Accuracy of Strike (HA) v2.4 AI



[TD] 4 New Heroes





About the Game

Gameplay Guides

Game Modes



Change Log


This game is about combining my 3 Best Maps.
This are Dueling Ultimate v1.1 AI War of Skills Accuracy Retrieve the 3 Fountains

As i making progress on this map Dueling Ultimate v1.1 AI i realized that it is getting boring that you can't play more that 2 Players and the game play is very complicated. I want to create a new map which is fun to play yet i can still implement my new features. I want to expand more my boundaries in modding so i decided to start this project.

Since i don't want to just throw the effort i made on my three maps i decided to combine some of their features in one game to make an epic gameplay and with fun factor.

So here you go! I present to you my new map. Hope you will support this map as you supported my other maps.
[TD] Hero Selection Guide

After the game captain selected the game settings you will view the heroes that are available to choose.

To view a hero click the center of the icon of the hero you want to view. Then
the actual model of the hero will pop up and 4 buttons at the left side.

This buttons have their own function. This are their functions:

1st Button [Choose Hero] - when you click this your currently viewed hero will be your hero on the game. You can't choose a hero if it is already selected by the other players.

2nd Button [Hero Abilities] - when you click this a message will show up. The message will show the 3 abilities of your currently viewed hero and what are their functions

3rd Button [Gameplay Tips] - when you click this a message will show up. The message will show the DIFFICULTY of the currently viewed hero and the basic gameplay of it.

4th Button [Exit] - when you click this you will gonna go back to the list of available heroes to choose.

After you choose a hero you can't choose again. You can't have the same hero as other players.

Team Kills to Win
FFA Kills to Win

  • Hero Selection on the Screen
  • Custom UI
  • Choosable Battle Arenas
  • Custom Stats
  • Playable with AI
  • Custom Spells
  • Good Terrain
  • Easy to use Item System

  • 20 Heroes
  • 3 Modes
  • 48 Items
  • 7 Battle Arenas
  • 80 Custom Spells

[TD] Hero Selection Screenshots



[TD] Gameplay Screenshots



[TD] Terrain Screenshots












[TD] v1.0 AI

Uploaded the map
[TD] v1.1 AI


-Preload Abilities.Models and Spells to prevent massive lag at the start of the game.

- Balance some abilities in the game

- Fix minor map problems

[TD] v1.1B AI


- Fix bug Already at Full Health message get spammed after the game.

- Fix some message showing Team Imba and Team Expert instead of Brave Players and Fearless Players.

[TD] v1.2 AI


- Heavy damage rebalancing of all the abilities.
- Replace the Jump (Instant Cast) with the new Jump (Target Point)
- Add a new system "Camera System" made by deathismyfriend
- Change the minimap image
- Fix the end game message not shown up
- Fix some in-game message
- Increased Recover Health hp healed from 4 x Stamina to 6 x Stamina

[TD] v1.3 AI


4 New Heroes
-Thunder Assassin
- Ice Ravager
- Hydrobringer
- Plague Rider

Major Fixes
- Remake the 3rd Skill of Nature Slayer
- Fix the sound set of all heroes
- Added the Easy/Normal/Insane to the name of Computer Players
- Easy AI will now cast spells less
- Normal AI will now cast spells less than Insane
- Insane AI will cast spells always

Balance Fixes
- Increases the cast range of Jump to all levels.

[TD] v1.4 AI


New Item System

Major Fixes
- Added hero glow to some heroes
- Reduce the number of players to 10

Balance Fixes
- Reduces the damage of Hydrobringer's Hydropump
- Increases the cooldown of Hydrobringer's Hydropump
- Increases the aoe of Ice Ravager's Ice Cleave

[TD] v2.0 AI


Major Update
- New Team Mode: Aeon of Strife

Major Fixes
- Fix the bug on the camera selection
- Fix the bug of Team Deathmatch total team kills

Balance Fixes
- Fix the bug of Winged Demon's Release Darkness dealing massive damage
- Increases the aoe of Plague Rider's Plague Dragon

[TD] v2.1 AI


> New Aeon of Strife Terrain
> Added new features to Aeon of Strife Mode
> Rescale the damage of all abilities
> Added abilities to all items
> Added 4 new items
> Replace Spell Attack with Normal Attack
> Fix some bugs
> Rebalance some abilities

[TD] v2.2 AI


> 2 New Heroes
> New Feature: Supporting Abilities
> New AI Feature: AI Flee
> Rebalance some item effects
> Rebalance some abilities
> Fix some bugs

[TD] v2.2a AI


> New Item
> New Supporting Ability
> Fix AI bug that cause too much lag
> Rebalance the damage of Sky Aider and Lady Archer
> Replace Sky Aid Orb model with the new one.

[TD] v2.3 AI


> 2 New Heroes
* Sword Slasher
* Ocean Priestiess

> 3 New Items
> 1 New Supporting Ability
> New Item System
> Remove lots of Memory Leaks
> Seperate AoS Map into 2

[TD] v2.4 AI


> 4 New Heroes
* Shadow Lich
* Laser Enginner
* Justice Warrior
* Forest Defender

> 2 New Items
> 1 New Supporting Ability
> Rebalance some abilities
> Adjust gold rewards

[TD] Resources

darkdeathknight, dab, Kobas, Weep, Epsilon, CRAZZYRUSIAN, skrab, Champara Bros, dhguardianes, exfyre
crill-myster, JetFangInferno, judash137, WILLTHEALMIGHTY, -Grendel, Pyritie
Burninrose, Kitabatake, MasterTrainer, zbc, Peekay, jazz099, kittenranch
[TD] Special Credits

Camera System by deathismyfriend

Special Grey Icons by Furiion52

Play with Us!
Group ID: 372654
Room: RPG > Asia > RPG Mix
Map Number:490 (v1.3 AI) (Not yet updated)

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Visit the Map Development Thread
Accuracy of Strike (New Modes)
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Accuracy of Strike (Hiring Members)


Accuracy of Strike (HA) v2.4 AI (Map)

Orcnet20:02, 4th July 2013 Map Approved College of Conjurers (No Version/s Stated) RateScorePercentLetter 5/591-100A RateScorePercentLetter 4/581-90%B RateScorePercentLetter 3/575-80%C RateScorePercentLetter 2/570-74%D...




Orcnet20:02, 4th July 2013



Map Approved
College of Conjurers (No Version/s Stated)









"The game itself is awesome, with a fitting AI in hard this deserves a good game online, although it would be great if you can add more players in-game to boost more replay value to others."



"Terrain is widely detailed, good job with this I had no problems passing through the doodads and such."



"Overall, map deserve to be recommended due to hard code of successful triggers in play and no problems such as bugs and all."

Total Score:

Review of Dueling Ultimate v1.0
By Legal_Ease
I won't pretend to understand this map at all, but I can review it from a non-dota player point of view.

The Pros
-Awesome Hero selection and menu. (I made one myself recently but its nowhere near as sophisticated as this.)
-Icons were all custom and really nice looking.
-Custom units all look great and terrain was all custom tiles, very nice!
-There was some resource idea that seemed cool, but I never understood it, it seemed like maybe there was a whole strategy thing I didn't comprehend.
-Tool-tips looked nice and were very informational.

Suggested Improvements
-Selection menu shook when I clicked on the mini-map. I realize this might not be a huge concern considering how complex this system obviously must be.
-Quest-log was really cool but did not explain the game very well. Instructions could be more thorough.
-My hero had no active attack and I could hardly get any hits against the enemy because my hero kept running away automatically. [WarKnight] fyi.
-If I did figure out how to fight, the castle arena offered no strategic elements. e.g. a hiding place, shop, fountain, or any protection. It seems like units would just run up to each other and fight it out. Maybe, again I'm missing something.
-Item screen was confusing, it took me a while to figure out how to select and then I couldn't figure out how to start. I finally read about it in a quest-log, but a simple message could have saved me a bunch of time. But, yes, the item menu screen is awesome!!!

Overall Rating
I won't rate it because I think it would not make sense. This is very certainly a highly modified set of systems and a unique work in progress. The level of coding that went into it is advanced and I will leave rating and voting for approval up to more senior members and moderators. Its always inspiring to see how much can be done with world editor, it is truly a powerful tool. +rep for the huge amount of effort spent thus far.

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Level 6
Feb 5, 2012
Review of Dueling Ultimate v1.0
By Legal_Ease

I won't pretend to understand this map at all, but I can review it from a non-dota player point of view.

The Pros

-Awesome Hero selection and menu. (I made one myself recently but its nowhere near as sophisticated as this.)
-Icons were all custom and really nice looking.
-Custom units all look great and terrain was all custom tiles, very nice!
-There was some resource idea that seemed cool, but I never understood it, it seemed like maybe there was a whole strategy thing I didn't comprehend.
-Tool-tips looked nice and were very informational.

Suggested Improvements

-Selection menu shook when I clicked on the mini-map. I realize this might not be a huge concern considering how complex this system obviously must be.
-Quest-log was really cool but did not explain the game very well. Instructions could be more thorough.
-My hero had no active attack and I could hardly get any hits against the enemy because my hero kept running away automatically. [WarKnight] fyi.
-If I did figure out how to fight, the castle arena offered no strategic elements. e.g. a hiding place, shop, fountain, or any protection. It seems like units would just run up to each other and fight it out. Maybe, again I'm missing something.
-Item screen was confusing, it took me a while to figure out how to select and then I couldn't figure out how to start. I finally read about it in a quest-log, but a simple message could have saved me a bunch of time. But, yes, the item menu screen is awesome!!!

Overall Rating

I won't rate it because I think it would not make sense. This is very certainly a highly modified set of systems and a unique work in progress. The level of coding that went into it is advanced and I will leave rating and voting for approval up to more senior members and moderators. Its always inspiring to see how much can be done with world editor, it is truly a powerful tool. +rep for the huge amount of effort spent thus far.

Man your super awesome... i really really really sorry for lack of information..

About the gameplay yet it is very confusing because it is a new generation of hero arena gameplay.. it might be confusing and boring but if you learn to create strategy you will enjoy the game i am sure of it..

Don't worry it is still beta and lots of improvements will come..
Level 30
Nov 29, 2012
Played your map and so Im not gonna use my formal way of reviewing maps but I'll use SEEDIN_AETHYR STYLE :D Wall of text incoming.

So, your game is really great if I can say. You've made Warcraft a different game with those cool terrains though I think you can still improve them by doing some more tile mixng and maybe putting special effects if it wont lag at all, the systems were really unique and never seen yet at some games and I can consider this one unique and you changed the original Strength, Agility, and Intelligence to something more that is quite not unique because seen in other games but is quite fresh and fits with the game. The way of buying starting items is really good. A full screen system! The Heroes might be few but their skills do really fit with each other such as battle roles. They have in total of 8 skills which is very useful in battle though I do notice the War Knight to be so Imba when he builds damage based items and also his skills deals quite a huge chunk of damage. Maybe this might be a bug or just a way of tactics or style.

Now let us go on to bugs. Firstly I found is when choosing heroes and looking through their information, I clicked on the list of its abilities and the text displayed quite in the downside which makes other texts quite unreadable due to the UI distractions. This is the only thing which I found.

Now let us go on to the suggestions. We all know firstly that there is no perfect terrain so I encourage you to still improve ths but bear in mind that I am not saying that your terrain is bad but as long as there is possibilities, please do improve them. Next, more heroes, of course, this is an arena and I do think that more heroes will be rather great. Do take your time on this because i do know this is the important factor of your game. Next, as I said, the texts for the list of Abilties for the War Knight ( I dont know if this applies to only that hero) it shows the texts in the downside part which makes it quite unreadable due to UI or User Interface distractions. You maybe have gived it too much space or idention on why it did happen. Lastly, this is weird but the first time I played it, I putted Observers and in the start of the game I just chose some modes and such then suddenly when I paused the Return to Game button is greyed out which means game over or such? Why did this happen?

So these are the only thinsg I can say about your game but I will play more of this and give you more WALL OF texts feedback if possible!

And I only do wall of texts review when I really played deeply into the game and really liked it so consider your game inspiring and great!

Good day, +4 REP, voting for Approval and 5/5.
Man your super awesome... i really really really sorry for lack of information..

About the gameplay yet it is very confusing because it is a new generation of hero arena gameplay.. it might be confusing and boring but if you learn to create strategy you will enjoy the game i am sure of it..

Don't worry it is still beta and lots of improvements will come..

Thanks, I think that might be the nicest thing anyone ever said to me on THW.

Anyway, I think a "quest-log" providing a basic strat could help a lot. For example, it could be called "Basic Strategies." In the log, it could explain what combination of items would boost what attributes to make for a stronger attack or better armor. Create a sample strat, give it a name like "the hit-n-run" or "power hungry." This will help get the player thinking about what it is you can do to increase your heroes chances at victory.

Also, the Description looks much better! I also encourage more screenshots (no matter how many I see). :)
Level 6
Feb 5, 2012
Played your map and so Im not gonna use my formal way of reviewing maps but I'll use SEEDIN_AETHYR STYLE :D Wall of text incoming.

So, your game is really great if I can say. You've made Warcraft a different game with those cool terrains though I think you can still improve them by doing some more tile mixng and maybe putting special effects if it wont lag at all, the systems were really unique and never seen yet at some games and I can consider this one unique and you changed the original Strength, Agility, and Intelligence to something more that is quite not unique because seen in other games but is quite fresh and fits with the game. The way of buying starting items is really good. A full screen system! The Heroes might be few but their skills do really fit with each other such as battle roles. They have in total of 8 skills which is very useful in battle though I do notice the War Knight to be so Imba when he builds damage based items and also his skills deals quite a huge chunk of damage. Maybe this might be a bug or just a way of tactics or style.

Now let us go on to bugs. Firstly I found is when choosing heroes and looking through their information, I clicked on the list of its abilities and the text displayed quite in the downside which makes other texts quite unreadable due to the UI distractions. This is the only thing which I found.

Now let us go on to the suggestions. We all know firstly that there is no perfect terrain so I encourage you to still improve ths but bear in mind that I am not saying that your terrain is bad but as long as there is possibilities, please do improve them. Next, more heroes, of course, this is an arena and I do think that more heroes will be rather great. Do take your time on this because i do know this is the important factor of your game. Next, as I said, the texts for the list of Abilties for the War Knight ( I dont know if this applies to only that hero) it shows the texts in the downside part which makes it quite unreadable due to UI or User Interface distractions. You maybe have gived it too much space or idention on why it did happen. Lastly, this is weird but the first time I played it, I putted Observers and in the start of the game I just chose some modes and such then suddenly when I paused the Return to Game button is greyed out which means game over or such? Why did this happen?

So these are the only thinsg I can say about your game but I will play more of this and give you more WALL OF texts feedback if possible!

And I only do wall of texts review when I really played deeply into the game and really liked it so consider your game inspiring and great!

Good day, +4 REP, voting for Approval and 5/5.

The downside text also bothers me alot!.. i will ask for help about that.
About the terrain it will still improve.. for now i am focusing on fixing problems

The Warknight is kinda imbalance but if you just observed and read other heroes information you will say "Oh my god Furymaster can one shot Warknight?" "Warknight is weak he can't survive from Necropriest's Necrotic Disease". - This means a hero become imbalance if your enemy dont know how to play his hero. But i am stilling balancing heroes.

About the heroes.. one hero take 2 weeks to be finished.. from planning the abilities.. making tooltips.. coding the spells.. thinking for the possible strategies.. balancing the stats.. making AI for it.. balancing all abilities..
Its really a hard thing to do so sad to say i can't make many heroes early..

But on the next version there will be 2 new heroes.. Swordwalker and Chaostator

Man.. your really great thanks for that awesome review.. +REP
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Level 28
Oct 28, 2011
And I only do wall of texts review when I really played deeply into the game

Is that really necessary to mention?


Well as you requested I am here to drop by a short review.

My review might be inaccurate at some points due to the fact that the map is lagging big time on my laptop(the laptop that can handle games like skyrim, farcry etc.) and I have no idea why.

Well I'll start my review on your terrain, there are three battle arena with different type of terrains where you can play and even though one is quite eye-pleasing which is the mysticland the other two just didn't live on the quality of the first one. Helldome's terrain is just too distracting and the redness is just painful for my eyes. I suggest you try some orange models which is available on Outland UTM to at least lower the saturation. Castleground in the other hand is just empty and those large statues are a big distraction for a fast paced game like this I suggest that you scale them down and put something around the floor or maybe use a much better floor model or a better tile.

Next is the gameplay, I really love that your spell depends on your item bonuses on Damage power etc, it gives a lot of strategical option for players and more ways to play all the heroes but unfortunately this where balance issue falls. It is not really possible to make this perfectly balance but I would prefer if you can lower the numbers down for a easier calculations. Instead of playing with the thousand numbers why not scale them down to hundrends? No actually make 100 for damage power and armor and try not to play with HP of around 10,000 - 20,000 and make it around 1,000 - 2-3,000. This makes it a lot more professional and strategical and less of number game.

The hero selector, item selector and the other nice features is a nice touch up and a fresh air for the generic hero selection. I would just prefer if you make a better way to manipulate the camera cause I love to use the arrow keys when i'm just walking around the arena.

I bet you have a plan for future version so I'm leaving it to you. I still can't rate it since I only played 2 games but its a pretty fun experience even though its need a lot of polishing. Good luck.
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Spam Moderator
Level 11
Dec 2, 2012
Hello neo_sluf, at your request, I have tested your map Dueling Ultimate. When I began playing Dueling Ultimate, my expectations of it were high, as you had a nice looking Hive description showing tons of features, including AI. Your screenshots were all very nice looking too. As the loading bar finished loading, I was not dissapointed. The Lich Area was well terrained and I'm a big fan of dialogue buttons for choosing modes. The fullscreen hero selection was awesome, and you gave out all the necessary information required to play the hero well. You had very nice descriptions of the heroes too, showing off how abilities are used and what playstyles are used for the hero. The descriptions had a few grammatical errors, but those were barely noticeable. All of your heroes looked like they had a ton of work put into them. Your quests were nice too but I'm not a fan of mapmakers using abbreviations in any kind of game message. Type out "please", don't just say "pls". After reading the descriptions, I chose the Warknight as my hero and then was greeted by another awesome fullscreen menu: Items! You had so many items, and they were all unique with custom stats, descriptions, and icons. I like the idea of giving the player items but instead of limiting him to his money, just limit him to his inventory space. I didn't understand how the items were grouped at first (I thought it was rows), but I figured it out after awhile. I'm not sure about how balanced the items or heroes are, but I'll just assume. Then I got transported to the arena. I liked your terrain and your AI seemed very good (it was beating me D:) but then the AI just paused in front of me and did nothing other than this slam spell when I just Knight Slash on it and used the potion every twenty seconds. Then after pausing for about forty seconds the AI (Furymaster) turned giant and red and oneshotted me. The second match was better and I used my abilities a lot more and the opponent didn't pause much. I was kind of upset that the opponent used this healing spell and recovered full hp when he was at half, but I managed to defeat him in the end. I was impressed by your AI and the combat mechanics, really like your terrain, and love the fullscreen systems.

neo_sluf, your map is very cool and definitely a change in normal Warcraft 3 gameplay.
I will give you rep and your map a
Level 6
Feb 5, 2012
Thank you guys for the awesome feedbacks and nice suggestions

- I will find more doodads for the castleground but the tile is fit to theme GRAY..
- I will try to make the helldome more orangeish.. but it is supposed to be RED? since its hell
- The terrain for now is not epic since one of my focus is to use less imported doodads as much as possible for map file size sake and the lag it causes.

- I use pls. instead of please for more space. Abbreviating the word makes more space for the other words hope you understand
- If some grammar are wrong sorry cause i am not an english major

Hero Stats
- So sonofjay...
When i first created the game i use 1,000 - 3,000 or hundred numbers only
But remember that i don't use [ex. deals 100 damage] i use [ex. deals 20% damage].. so if i will use only hundreds the percentage i can use at damage will range only from 10 - 30% while if thousand i can use 20 - 80% which give more variety.
But if you think 10,000 hp is imba remember that your enemy can deal damage up to 6,000 (Furymaster can sometime deal 12,000 damage) so its just the same with 1,000 hp and 500 damage. But because i use 8 abilities i need more variation with the damage percentage.

What the heck my enemy can heal 3,000 hp!.. how can i kill him!!
- Remember that every hero has their own way of dealing massive damage.

- If you use Strike on Fear + Destructive Rage + Master Strike (you need 25 Fury Power) and you focus on Damage Power and Combat Mastery you deal up to 16,000 damage.
Level 30
Nov 29, 2012
Actually, I willl say something about the redness of the Helldome. The Redness apart from making it good and gives this hellish feeling into the terrain, there is also a disadvantage such as making it quite unrealistic and terrain that only depends on tinted doodads. You could try using some special effects related to Hellish effects and such..... if this will not lag games though.
Level 6
Feb 5, 2012
Actually, I willl say something about the redness of the Helldome. The Redness apart from making it good and gives this hellish feeling into the terrain, there is also a disadvantage such as making it quite unrealistic and terrain that only depends on tinted doodads. You could try using some special effects related to Hellish effects and such..... if this will not lag games though.

Actually i find few doodads with hellish theme..

About the music i am planning to add one or maybe to use warcraft music to consume less map file size..
Level 7
Jul 1, 2012
Review; - The Good, The Bad and the Suggestions.

Good;- The intro was nice, allowed to pick items and such felt really good.

Bad;- Combat was really weird, I totally dominated as the Necropriest as it took like six spells until I could one hit the target. The other spells did not hit for a jack-shit for me and my enemy who had huge problems as I regenerated more health then he could deal.

Suggestions;- Look over the combat system, I think the damage feels really weird. And as usual, more players being allowed to play and more classes.
Level 6
Feb 5, 2012
Review; - The Good, The Bad and the Suggestions.

Good;- The intro was nice, allowed to pick items and such felt really good.

Bad;- Combat was really weird, I totally dominated as the Necropriest as it took like six spells until I could one hit the target. The other spells did not hit for a jack-shit for me and my enemy who had huge problems as I regenerated more health then he could deal.

Suggestions;- Look over the combat system, I think the damage feels really weird. And as usual, more players being allowed to play and more classes.

Some spells are weak if you don't read it's description.. pls. read the gameplay tips from it.. i understand if first you thought your hero is weak but if you just line up your damage you can easily kill the enemy.

Necropriest is a class which is a DAMAGE + LIFE. He can steal life as well as dealing damage.. but his weakness is he is very fragile and can't deal massive burst unlike Killchaser who can sustain 6,000+ for 5 combos and Furymaster who can sustain 15,000+ with one combo..

- Thank you
Level 7
Jul 1, 2012
Did you read what I said? I dominated as the Necropriest while the one I played against could never damage me as I just regenerated, even when he bursted I took like 15% and just healed & ran away. Casted a few spells like double Ghouls and after like six spells I killed him almost instantly with the poison spells that consumes the debuff my abilities apply.
Level 6
Feb 5, 2012
Did you read what I said? I dominated as the Necropriest while the one I played against could never damage me as I just regenerated, even when he bursted I took like 15% and just healed & ran away. Casted a few spells like double Ghouls and after like six spells I killed him almost instantly with the poison spells that consumes the debuff my abilities apply.

try playing with humans not AI.. if you will still dominate.. but if you still then i will nerf it..
Level 6
Feb 5, 2012
Played with both humans and AI, try it yourself, really easy.

Really?.. did you play it at or Garena?.. or at your place?..

Do you play at garena?.. can we play Dueling Ultimate at garena?..

Well really, i am thinking now how to balance the gameplay cause it is a bit imbalance.. you try also Furymaster and see if it is also imbalance..




I like your system and how items, heroes are chosen. Truly great

But the gameplay reminds me of WoW arena, with some skillshots here and there.
I recommend it for all WoW arena fans, but since I'm not an arena fan, this map isn't for me.