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Advanced Refresh

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Reactions: General Frank
This tool originates from here

Code Format: Visual Basic 2008 .Net

This application is designed to automatically refresh the game your hosting. Normally when you host a game, you would close all slots and open them to force your game to appear at the top of Battle.net's list of custom games. With this application, that process is done automatically.

- Usable on Windows, Mac and Linux
- Automatically refresh your game
- Set the rate at which your game is refreshed
- Minimize to system tray
- Customize the names and colors of the AutoRefresh appearing in pre-game lobbies
- New Database hold by .exe
- Fancy new design
- Whole new user guiding system
- Refreshes local and global
- RefreshState - Tells you what state its doing
- Extra small delay if waiting on game
- Join Delay Added (200Ms)
- Unicode Strings accepted in names

- Microsoft Windows 98/ME/2000/XP/Vista/Linux/Mac
- Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Or Mono Framework

Please report any bugs discovered
If your able to test this program on Linux or Mac and clarify if it's able to run post information here.

auto, refresh, autorefresh, advanced, color, minimize, system, tray, 3d, style

Advanced Refresh (Binary)

16:03, 22nd Dec 2009 TriggerHappy: We already have a few of these but yours is cross platform so thats the only reason I am approving.




16:03, 22nd Dec 2009

We already have a few of these but yours is cross platform so thats the only reason I am approving.
Level 2
Feb 12, 2009
Not Bad

Useful and user friendly, has a slight bug where it may lead to disconnecting of Battle.net, when the delay speed is set below the default number. Other than that its a alright tool. :thumbs_up:
Level 5
Aug 14, 2008
crashes if u try to do anything...o well, everything else is broke and i am too lazy to make my own auto refresh so here to you.

not enough information to do anything..

please check you have framework 2.0+ and you let it access registry to create a database.

Good thing it works on vista to! {9.9/10} don't like cuz its nothing wrong with the tool lol <(^_^)>

thanks <3, currently working on a update because the new patch might make it get funny errors, it changed a few packets :p but should still work mainly just annoying bug ;)
Level 5
Aug 14, 2008
Don't know if this will help but the other autorefresh on this site doesn't kill the download, so maybe you could see what they do? I don't know... just floating something.

actually they do the same thing..


Advanced Refresh Released 3. September 2009
Latest release candidates + Beta versions will be available at http://call.riffruff.com/AR/Index.html
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Level 5
Aug 14, 2008
Just dled the BETA and tried it out. It doesnt work for me. :/

Dont know if I just did something wrong or what, but its not working. I start it up, host a game, and nothing.

The latest beta works for me perfectly but the new client connecting system might need to get debugged :) witch beta did you get? and if could we talk on msn or something to get this solved :) my msn is [email protected]
Level 2
Apr 12, 2008
ummm, it's a .exe file, macs done't run on those.
You also need to make it so we don't need to download a bunch of crap to use it.
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Level 2
Apr 12, 2008
you do know 1 file = 1 file not a bunch of crap if your operation system don't support it you cant require me to make it work, a nd it works if you use mono framework.. 1 + 1 = 2.

X11 is not doing crap at all and i am using it right and no i mono doesn't work for my mac i dont know about anyone elses
Level 5
Aug 14, 2008
2010 Highlights

2010 Highlights
  • New column's with more Advanced information.
  • Handling every step Asynched.
  • Less CPU usage.
  • Error handling to support the users.
  • The ability to run on windows 7.

All your ideas will be added maybe not 100% like u wanted but something like it so shoot your ideas :)
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Level 12
Apr 18, 2007
Gthkeno, it works if you try Mono. Read the other posts before you draw conclusions.

Unfortunately, it does not appear to run on Linux. Tried it on Ubuntu 10.04. Attempted to emulate it with both WINE and Mono; neither seems to work.
Level 5
Aug 14, 2008
When i first coded this i knew 1 packet (to simulate a join), NOW however i made full bots to join games, so when next version comes out in C# it will have more options then you can imagin, even a option to afk until full where the starter will play a sound when game is filled ;)

do you have an idea you dont think i already included in the upcoming version post your suggestions.

Current notes:

//Refresher names

  • //say messages [only available in procedure 1 and 2]

    • //Every interval - 1 commercial for each player.

      //Play a sound when game is full [checkbox]
      //#Procedures [combobox]
      // 1. Advanced refreshing, fill all near 1 refresh the one until spot is filled by virtual player, and so on.
      // 2. 1 but have open spots at each team.
      // 3. Join, Leave [backwords compability]
      //start refreshing automatic [checkbox]

      //- Interval btw each host check [numericupdown]
      //- sound to play when game is full [textbox]
      //- Respond to map question [Checkbox]
      //- hostname [textbox]
      //- detect warcraft iii window [checkbox]
      //- warcraft iii window name
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Level 12
Apr 18, 2007
How did I fail? I simply attempted to open it with Mono, and it crashed. And I know I installed Mono correctly, because I can get some of the other refreshers on this site to work.
Level 12
Apr 18, 2007
Well then, perhaps I should just do an apt-get and update my mono, because it sure as hell doesn't work for me. Hell, there may even be a regression going on.

edit: Wait, nobody on this topic has stated any use of Linux, so hence you're wrong. All I can see are a bunch of people complaining about "omfg .exe dosnt work on macs u noob".
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Level 5
Aug 14, 2008
Well then, perhaps I should just do an apt-get and update my mono, because it sure as hell doesn't work for me. Hell, there may even be a regression going on.

edit: Wait, nobody on this topic has stated any use of Linux, so hence you're wrong. All I can see are a bunch of people complaining about "omfg .exe dosnt work on macs u noob".

Are you like 8 years old or wut, people have confirmed using mono works.
Level 12
Apr 18, 2007
But mono DOES work. I have plenty of applications I use it with, and they work fine.

Also, you testing it on Ubuntu isn't "other people in this topic also done it successfully".
Level 5
Aug 14, 2008
But mono DOES work. I have plenty of applications I use it with, and they work fine.

Also, you testing it on Ubuntu isn't "other people in this topic also done it successfully".

you really just can't read can you? i never said they tested it on a specific os i just remember somebody wrote that they got it working with mono and that i also said 3 times now I TESTED IT ON UbUNTU

and in the end V E R S I O N S my program needs .net 2.0 + find a mono version that have that. and stop complaining.
Level 12
Apr 18, 2007
...Dear god, why can't YOU read?
1) YOU testing it on Ubuntu is clear, but others haven't, and just because one person gets it working doesn't mean others can.
2) Someone got it working in Mono, yes; on a MAC, which sure as hell isn't Linux.
3) Am I really complaining? No, I'm trying to figure this out; I would be complaining if I were screaming and raging that your tool sucks yadayadayada. It just seems you don't provide proper documentation.
Level 5
Aug 14, 2008
...Dear god, why can't YOU read?
1) YOU testing it on Ubuntu is clear, but others haven't, and just because one person gets it working doesn't mean others can.
2) Someone got it working in Mono, yes; on a MAC, which sure as hell isn't Linux.
3) Am I really complaining? No, I'm trying to figure this out; I would be complaining if I were screaming and raging that your tool sucks yadayadayada. It just seems you don't provide proper documentation.

what do you what me to document?


if you cant get mono to work:
i dont care cus i have nothing to do with mono.
Level 12
Apr 18, 2007
If you aren't going to bother helping people make your tool work on an operating system, don't mark it as supported and working on said operating system. It's common sense.

Oh, and fancy this.

Tool Description said:
If your able to test this program on Linux or Mac and clarify if it's able to run post information here.

Hmmm. Well, I was able to attempt to test it on Linux, and I have been able to clarify it hardly works, if ever. There's my information. I'm using Ubuntu 10.04LTS, and my version of Mono is 2.4.4~svn151842-1ubuntu4, which is also the latest version for Ubuntu. So, why have you bothered to call me an idiot when I'm just telling you what happened? I compiled Mono correctly, it works. I've attempted to open your program in it, it fails to run. Simple as that. It doesn't work.