omg, what are you guys having trouble with here?
Team colours? Alpha? Corrupted alpha channels? How to Alpha? Deleting Alpha channels?
I don't get whats the hassle here.
If you want to know how to Alpha, we'd load up Alpha Channel 1 in your 32bit .tga skin. Then we'd edit it. Select the paint brush or spray brush and on the greyscale palette, choose pure black and go over the part which needs to be alpha'd.
To recover alpha channels, we'd do the same except to select pure white in the greyscale colour palette and go over the alpha'd part of the skin.
Remember, some skins cannot be alpha'd properly or alpha'd at all.
To repair corrupted alpha channels, you'd read my tutorial in the tutorial section on how to do that.
Deleting team colour is just easy. You can go to the object editor and change the Unit Tinting colour . If the team colour shows up weird, you'd need to delete the team colour by recovering the alpha'd team colour section of the unit.
All of this should be saved over Alpha Channel 1 and ignore the error message when your saving the skin that there is only 1 alpha channel to be saved. It should be saved umcompressed .tga and 32bits if possible.