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Animals' Life ORPG v1.25

Animals' Life is an ORPG where you control an Animal.
Fight hostile Animals, get experience, gold and items to improve your character.
Do your own life with others players by coupling with those having the same Animal as you, to get children which will help you in your battles.

-Number of Animals that you can choose : 10 (Male and Female, so 20).
-Abilities : more than 80.
-Levels of hostile : 4 for now.
-1 PvP Area.

Hope you will like the game :)

Have Fun !

Speak about the map here please !

/!\ The map is protected /!\
Why ? To prevent people to cheat by seeing my save system...
Also to decrease the map's size by 600 Kb !

Changelog :

• A bug for bosses fixed ;
• Added 3 quests ;
• A bug for females fixed ;
• Added the command -cam ;
• Added spells to hostiles ;
• A bug for save/load fixed.

• Bug for bosses fixed ;
• Bug for children (probably) fixed ;
• Bug for Nettle fixed ;
• Bug for children's spells fixed ;
• Bug for Wolves' couple fixed ;
• Bug for children attack (when you wre in an enemy clan) fixed ;
• Thanks to Tanasren and Rpgmaniac for their great help !

• Female Animals have now to wait until they can couple at start ;
• Correction of a bug for the Spell Reset Cooldown ;
• New design of Animals' menu ;
• Added Quests ! ;
• Correction of a (big) bug for plants ;
• Correction of a bug (forgot in version 1.22) for coupling ;
• Load time added, you can now load your character only at the first 15 minuts ;
• Correction of a bug for children ;
• Balancing of children ;
• Entirely remake the Boss system (anti-bug system), and some new things ;
• Added Boss limits.

[EDIT] Forgot to change the version minimap >_>
[EDIT2] Forgot to change the Spider's mana --'

• Correction of a bug for plants ;
• Correction of a bug for couple ;
• Added the Solo Game ;
• Correction of a bug for Bosses ;
• Updated the command -d ;
• Thanks to : Legonzo - Rpgmaniac - Tanasren.

Animals' Life, Animals' Life ORPG, Animals' Life RPG, Animals', Animals, Animal, Life, ORPG, RPG

Animals' Life ORPG v1.25 (Map)

17:19, 20th Aug 2008 Septimus : http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/788165-post8.html This map seems to be develop very well with all necessary hotkey and detail provided. Although there might be a few complain from user regarding about...




17:19, 20th Aug 2008
Septimus :


This map seems to be develop very well with all necessary hotkey and detail provided.

Although there might be a few complain from user regarding about balance. :grin:
Level 6
Feb 21, 2008
Tried this map today with 2 friends, couldent beat the first boss even. Maybe try tuning the boss so that low amounts of players have a chance of killing him?

Edit: The rest was pretty cool though :>
Level 6
Feb 1, 2008
Hi, first thank you for testing ;)
Yes the boss is very difficult, but infact the Boss should have a required level. I did not made it for now, but I will soon add it.
Maybe I will also make it easier, will see :)

[EDIT] ty for your edit :D
Level 31
May 3, 2008
Notice & Contact
This map had been examined by Alexis Septimus.
If you think this map review is not accurate or require another review, feel free to contact Alexis Septimus. But, map would only be review again for second time and also for the last time unless under certain circumstances. It would be selfish to request constantly a mod/admin to keep review your map as there is many other maps waiting for approval as well.

However, if you still insist of another review after it had been review for second time. Feel free to contact other admin.

To contact Alexis Septimus, please click this
Visitor Message.
Map Review
1) Terrain - Good (4)
2) Ingenuity - Excellent (5)
3) Minor Error - Good (4)
4) Replay Value - Excellent (5)
5) Fun factor/gameplay - Good (4)
6) Use of imported material - Excellent (5)
7) Single player - Average (3)
8) AI support -
9) Camera -
10) Originality - Good (4)
11) File Size - Good (4)
12) Balancing -
13) Packaging - Excellent (5)
14) Credits - Excellent (5)
15) Storyline -
16) Theme - Excellent (5)
17) Protection - Average (3)
18) Quality - Excellent (5)
19) Description/Information - Excellent (5)
20) Hiveworkshop rules & regulation - Excellent (5)

Total Accumulation Point : 71/80 * 100 = 88.75

[+] - The triggering seems to be very good.
[+] - Well provided info.
[!] - You should make the camera lock to the hero if you have such a mass amount of unused space.
[-] -
[-] - A lot of unused space/terrain.

Review : Hmm... it seems like there is no malfunction hotkey and the terrain look quite good. But why you use such a large scale for such a map ? I think 196 * 196 would be more than enough for it.

Everything else look impressive, the gameplay might look complicated and might took 1-2 weeks to master it if you are newbie. But, overall it is still look good.

Since I did not fully test this map, this review of mine does not add any point.
Rating & Miscellaneous information
Score - 89/100
Rating - 5/5
Condition - Very Good
Status - Approve
Review - 2
The map might not be fully tested, if any user of the map found bug/error or anything else.
Feel free to contact Alexis Septimus by clicking this
Visitor Message.
Last edited:
Level 6
Feb 1, 2008
Thank you Septimus for testing the map as fast.

I'm sorry for the two points you told me : the protection and the multiplayer system...
I've updated the description to tell the map is protected, and why.
Now I will do all my possible to release the version 1.22 of the map to allow you to test the game as soon as possible.
By the way I really want to tell you that it's more interesting to test the map in multiplayer. Why ? Because you will be able to couple with other players (it's one of the greatest system of the map...) and maybe try to defeat boss, and other things :wink:

Anyway thanks :wink:
Level 2
Aug 5, 2008
wow dude this map is rly cool and fun 5/5
and dont make the bosses STRONGER I BEAT them all with only oNe other player so plz dont make them stronger. and i hope u continue ur map soon. :D
Level 6
Feb 1, 2008
Hey man, thank you for your 5/5 :wink:
I am, in this moment, mapping on the version 1.22, which will be playable in solo (you will also have PNJ to couple :thumbs_up:) and will remove some bugs my friends found :wink:
I think I will release it tomorrow :grin:
Level 2
Aug 5, 2008
ehm dude i hope u dont mean with that that u can play singelplayer where all always cheat that would be very bad for ur map =( so i hope u mean bnet alone and best would be if u make the new bosses harder and whats pnJ?
PS: on witch bnet server do u play? do u play on northrend?
Level 6
Feb 1, 2008
When playing solo games, you will not be able to save your character, don't worry about this :wink:
About bosses I will let them like they are now.
PNJ are units controlled by a computer.
I play on Northrend, with 2 accounts : Rommstein60 (Clan CBS Grunt) and KaMiKaZ (Clan KaMi Chieftain).
Level 9
May 14, 2008
Hey Rommstein60, will we be able to use/conserve our "save code" from 1.21 to 1.22 ??
And for those who wonder how loading works, just write : -load XXXXX-XXXXX-....
X = letter or number and don't forget the "-"
The code is 50 caracters' length.

(oula ça veut rien dire)
Level 6
Feb 1, 2008
Hey Rommstein60, will we be able to use/conserve our "save code" from 1.21 to 1.22 ??
And for those who wonder how loading works, just write : -load XXXXX-XXXXX-....
X = letter or number and don't forget the "-"
The code is 50 caracters' length.
Yes you will :wink:
In fact I will just change the save code when I will make big modifications which will concern the save/load.
The code counts 45 letters/numbers :thumbs_up:
Level 2
Aug 5, 2008
sry i forgot to tell u some stuff i found a bug at wolf boss i was there with 2 friends and the boss wasent there... we were stuck inside and couldent get out. i think u schould make a suicide command so that u can avoid stuff like that and that the thing with playing alone isent so good people schould only be able to lvl if there playing with someone else even if thers the prob with people who cant host it stikk schould not be that u can play alone
Level 3
Aug 21, 2008
i found 2 bugs:
1. if u kill the spider miniboss to get the aura, the aura drops somewhere else, i found it at a big rock in wolf area
2. if u go to a boss (hero+children) and u die with hero (not the children)
and if u summon them then (go warehouse, and out again) u have ur children with hero, but the boss is bugged (u cant go in again)

plz do stronger monsters^^
have lvl 33 female wolf

PS: nice map 5/5 (EDIT: have to w8 10 days before i can do, but i will do it then :thumbs_up:)
Level 3
Aug 21, 2008
forgot something
its also, if someone is in bossfight, and he leaves, u cant go in again, becouse the ring is always red ;/
Level 3
Aug 21, 2008
i dont know if its a bug, but if u get a child with lvl 11, it got (for example) 800 hp
if u lvl up then, it gets 20 bonus-hp, but.... if u get child with lvl 12, it got 840 hp :eek:
Level 6
Feb 1, 2008
Yes its normal, when your Animal levels up your children will be stronger (more HP, damage and armor).
But maybe I did not well understood (is it a good english ? >_<) what you want to say... What Animal did you have ?
Level 2
Aug 24, 2008
Anyways me and a friend were able to beat the hole game ratherly easy imo im not certian what the other were saying and we someone glitched the first boss within the boars and there childs/horn ram
Level 2
Aug 24, 2008
o and plus we were able to glitch our childs so we werent able to hatch more ): i hade 3/2 pop sam with a friend could look into that
Level 3
Aug 21, 2008
i think revival point is shit, becouse its made for afk farming oO
remove it plz, or at least, make it vulnerable, so creeps attack it
Level 3
Aug 21, 2008
like i said, just make it vulnerable^^, so if u try afk farming, the point will be destroyed and u get new point near last fountain u visited :grin:
Level 3
Aug 21, 2008
new bug:
new children dont get dmg and armor bonus from the beginning, they only get if u lvl up while u have them

PS: they only need 15 secs to grow? :eekani:

EDIT: my old code doesnt work, can i convert to new version?
Level 6
Feb 1, 2008
Arf omg forgot to change it ><
I will fix it :p

But it's strange about the bonus... They should have bonus (but babies DON'T get bonus, only youngs and adults, is that your problem ?).

Sorry but you can't convert your old code =/
Level 22
Jun 24, 2008
Hey rommstein, i think (Cant remember exactly) that i tried to play single in your 1,23 and got some error of a kind- perhaps "no single player"?
If your afraid of people using cheats as "whosyourdaddy" why dont you just make a trigger-
Player 1 red types Whosyourdaddy" as an exact blablabla-
Show Defeat message- No Cheating for triggering player.

Could you please do that? i cant host, so i cant play it when i want, i have to wait for somebody to host.
This should be pretty simple, and wont be much effort.
Btw- I simply LOVE that loading screen ^^
And your english is fine :D
Level 6
Feb 1, 2008
Sorry man but your solution doesn't work...

Then I'm sorry for your host problem, but I won't allow save for single player modes, sorry (or maybe make a save only for single player, maybe ?)...
Thanks for playing it ;)

PS : you could maybe find a player who will accept to host it for you :)