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Level 7
Jul 29, 2009
Achivments is a small thing that a lot of games these days have. its very nice and it gives people another reason to play the games.
how about implenting achivment systems in warcraft maps? using a nice save system will do the trick. it's fun, people will play your map alot to show their friends all the cool stuff they made!

is it possible or will be to laggy/complicated to do?
Level 7
Jul 29, 2009
having a lot of achivments will be laggy as hell and annoying to make.
but you can even keep score of total kills or wins or some generic stuff. not as exiting as achivments but you get the idea.

this idea is general and i hope you guys will put it in your maps, it can be fun XD
Level 6
Nov 14, 2008
i'm no expert in triggers however i know that if you wanted an achievement system than the only thing you would have to save is a single variable.

create an array with the number of achievemnts you want and have the default set to 0.

whenever a player "achievs" an achievement than the variable goes up by 1.
(achievement #3 is unlockd variable (3) = 1.)

have the trigger that allows the player to "achieve" also give them the unit.

finally have a trigger that loads the cache with the achievements and have a system of conditions (if/then/else) that will spawn a doodad and play a tone if you have more than 0 as the triggers # :thumbs_up:
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