Background Story
Aiden was a quiet-cultured looking man with graying brown hair, and hazel eyes. He was one of the human leaders at the councils to form the Alliance of Lordaeron, and was initially reluctant to contribute to it, initially asking if the orcs would be open to negotiation, before deriding Anduin Lothar as urging for unity but having nothing himself to bring to such assembly. Despite the later fall of Khaz Modan, Perenolde stubbornly resisted calls for creating an alliance. He feared that by unifying, he would lose some of his regional power. Divisions widened between the members of the councils, and the arguments grew so heated that Gilneas and Alterac threatened to abandon the discussions entirely. Despite his reluctance, Perenolde eventually gave in and joined the fledgling Alliance. When it came to choosing its supreme leader, Aiden suggested that brute force alone was not enough but that the commander should have intelligence, wisdom, and vision, all of which he felt he possessed in abundance. Anduin Lothar was chosen over him and the other human kings for the role, however.
Later during the Second War, as the Horde ravaged its way through the southern realms up to the elven kingdom of Quel'Thalas, Aiden started fearing for the safety of Alterac. He directly contacted Warchief Orgrim Doomhammer through a messenger bird and secretly met with him. Impressed that Doomhammer was able to speak Common, Aiden started finding the orc a cultured and honorable warrior. The two leaders negotiated an agreement: in exchange for free passage through the Alterac Mountains and other means of help from the kingdom, Doomhammer would keep his soldiers in check and not kill Alteraci citizens or raid Alteraci settlements. The Warchief even promised that after his conquest of Lordaeron, he would place Alterac under his protection, so that none may violate it, keeping the realm safe. Pleased with this agreement, Perenolde came back to his castle and announced his general staff that starting immediately, Alterac would renege its vows with the Alliance and side with the Horde instead. Aiden even murdered a young Alliance messenger minutes after revealing the whole situation to General Hath, the commander of his army.
Perenolde later arranged for a peasant revolt in Tyr's Hand to cover Horde mining operations there, kidnapped mages from Dalaran and sent pirates to assassinate Uther the Lightbringer; which would remove the driving force from the Order of the Silver Hand.
However, this treachery was discovered, and after the war King Terenas of Lordaeron led Alliance troops into Alterac, declaring martial law and taking Perenolde into custody. The custody soon turned to a mere house arrest, confining Perenolde to his palace and the rest of his family on close watch, and the kingdom was put under Alliance control. As a sovereign king he could not be exiled, executed, or simply imprisoned (in order to avoid worrying the other kings that the same reaction would occur if they disagreed on anything). The other kings wanted him to abdicate his position as king, so that he could be executed as a lesser noble. However, he refused, knowing it would mean his death. His kingdom had been put under martial law as a temporary solution on Daval Prestor's suggestion.During an orcish attack on New Stormwind in the aftermath of the Horde's defeat, Perenolde had the Book of Medivh stolen by his troops in an attempt to use for future leverage. He ultimately traded it to the Horde to rid his lands of the vengeful troops of Stromgarde and Lordaeron. Deathwing attacked the barracks holding the troops. His son Aliden was disgusted by the action of his father, knowing it would destroy everything he had done to try to clear the family name.
After the debacle, Perenolde was declared a traitor. His people were exiled from their lands, and a warrant was put on his head.
His position and his former lands have been fought over by his eldest son Aliden Perenolde, his nephew Isiden Perenolde, and Lord Daval Prestor.
Aiden died at some point, but the exact time and cause of death are unknown.
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