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[Animation-Texturing Request] - Whitelighter and Apostle Knight (full detail)

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Level 8
Dec 6, 2010
Hello guys, good day, i have a request for 2 Holy-type units. Its the ones i need for my Kingdom Come: Apocalypse map. Initially, i wanted these to be models from scratch but its up to you if you could edit it from an internal unit. i made my own though. Ima make this as informative as possible. Here they are..

Dawn Silversoul - Whitelighter
When an angel takes a human for a wife, a celestial being called Haelion is born. Known in common tongue as Whitelighters, these half-angel half-human people spread across the world to promote righteousness, joining mostly the ranks of human armies as excellent healers, or rangers with archery prowess passed down from the great angels themselves. Dawn Silversoul is one of the few Whitelighters to enter the fight against the vile Black Swarm. Having the legendary bow Calvary in hand, she is indeed a most formidable ranger..

Concept Photo-
attached below. The body and the face. She has glasses but make it black. hair should be black and wavy. Bow could look like anything as long as it fits her being a Half-angel (just a white-silver bow would do). She doesnt need to be anime, the pic is just for the purpose of showing her having glasses and black wavy hair.
give her wings (pops out when she casts her ultimate skill)

you can stop at making the model and just give her Sylvanas animations (the character is currently using that model in my map) but if your interested in how i would really like her to move..

-run- sylvanas run would do. Tell me if you got a better idea
-stand- give her a stand anim where she would clasp her hands and bow down (praying). You can also give her a anim where she flips her hair (i love doing that haha)
-attack- sylvanas animations would do. tell me if you got a better idea
-spell- a anim where she prays OR sings. another anim where she fires an arrow while levitating (wings pop out) OR you could make her metamorph like Demon Hunter , she goes angel form that hovers rather than walk (although this could make the modeling harder)
-death- she falls on a kneeling position first, then looks up before she drops dead (dramatic X))

Jeorge Lionheart - Apostle Knight
Hailing from the great city of Calbaun, Jeorge Lionheart has resisted the forces of the Black Swarm with great conviction and zeal. A man walking in faith and guided by the commandments, he is an image of a true warrior of the Light, earning him the title Apostle Knight. Wielding the holy sword Sinai, he has defeated every demon that tried to desecrate the laws of the Light. He leads the Human expedition across the Hell Gate to put an end to the invasion once and for all.

Concept Photo-
attached below. The armor and the hair.. face would be up to you as long it is not old as Uther. He's in his early adulthood yah know? XD. He doesnt need to be anime, it wont fit the WC3 engine. sword is up to you guys, as long as it looks like a knight sword and its holy-looking.. and by the way give him a knight shield, i preffer the Garithos shield recolored to white blue, or you could surprise me:)

you can stop at making the model and just give him Captain animations (the character is currently using that model in my map, but my problem is that it has no spell anims) another option that i would like is to give him a anim from the WOW warrior set but i dont know how you would do it and if its allowed here.. but if your interested in how i would really like him to move..

-run- Captain/WOW warrior run would do. Tell me if you got a better idea
-stand- give him a stand anim where he would thrust his sword to the ground while bowing down kneeling, his hands are still in the sword handle (praying). You can also give him an anim where he salutes..
-attack- WOW warrior animations would do (Captain attacks look lacking but still good if you want to). tell me if you got a better idea
-spell- a anim where slams with his shield. another anim where he spins before slashing (both anims are present on the WOW warrior set)
-death- he bows down, drops his sword and shield and puts his hand on his tummy, then walks a little, then drop.. dead

currently working on a Female Dwarven Lorekeeper idea..

That's it :)
I know its kinda hard, im not rushing it anyway please take your time, i hope its not much of a burden, and i hope you would consider it. i also want to somehow give a hero idea people could use:) by the way, you can ask me for hero ideas i will not hesitate to help you:) appreciate you for reading it, again, suggestions are always welcome. working on the map, im still weak at the triggers so maybe you can also help me. wanna hear from you.. thank you and Godbless:)

-created a model for the two concepts to lighten the work (ms3d format, no bones, no anims, no textures) if you find it too high-poly then lessen it at your convenience, although i would greatly appreciate it if you could finish it without lessening it (wanted it as detailed and as close to the concept pic as possible, size doesnt matter to me:)) figured out the head with a lot of help (thank you guys!)

-attached a rar file containing the 2 model attempts and the concept pictures

-Apostle Knight model lacks a cape (a must) and a shield (optional), i leave that to you.
-Whitelighter Model lacks the cape-like thing at the back of her pants (dont know what its called, see concept pic)

Thank You Very Much!


  • ranger_hunter1.jpg
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  • knight_warrior1.jpg
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  • Resources.rar
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Level 8
Dec 6, 2010
hey! thank you for supporting! wew at last someone at least got interested:) but cant blame you guys.. i tried modeling.. hard to learn, hard to do haha. maybe ill just stick with drawing hero ideas. anyway, BUMP:) not losing hope:)

EDIT: ps: opinions and recommendations are always open, i wanna grow too:)
Level 32
Jul 23, 2005
Right, so did some work today. Brought together the meshes I wanted and started pasting together bits form textures. It wont have this hacked together skin when it's done, this is just to get a feel for it. Plan on trying to see if I can get epic hero stance animations for it instead of just straight footy animations.


  • JeorgeProofOfConcept.png
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Level 8
Dec 6, 2010
ima try to make the other details on the model.. (breastplate, winged knee pads, thinned upper arm and bracers, etc) thank you for helping me Cavman, and by the way can you make the hair like in the pic?
Level 8
Dec 6, 2010
Apostle model done:) i tried what i can haha. sorry, im still a beginner at this:)
no bones, no animations, no textures, just the model and still in ms3d. and also no head haha. i have no idea haw to do the head i want, i leave that to you guys:) ima work on the Whitelighter after our Christmas celebration. Happy Holidays!

ps: please give him a cape:) with fur linings below (optional)

..feedbacks please:)


  • APOSTLE.rar
    45.4 KB · Views: 47
Level 8
Dec 6, 2010
oh.. so the number of polys do affect animation? just wanted it to really look like the picture i posted.. anyway if you really need to decrease the poly count then please do:) thank you
Level 32
Jul 23, 2005
oh.. so the number of polys do affect animation? just wanted it to really look like the picture i posted.. anyway if you really need to decrease the poly count then please do:) thank you

It affects rigging and deformation. Also, the thing is a crap load of geosets, which makes rigging even harder, and I would need to create up a custom skeleton for the thing, which I really don't want to spend time doing.

And more of an artistic thing, the shear amount of pollies you used would make this model stick out like a sore thumb and would not fit the artistic style of war 3 and end up not looking all that good.
Level 8
Dec 6, 2010
EDIT: ok, tried the whitelighter model:) and got a lot of help on the heads of the 2 models, thank you very much for the tutors:)

i attached the 2 models (Whitelighter and Apostle Knight) with their concept arts in the first post..
Again, they are on ms3d format (im so sorry i dont know how to convert it), no textures, no bones, and no anims. just wanted to lighten the task a little bit.. forgot to give Apostle knight a cape, and Whitelighter with a mini-cape at the back of her pants, kindly please add that.

if you think that it has too much polys then its up to you to decrease it, to your convenience. although i would really appreciate if somebody could animate it without decreasing the poly count:)

feedbacks, again, are highly appreciated. Thank you:)
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Level 2
Dec 2, 2009
this is one of the very few request post that bothered to give some effort, great concept, nice models (where did you edit it from?), would be a big waste if it would be ignored.. hope i could use the models when they get finished (lol)
Level 8
Dec 6, 2010
thanks for the compliment and interest. the heads are made by other people.. i got a LOT of help. a generous someone gave me a female and male basic structure, so i tinkered with it:)
Level 3
Dec 30, 2010
Hey Da, got my acoount. classic Lady Dada request (lol) ill try to work on the texture, focus your eye on the word "TRY" ^.^

off topic: got the terrain done (finally)! Looking forward to be working with you again!
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