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Altering abilities and Interceptors.

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Level 1
Apr 4, 2005
I've been tinkering around with several of the options in the map editor, because I want to learn as much as I can before making a map for Battle.net, and I currently have two questions I am looking for answers to.

Firstly, while usage of Starcraft models is extremely common in maps, while fiddling around with them, I have come across an interesting problem. Specifically, how can I create a true to form Carrier with its Interceptors. I cannot think of or find a basis in the game for a unit that functions like the Carrier did, releasing Interceptors to attack the targeted unit and docking them otherwise. I have seen a map where the Interceptors were employed by the use of an ability based on the Crypt Lord's Locust Swarm, but that is about the only use of them I have found. I have thought about trying to use the Goblin Zepplin's ability as a transport as the basis for a docking system, but I am not sure exactly how to go about this, while keeping the Interceptors automated. I would appreciate information about how to do this, or a better way of making a true to form Carrier. (Also, it would be very nice if someone could fill in the gaps in the array of Starcraft models. Many of the less essential buildings and units seem to have been left out, and I lack the utilities, and probably the skills, to create my own models.)

Secondly, while I have had similar difficulty with other subjects in the editor, a particular question I have is how to make certain abilities a part of friendly fire. For an ability like Cluster Rockets, I have been unable to make it damage friendly units, although I can make them applicable targets. If anyone could tell me how to alter such aspects of an ability.

I would greatly appreciate answers to either of these questions.
Level 2
Apr 3, 2005
I have never tried making a carrier's interceptors behave properly, but it seems like it could be done using cargo, like zeppelins. Perhaps make a trigger so that when the carrier uses an ability (create interceptor) it either creates an interceptor at the position of the carrier and orders the carrier to load (add to cargo) last create unit.
Then make another trigger than runs when an interceptor is unloaded, and orders it to attack a random nearby enemy. Then make triggers that tell the interceptors to periodically keep attacking random units, or load into the carrier if there are no enemies near. You should give the carrier the gold mine unload all ability instead of the zeppelin unload so you dont have to target a point.

As for editing the effect targets of spells, I have had some experience with that, and have concluded that many abilities have targets hardcoded into them that cannot be changed. For example, you can change carrion swarm to be able to target allies, but it won't hit every ally in the line area of effect. The solution to this problem is to use dummy abilities and use triggers to damage the units. (For buffs or stun effects, I create invisible "trigger caster" units and order them to cast the buff on the unit)
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