Ancients End
(Name subject to change)
(Name subject to change)
Basic Idea:
Ancients End is a single-player Active Time Battle (ATB) RPG. The entire map is divided among 10 maps. The 10 maps are fully free roaming. There are seven eventual heroes that can be acquired by the end of the game, however only three can be in the battle ground at one time. The heroes are split up among 5+ races and have unique abilities that are acquired and upgraded throughout the game.
-Currently have a good idea of the story just don't know how to put it down into words. I would definitely need some help expressing my story better.
Current Team:
> Active Time Battle (ATB) System
-On the player status muliboard, a status summary of each character is displayed. This will show Health, Mana and Xp levels, and an ATB gauge. The ATB gauge determines when a character can take action. When the gauge is filled completely, the player can issue an order to the character corresponding to that ATB Gauge.
> 3rd Person Camera System
-This only applies when the player is on the world map, and is out of combat.
> Item Spells
- Particular spells are added to the heroes by acquiring certain items, the amount of times you can cast the spell is the amount of times you've acquired that item. This applies to all the heroes when casting the item. As they share the same inventory but their armor is specific to that hero.
> Extra Attack System
- When pushing the ESC key at the right time on a basic attack, can cause the hero to attack a second time, or to cast a special spell. This can be upgraded(adding more and more times you have to press the ESC key to cause more and more damage.
> Increased Damage Spells
- Tapping the ESC key repeatedly after casting certain spells will cause the spell to do more damage based on how many times you press the ESC key in the allowed time.
> Status Multiboard
-The Status Multiboard shows the Hp/Mana/Xp of the three heroes that have been set to be in the battle.
>Out of ATB Events
-While 95% of combat will take place in a Active Time Battle setting, there are certain events throughout the game that will require the player to use catapults,bombs,sneaking,etc to cause damage to an enemy while in these world events.
If you couldn't guess already, Legend of Dragoon influenced me greatly on this project. Give me some feedback good or bad. Thanks
PROGRESS |||||||||||||||||||| 7%
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