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Agghhh!!!! Import Help Please!

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Level 6
Mar 19, 2008
I know im probably annoying this forum with all my questions... sry ...but i import the file and then set it as a skin for a peasant (example). But when i try to set the unit a green square pops up and says "could not load file: example\ex\example.mdl" or sumthin PLEASE PLEASE HELP ME!!! ill love you if you do! and rep you... and serve you whatever you want. JUST PLEASE HELP!!!!:cry::confused:
A skin? You must put the path as the actual peasant path.

Something like:

Or something like that.

Check my "How to Import a Model" tut, (especially the FAQ), it might be the problem. Take a pic of your import manager (press Prnt Scr, then just press CTRL+C, open any image program such as irfanview, GIMP, Photoshop, Paint, or MS Paint, or anything else and just press CTRL+V and save the file)



Level 41
Jan 7, 2005
A skin is a texture that can be imported to the map to replace another existing texture. For example, the Dennedar the Lasher replaces the Satyr Hellcaller skin, by the one you can see in the screenshot, however, you can no longer use the old satyr hellcaller.

Models have their own textures so they don't replace anything. Still, you should check our [self="http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=206"]Tutorials[/self] and search on the Solved Problems archive, and you will find your answer in no time.
Level 2
Mar 15, 2008
I could be wrong, but make sure everything you imported having to do with the model in question looks like this:

EVERYTHING ending in .blp needs to be changed from
war3campimported\(filename).blp --> Textures\(filename).blp

the actual model file that ends in .MDX will remain the same:

DON'T change the .MDX file.

If that doesn't work, open the war3 viewer, open the .MDX model(the one that is actually a picture) click on 'current file' then click on 'Used texture names'. Then, simply change all of your imported files to look exactly like the ones in the drop box on the war3 viewer.

Also, if you are making a campaign, open the campaign editor, click 'Edit' export files. Export your files to their own organized folder. Then, open the object manager. Click on 'File' import files. Hit okay, and then double-click on the folder you just made when you exported the files from the campaign editor. Wait for everything to load. Save your game. Exit and re-enter the Warcraft Editor if necessary. And don't bother testing your map with the 'Test' button. Just open Warcraft, and play your scenario. If all else fails, my problems ended when I read the tutorials located on this web site. The ones in the "2D art" section helped alot. Good luck to you!
Level 6
Mar 19, 2008
i understand some people can restart W.E. and it will work but other people i understand there problem they cant do it and need a more detailed explanition on how to import but for now i beleive my problem is solved... dont close thread tho i may need to comeback...
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