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Animals' Life ORPG v1.25

Animals' Life is an ORPG where you control an Animal.
Fight hostile Animals, get experience, gold and items to improve your character.
Do your own life with others players by coupling with those having the same Animal as you, to get children which will help you in your battles.

-Number of Animals that you can choose : 10 (Male and Female, so 20).
-Abilities : more than 80.
-Levels of hostile : 4 for now.
-1 PvP Area.

Hope you will like the game :)

Have Fun !

Speak about the map here please !

/!\ The map is protected /!\
Why ? To prevent people to cheat by seeing my save system...
Also to decrease the map's size by 600 Kb !

Changelog :

• A bug for bosses fixed ;
• Added 3 quests ;
• A bug for females fixed ;
• Added the command -cam ;
• Added spells to hostiles ;
• A bug for save/load fixed.

• Bug for bosses fixed ;
• Bug for children (probably) fixed ;
• Bug for Nettle fixed ;
• Bug for children's spells fixed ;
• Bug for Wolves' couple fixed ;
• Bug for children attack (when you wre in an enemy clan) fixed ;
• Thanks to Tanasren and Rpgmaniac for their great help !

• Female Animals have now to wait until they can couple at start ;
• Correction of a bug for the Spell Reset Cooldown ;
• New design of Animals' menu ;
• Added Quests ! ;
• Correction of a (big) bug for plants ;
• Correction of a bug (forgot in version 1.22) for coupling ;
• Load time added, you can now load your character only at the first 15 minuts ;
• Correction of a bug for children ;
• Balancing of children ;
• Entirely remake the Boss system (anti-bug system), and some new things ;
• Added Boss limits.

[EDIT] Forgot to change the version minimap >_>
[EDIT2] Forgot to change the Spider's mana --'

• Correction of a bug for plants ;
• Correction of a bug for couple ;
• Added the Solo Game ;
• Correction of a bug for Bosses ;
• Updated the command -d ;
• Thanks to : Legonzo - Rpgmaniac - Tanasren.

Animals' Life, Animals' Life ORPG, Animals' Life RPG, Animals', Animals, Animal, Life, ORPG, RPG

Animals' Life ORPG v1.25 (Map)

17:19, 20th Aug 2008 Septimus : http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/788165-post8.html This map seems to be develop very well with all necessary hotkey and detail provided. Although there might be a few complain from user regarding about...
Level 3
Aug 21, 2008
about bonus-dmg/armor:
young grow to adults when u are lvl X: they have no +dmg, +armor
if u get lvl up then, they get it

try to fix it :/
Level 3
Aug 21, 2008
i try it the last time:
for example: if u get children with lvl 4, and they grow to adult, they had +0dmg and +0 armor, but if u get lvl up then (5), they had +5dmg, +2armor(dont know the exact bonus)
then, if u get new children again, they had +0 dmg, +0 armor as adults again ---> 1/2 of the adult spiders had +5dmg, +2 armor, and the other adults had+0dmg/armor

i hope u understood :grin:
Level 9
May 14, 2008
There are MASS BUGS !
When u enter a boss arena, it's one boss per player (and one timer per player so you can enter when u want but add a boss and minions).
Also one other bug is the nettles, it cant be used whereas i bought it.
Then, the female boar got 1 strenght more than the male.
The primaries quests are fine but no one for spiders ?
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Level 6
Feb 1, 2008
i try it the last time:
for example: if u get children with lvl 4, and they grow to adult, they had +0dmg and +0 armor, but if u get lvl up then (5), they had +5dmg, +2armor(dont know the exact bonus)
then, if u get new children again, they had +0 dmg, +0 armor as adults again ---> 1/2 of the adult spiders had +5dmg, +2 armor, and the other adults had+0dmg/armor

i hope u understood :grin:

Ok understood o_O
Send me the replay please oO

There is MASS BUGS !
When u enter a boss arena, it's one boss per player (and one timer per player so you can enter when u want but add a boss and minions).
Arf XD
Must fix it xD

Also one other bug is the nettles, it cant be used whereas i bought it.
It did not gave you the plant ? :eek:

Then, the female boar got 1 strenght more than the male.
The other should buy a +1 Strenght maybe ?

The primaries quests are fine but no one for spiders ?
There are only 2 quests for the moment, but I will add more ^^

Thanks for reports :bored:
Level 3
Aug 21, 2008
so u finally understood the bug, but i think it was only in v1.23, becouse i tried it in 1.23b and it didnt show (maybe it was becouse of the 15 mana of spider-children)
Level 9
May 14, 2008
You didn't understand -_-
I'm gonna translate it later maybe.
When i say there is +1 strenght, it's at level 1, so no upgrade.
When you buy a nettle (or plus dont remember), you got [0] nettle in your plant bag (inventory) and so there is a limit for nettles but you can't use it.
The bosses are impossible to kill at required levels without babies and nice pulling, so... it sux :x
An other bug, the Horn Push with the Adult Boar (the baby of the boar Hero) doesn't do ANY damage, it just push away and doesn't do the 50 DAMAGE written in description.
And didn't u add the stag model ? :p it was a great skin !
And as for the first bug, for coupling, with wolf, it just get me stuck (couldn't move) and same for the female wolf, so i said i tried to get unstuck by -repick but it didn't work too.
Bugs are : Nettles, couple with wolf (it worked very well with the Boar), Horn Push for baby boar, MANY BOSSES POP.
Level 9
May 14, 2008
Yep, cause it makes the game worst than others versions :x (but i really enjoy it lol)
The worst things are the boss bug and after that the horn push.

And at level 1 you can't buy stats to merchant ^^

So i'm gonna wait for a fix as i waited for the 1.23 !
Ty rommstein :) i played with many players and a lot enjoyed ur map.

EDIT : So when do u release the new version ?
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Level 6
Feb 1, 2008
Ok I think I found where does the HP problem come from :)
So I will make all my possible to release the map today :D
(I'm not sure to have fix the HP problem, so if you find a similar bug PLEASE tell me it and PLEASE send me the replay ! Thanks ! :D).
Level 3
Aug 21, 2008
u should add some animal-items (items only for wolf, some for spider, ......)
and new enemies!!!^^
I love ur map! :thumbs_up:
Level 2
Aug 29, 2008
Hi, I've already test your map. It's very good orpg and i hope many people like it. Found bug when you buy Speed plant and use it once you have infinite count of Speed plant well it write 0 but i can use it 1000000 times, also to make map more interesting try make more quests like with scorpions because after hitting 6 or more levels it becomes boring that's all thanks
Level 6
Feb 1, 2008
Hi, I've already test your map. It's very good orpg and i hope many people like it.
Thanks :wink:

Found bug when you buy Speed plant and use it once you have infinite count of Speed plant well it write 0 but i can use it 1000000 times
Arf +1 bug about the plants, when will it stop ? xD

also to make map more interesting try make more quests like with scorpions because after hitting 6 or more levels it becomes boring that's all thanks
Of course I will ! :eek:
The map is a beta man, it's not finished, I will not let only 2 quests in the game xD

Thanks for posting :)
Level 9
May 14, 2008
No more bugs for me :)
But i was able to kill the crab boss ALONE with 2 babies (adults) at level 19 (with like 6 upgrade only). I destroyed him 8 times alone :p
Ah, an other thing about power item :
- remember the suggestion about immolation which become obsolet in time ^^
- the power item from the crab boss, water throw or smthg is LESS powerfull than the scorpion poison lololilolol and it's level 15 -_-, the cooldown is also long.
Level 2
May 27, 2008
Originally Posted by Tanasren
(oula ça veut rien dire)

for Lord_Firage will said, ouch, it will said nothing, and for me, in English, it's not the same thing!

(ca non plus ca ne veut rien dire ^^)
Level 17
Sep 8, 2007
Woohey, Rommstein, your map is awesome :D
The chosing system, the abilities, just everything!!! :D 5/5 ofc from me.
I'm gonna host this many times so people see how good your maps are ;)

Just one question:
Which format and which size did you use for the preview picture and how did you implent it?
I never found that out >.<

Greetz, xxdingo93xx

P.S.: The white wolf rockz :D love thus animals *.*
Level 6
Feb 1, 2008
Hi thank you for your compliments ;)
My preview image is in targa, and 256*256.
To implant it you import the image in your map, and you change the name by war3mapPreview.tga
You don't know how to do this ? :eek:

Anyway thanks for posting and hosting the map :)

PS : yes the Wolf roxx :p
Level 6
Feb 1, 2008
Arf yes sorry ^^
It's a little difficult to explain how to do this, but I made a tutorial about this, in french.
Maybe you could translate it, there are also many screenshots, so maybe you will understand ;)
Worldedit : Voir le sujet - Réaliser un Ecran de Chargement Haute Résolution
Translate it with google or another translator :wink:
If you don't understand, I think you can find tutorials on google, type "Loading Screen Warcraft", you should probably find something :grin:
Level 1
Sep 14, 2008
I've played this map a few days ago and really enjoyed.

The main problem, in my opinion, is that it takes too long to get new abilities, and as there aren't many of them, sometimes the gameplay becomes boring.

Also, there's a lack of quests... I just found 2 at the beggining. Just fought the first boss, so I can't say much about it. As I'm aware that the map isn't finished, it's not a big deal, but it should be worked on.

And I think there could be some scaling on the monsters and bosses based on the number of players (the more, the stronger they become). I didn't even try playing with many players, but I bet it'll become too easy.

Regarding bugs, it looks like animals that eat plants can't eat them (at least, the one I tried to eat with a turtle)... and clicking some of the animais (specially the fish) is a hard task, specially if you're near it.

Anyway, grats for the great job on the map, I'm looking forward into newer versions.
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Level 6
Feb 1, 2008
I've played this map a few days ago and really enjoyed.
Thanks :wink:
The main problem, in my opinion, is that it takes too long to get new abilities, and as there aren't many of them, sometimes the gameplay becomes boring.
I've already thought to try to balance this... I really think I will do something :wink:

Also, there's a lack of quests... I just found 2 at the beggining. Just fought the first boss, so I can't say much about it. As I'm aware that the map isn't finished, it's not a big deal, but it should be worked on.
It's normal man, I just finished the quests system, so I only did 2 quests. I will of course add some for future versions (and some will give experience :thumbs_up:).

And I think there could be some scaling on the monsters and bosses based on the number of players (the more, the stronger they become). I didn't even try playing with many players, but I bet it'll become too easy.
Hey it could be a good idea :eek:
I will think about it :thumbs_up:

Regarding bugs, it looks like animals that eat plants can't eat them (at least, the one I tried to eat with a turtle)... and clicking some of the animais (specially the fish) is a hard task, specially if you're near it.
Yes I know it, you just have to move around the plant/animal then try again to eat it... It's a bug I can't fix, sorry : /

Anyway, grats for the great job on the map, I'm looking forward into newer versions.
Thanks, and thanks for testing :wink:
Level 1
Sep 14, 2008
I forgot to mention something... the "children" makes it harder to micro (which can be good, as this require some skills from the player), but it also makes it harder to walk and even reach the monsters. I can imagine 3 or 4 players, each one with the maximum children allowed... must become impossible to play. Reducing the collision size of all units could ease this, I just don't know if it won't look ugly.

And chaging male/females could be good. Maybe just the stats/statgain, or even skills... possibly making couples to have complementary skills (with a sinergy on their use), so this would encourage people to pick male/female to team up even more.

I'd like to ask, when a child dies, it won't be replaced? Never tested it, I'm afraid that this happens... hehe.

Regarding the abilities that I've mentioned, maybe they could be aquired earlier, but on later levels the abilites would get updated. Example: the Wolf starts off with that Bite that has lifesteal... maybe on later levels, the Life Steal could be increased, or even have a secondary effects (reducing armor for a while, or slowing, or causing a Dot)... the possibilities are limitless. This secondary effects should be weak... it would just give the impression that the hero got "updated" by leveling, so the gameplay would change all the time, even in a minor way.

This idea could be grouped with the one to have differences on males/females, so... maybe the primary skills from both can be the same, but this secondary effects, when the skills level up, could be different.
Level 3
Jun 11, 2008
Really cute and time taking RPG for animal friends.

- Really good and informative Loading Screen. Every map should take this as an example!
- Coupling/Mating is a nice addition to a classic RPG system. Raising and training own animal babies is very cute idea.
- Terrain looks good and is practical.

- Game takes too long. Saving/Loading is necessary.
- It is a classical RPG after all. After you realise that it may get boring.

Overall: A classical RPG which pace is too slow. 3/5