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AbyssGates-like Ability Learning Trigger?

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Level 3
Aug 3, 2008
I don't know how maps like Abyss Gates made it so easy - I've been trying for what feels like forever now in making a system that makes it so that when they would usually learn a new skill, instead of just having one choice they'd have two or three. For example, let's say normally a archer hero would learn their one ultimate spell at level six - at hitting level six, clicking on their ability upgrade would display three different possible ultimates, and after choosing one he could only use and upgrade that choice (the others are gone forever).

I've figured out that Abyss Gates accomplishes this by basically having the "ability upgrade" skill each hero starts with, just redirect players to selecting an upgrade building containing that sells upgrades that both make the hero learn new skills, or level up already-learned ones.

The problem is, I'm mystified by how they made it so that certain upgrades are only available at certain times (for example, at the building the icons for learning ultimates only appear when you hit the level for learning ultimates, and the icon for leveling up your ultimate only appears the level afterwards). The object editor doesn't seem to allow certain upgrades to appear at certain times, so I figure there must be a trigger.

But I've been working on this for a while and haven't found anything that could possibly replicate this effect - even if we have hero levels stored in variables, there doesn't seem to be an obvious way to affect what ability-upgrades are available at the building. And I don't want to convert to an items-ability system. Could anyone give me some tips?
Level 3
Aug 3, 2008
Does anyone know how to do this, or some other ability-choosing system in GUI? This is probably the biggest thing holding my map from release right now, I've been getting everything else done pretty quickly. And this sounds like something useful enough that a lot of mappers must've considered it - heroes choosing their abilities, instead of having preset ones.
Level 7
Jul 1, 2008
Hmm I'm not sure I understand but a hero choosing multiple abilitys instead of the normal 4-5 ones can be done with Spellbooks, but I think its an item ability so not sure thats what you want. Here is Spell book tut:

Spellbook tut

I havnt played Abyss gate so don't know what I'm talking about but they could have got the upgrades to appear at different times by using items and having them triggered when a hero buys them.
Level 3
Aug 3, 2008
This is Abyss Gates: Abyss Gates v1.3 - The Hive Workshop - A Warcraft III Modding Site

Well, by the hero choosing 4-5 abilities, I don't mean them breaking the maximum limit of abilities like you can with a spellbook. What I mean is, when the hero levels up and has an opportunity to learn a new skill, they will choose what their new skill is, rather than just get whatever skill the hero is "supposed" to be getting.

For instance, I want it so in my map, when my Paladin hits level 2, he clicks his level-up ability-button and then sees three possible new skills (ex. armor aura, regen aura, or healing spell). He then clicks on one of those icons, and learns the spell. The others are lost forever. The same would happen at level 6 (except with three new spells), and at other levels until their skillset is full.

I've been trying to figure out a way to do it with items, but the problem is that just -granting- an ability to someone with items doesn't allow them to level up the ability afterwards. Plus, I have to set what levels at which they can upgrade the skill, which is difficult to do with items. The system has to be more complex than them just buying items from a shop, it seems. But I know it's possible to do in an efficient way, since I've seen it in Abyss Gates...
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