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Discord Add Must-Know / FAQ Channel

Anything to do with our Discord. Channel structure, etc.
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Level 7
Jan 13, 2019
I think it would be useful to create at least one channel with the Discord forum feature to store essential concepts, must-know, or FAQs of the world editor.

This forum, rather than using it to ask questions, can be used to store a collection of knowledge that can be referenced when someone asks, we can even include the link to the forum for the further in-depth lecture on the topic.
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Level 4
Apr 30, 2008
I like the concept, but not so much the implementation.

I think it would be cleaner/more effective to make a single, organized post on the website's forums with that information and/or links to further reading on each topic, then place a brief description and link that post either in #rules_and_info or as a pinned message in #modding.

Basically, I am of the opinion that less is more in terms of channel quantity on Hive's Discord.


Level 78
Oct 6, 2004
I like the concept, but not so much the implementation.

I think it would be cleaner/more effective to make a single, organized post on the website's forums with that information and/or links to further reading on each topic, then place a brief description and link that post either in #rules_and_info or as a pinned message in #modding.

Basically, I am of the opinion that less is more in terms of channel quantity on Hive's Discord.
I agree with this. And it can already be done, and I probably shouldn't be the one doing it :)
Level 20
Jan 3, 2022
Discord is primarily used by a different set of users, who prefer immediate communication (which comes at the cost of low quality). If they wanted the best answers, they'd be reading the forum; they don't read the forum --> they won't read the FAQ channel/topic.
I agree that this can (and should) be created as a forum topic that you can bookmark and send the link to whenever somebody comes up.
Discord is primarily used by a different set of users, who prefer immediate communication (which comes at the cost of low quality). If they wanted the best answers, they'd be reading the forum; they don't read the forum --> they won't read the FAQ channel/topic.
I agree that this can (and should) be created as a forum topic that you can bookmark and send the link to whenever somebody comes up.
While I agree that Discord is great at getting fast answers (I've used it for this exact purpose many times), I disagree with the "quality" argument. The quality of the answers has been pretty darn good. Some users there also don't frequent The Hive, so you would never get info from them on the Forums.
I think @V made an important point here:
It's inredibly difficult for new modders to get into the Wc3 scene, if they can't find organized information.

A few example points that newbies might question:
  • Knowledge to get started
  • Necessary/recommended software
  • Scripting language
  • Wc3 patch level
  • WE Tutorial
  • Wc3 natives / API
  • Known problems with WE and Wc3
  • Places to ask questions
  • Where to find important resources
  • What are desyncs and memory leaks
Which routes exist for new modders, which one is recommended?
Should a new user start out with GUI and use @Bribe 's Lua-infused GUI?
Should they be aware of @LeP 's Jassdoc that @Luashine has contributed so heavily to?
Should they start with Lua and read A comprehensive guide to Mapping in Lua ?

There is so much knowledge scattered across the site, but little guidance for the user. Would I even find a single of the resources above, when I started with mapping today? Probably not, as I hadn't even known that the Spells subforum contains code resources for at least 10 years straight.

I do believe that bringing order into the chaos is an admin task, which rightfully sits in the list of suggestions. It can be targeted with organized posts on the hive mainpage, changes to the forum structure, etc.
Whatever it is in the end, something must be done.

Edit: This thread should probably be recreated, as the downvotes mainly come from the Discord FAQ suggestion.
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Level 78
Oct 6, 2004
This is bigger than a FAQ channel though.

If anyone is willing to make "The missing manual", I would be very happy. It could easily reference things of importance so it wouldn't contain all info on itself but just be the path to learning. But everyone is different, it's not easy. Just look at the school systems. But that shouldn't discourage us from trying.
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