For the moment the system is only a test. I will remove the structs for next version thanks :)

How i can implement a invisible corrupt model?

Thanks for your answers...

I didn't know until I researched it, a corrupt animation is played while the unit is invisible to crash anyone who can actually see it. Sorry for the delay.