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Alternative Republic Assualt Ship

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
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For one of my maps I wanted a differant style of skin for olofmolemans republic assault ship. The SS is a comparison between the 2 skins.

As this was for a specific project there is no team colour.

All credit goes to the original skin by olofmoleman.

Alternative Republic Assualt Ship (Texture)

Werewulf: I do no approve of this icon, all I see is tonal adjustment and recolour, you also had NO permission from olofmoleman to modify or submit his work.




Werewulf: I do no approve of this icon, all I see is tonal adjustment and recolour, you also had NO permission from olofmoleman to modify or submit his work.
Level 10
Jun 21, 2007
Duly Noted werewulf, however as I have no further plans to improve or omdify the skin further it can be consigned to the graveyard if it does not meet THW critera for resources, I was always aware that it might not but I thought it was a nice enhancement to the olof's skin that did his model a lot more justice.

Furthermore, I have given all credit to olofmoleman as it is still his skin. I have never and will never attempt to take credit for someone else's work.