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Adding animations

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Level 6
May 29, 2012

Ok guys the original modeler lost interest in my request... He finished most of it. I would like to know if someone could add a death animation, this is really important!!!!! Please can he have the Arthas death animation and dissipate Animation. And if you could add a spell throw and spell channel animation. I would be using a fireball for the throw so use whatever you think is suitable. For the channel I was thinking of something like illidans channel. Also I'm not sure if there is a metamorphis ability( he has animations for a bow and a sword) if it doesn't please add this (not. Trainsmash if you dont)
Level 6
May 29, 2012
Okay i was just posted on what animations are installed so here is my update on what i need (you can ignore the first post)
I need http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/pastebin_data/5l0kta/_files/BERanger_UNFINISH2.mdx to have a death animation and a dissipate animation. THOSE ARE IMPORTANT!!!. and if anyone really wants to please add a spell animation and a metamorphosis appropriate to that model. reps and credits will be given.
In the time you waited and requested this, you could have learned to be a kickass modeller by yourself by reading some tutorials and do that on your own. Sometimes I don't understand why people want others to fix problems they could easily fix themselves if they weren't that lazy.

Besides, you should check out the tool "anim transfer".
It allows to copy animations from other models. The results are so-so, but it's worth a try.
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